Shinomiya x Reader

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A/n: I do not not Kiss Him, Not Me, but I do own YOU! Ok On to the Story Dragons.

2nd person POV

Yes. You have fallen in love with the stuck up first year. You envied Kae Serinuma as he praised her and showed off to her. It might have been weird, but no matter! The way he acted was cute to you. Anyways, you were walking down the hall with your headphones on at full blast listening to your own personal song that you wrote. Your eyes were closed as you walked in beat. What you didn't realize was that your singing had drawn some attention to you.

You went to the roof because no one ever went up there. You usually go there if you want to let out some steam or dance while no ones watching. But this time someone was. You danced to your hearts content, until your song stopped. The boy realized that you were about to leave and rushed down the stairs quickly. Before you left you changed your song into (Fav song).

You started to sing again as the boy started to follow you again. (Stalker much?)

Then he fell. "Ow!"

"Who's there!" you said taking off your headphones.


"Shinomiya! What the hell are you doing?!" he blushed.

"I sh-should be asking w-what you're doing, (y-y/n)!" he stuttered.

He was doing all the things he would do around Kae. 'I don't like (y/n)! I like Serinuma! Right!?' he thought as he ran away.

Shinomiya's POV

Why was I acting like that! (y/n) doesn't usually make me feel like this! Serinuma is the only one for me! Right!? RIGHT!?

There's nothing about her that I could like. She just has a beautiful voice, hair, and eyes. Her music is incredible! She is always calm and never gets angry. She gets all As and... Wait... I'LIKE HER!!!!

3rd POV

Ever since that day, he started to hang out with you more, and his feelings kept growing and growing. Until, one day he decided to confess. He told (y/n) to go to the roof after school. So she did, and when she opened the door he was holding a bouquet of Lilies and kneeling in front of you. It was really cheesy, but she thought it was adorable. She started to heat up realizing what was going on and became nervous, along with Shinomiya. He got over it, bowed his head, and spoke.

"(Y/n), we-we've been h-hanging out for a while s-so I want t-to ask you. Wouldyougoonadatewithme!"

"What?" she asked, blushing even harder.

He took a deep breath and said it again, "I said, Will you go out with me?" 

(Y/n) started to tear and tackled Shinomiya in a hug, causing him to let go of the Lilies.


She then kissed him, surprising him. He soon melted into it. When you parted for air he ahad a big goofy smile on his face.

"I've always wanted to do that."

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