Chapter 5

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Evie and Jay were standing outside Dragon Hall, just leaning back on the wall. Evie pretended to look at an invisible watch on her wrist as she sighs.

"Where is she?" asked Jay. "Didn't she say she'll meet us after school?"

"She did," said Evie. "She's probably off hanging out with Carlos."

"What is it with those two lately?" asked Jay. "Why'd they become tight all of a sudden?"

"Mal told me that Carlos made her paint grenades," said Evie. "I guess when you give Mal something that can create art and destruction at the same time, you're immediately her best friend."

"Should we make her something art-related or something?" suggested Jay.

"I think we should both go home and let those two artists work their, well, art," said Evie.

~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ ROTTEN TO THE CORE ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~

Meanwhile, at Gaston's Duels Without Rules, an explosion goes off. Mal and Carlos exit the store with an angry Gaston covered in green paint cursing at them.

The teenage couple hid in an alley and laughed together, celebrating their latest prank.

"Man, did you see the look on his face when he realized what he was holding was a grenade?" started Mal.

"I know. I wish I had a camera," said Carlos.

"Um, hey, you got a little paint on your lip," said Mal.

Carlos touches his lip and finds his fingers covered in green paint.

"You got a little green on your lips too," said Carlos.

Mal touches her lips and realizes that it's covered in green paint as well.

"Don't worry. I got a napkin," said Carlos, reaching into his pocket.

Unexpectedly, Mal puts her lips on Carlos. They both end up covering each other's lips with more green paint. Despite the awful taste, Carlos enjoyed it.

"You're looking a little more green," said Carlos.

"Wanna get greener?" asked Mal.

"Yes, but not out here," said Carlos, fearing someone might see them.

~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ ROTTEN TO THE CORE ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~

Twenty minutes later...

Mal sits down on Cruella's dressing table, knocking all of the villainess' makeup supplies down to the floor. She and Carlos kissed with so much intensity that Mal takes off her jacket and puts Carlos' hand around her waist.

"I still think I'm too young for this," said Carlos, escaping from the kiss.

"We're villain kids, Carlos. Should we care?" asked Mal.

"I do see your point," said Carlos.

Mal reunites her lips with Carlos'. They kept on kissing until Mal fell off the dressing table and falls on her back. Instead of complaining about pain, she just laughs, as did Carlos.

"I think this is going a little too far," said Carlos.

"We spent one night together. We're far from too far," said Mal.

Mal puts her arms around Carlos and pulls him down as she rolls on the floor. The rolling ends with Mal on top of Carlos. They kiss again while embracing each other.

"I feel like I'm trapped," said Carlos.

"Hey, I'm the one in your mother's dressing room," Mal pointed out, giggling.

"I still can't believe this is happening," said Carlos.

"Well, it happened," said Mal. "And we're both happy about it. Aren't you happy?"

"All I can say is that I never thought anything could top meeting Evie as the best part of my life," said Carlos.

"Meeting her was best part of your life until now?" asked Mal.

"First friend and all," said Carlos.

"And what am I to you?" asked Mal.

"My first... gi-gir-gir-girlfriend," stuttered Carlos.

For saying the G word, Carlos gets a brief kiss on the lips as a reward.

~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ ROTTEN TO THE CORE ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~

Mal was on her way to meet up with Evie at Castle Across The Way. Unbeknownst to her, many people were staring at her because she was skipping with a big smile on her face. She stopped when she saw a sad little girl looking up at a doll on the roof.

"Hey, what's the matter, little one?" asked Mal.

The little girl backed away in fear.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you," said Mal. "Is that your doll up there?"

"Yes," said the girl. "Some mean boys threw it up there."

"Worry not. I'll get it for you," said Mal.

Mal climbs up a pile of crates that allows her to reach the roof. She grabs the doll and jumps back down to the ground. She gives the doll back to the girl.

"Thank you," said the girl. "I never thought you'd ever do something nice."

As the girl walked off, Mal dropped her smile as she thought about the last word the girl said to her. Nice.

First, she saved a boy from getting bullied. Now, she gives a girl back her doll. Why is she being so nice lately?

Why do you think Mal's being so nice lately?

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