Chapter 1

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Hi, everyone! I'm back! I wasn't exactly planning to write another story here on Wattpad, but we all change our minds about some things eventually, right? Since a lot people loved "Wicked Love", I thought I'd write another Marlos story.

Read, enjoy, vote, and comment, if you wish. I appreciate feedback, always. It helps me keep going. (Just don't say "update please", please)

The first few chapters will take place on the Isle of the Lost. The rest of the story will follow the story of Descendants 2.

Mal was up to her usual antics on the Isle of the Lost. She was stealing trinkets, playing practical jokes on other villain kids, and defacing other people's property with her signature "Long Live Evil" graffiti.

When your mother is the most feared on the Isle, it's easy to walk through the streets and do whatever you want. No one would dare stand in your way.

After dunking a man's head into a barrel of water, Mal notices something unusual not too far from her position.

She can see Carlos, spray-painting on the wall of a warehouse. He appeared to be trying to mimic Mal's "Long Live Evil" graffiti, except it was of his mother, Cruella De Vil.

"Pathetic," Mal said, not impressed by Carlos' mediocre spray-painting skills.

Mal walks up to the white-haired tech prodigy to confront him about his mediocrity.

"You are pathetic," she said.

Startled, Carlos loses grip of the spray paint bottle and ends up juggling it, trying to regain his grip on it. He turns around and sees Mal, one hand on her hip and a smirk on her face.

"Well, we can't all be artists," said Carlos.

"You know, I was wondering what happened to my red, black, and white spray paint," said Mal. "I guess a certain little mutt decided to sneak into my house and steal them."

Mal slowly walks closer to Carlos with a grave look on her face, frightening the younger boy. With every step she takes, he takes a step backwards.

"I-I-I j-j-just wanted to give it a sh-shot," Carlos stuttered. "Evie and Jay did it. Why can't I?"

"I don't mind that you want to follow my footsteps, but I do mind someone stealing from me," said Mal.

Carlos felt his back hit a wall. To his right, there was an alley with a tall wooden wall in the way. To his left was an open area. Before he can make a run for it, Mal slams her hand on the, blocking his left.

"C'mon, Mal. We're friends, aren't we?" Carlos asked nervously.

"I don't have friends," said Mal. "The only reason I let you hang out with me is because Evie wouldn't join my gang unless I invited you. Just because we run these streets together now, it doesn't mean I have to play nice with you."

Carlos gulped nervously as Mal leaned closer in order to show him how ticked off she is. He swear he can see her eyes glowing green.

"I know you like this whole up-close-and-personal thing, but this is a little too close," said Carlos as he began to sweat.

"Aww, does it make you uncomfortable?" Mal teased.

"Kind of, yeah," said Carlos.

"What if I come closer?" Mal said teasingly.

Carlos tried to avoid eye contact, but Mal just turned his face so he can look at her. She was awfully close to him. He looked to his right and decided to take his chance with the wall, but Mal slammed her other hand to the wall, blocking his right.

"You're not going anywhere," said Mal.

"You want me beg, I'll beg," said Carlos, pleading for her to stop "torturing" him.

"I don't want you to beg. I want you to feel uncomfortable," said Mal.

Mal slowly leans closer until her lips made contact with his. Carlos squirmed, but he couldn't escape. As the seconds ticked by, he started to calm down for some reason.

After the kiss, Mal wears a sinister smirk on her face while Carlos looks stunned.

"Still uncomfortable?" Mal asked.

"Very," said Carlos.

Mal raised an eyebrow, sensing both honesty and dishonesty in his words.

"Why do I get the feeling that you enjoyed that?" She said.

"Is it wrong for me to say that you're a good kisser?" asked Carlos.

In response, Mal softly slaps Carlos in the cheek and playfully pinches his nose.

"Don't steal from me again. I'm serious," she warned him.

Mal grabs her spray paint bottles and goes home, leaving Carlos dumbfounded by what just happened. He touches his lips as he watches her walk away. He knew she was just messing with him, but why didn't he feel as uncomfortable as he should be? His chest was beginning to ache, but in a good way.

What is this, he asked himself.

What do you think? Good start. If you do comment, don't just tell me to update. Don't be afraid to compliment the story.

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