Chapter 11

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I'd like to apologize in advance to Marlos fans for this chapter. You'll see why.

It's my birthday today, just so you know.

It was time for the Royal Cotillion. The grand event takes place on the royal yacht. All the students of Auradon Prep are dressed in their finest tuxedos and dresses. The girls' dresses are compliments of Evie, of course.

Everyone was gathered on the deck, waiting for the King and his Lady of the Court to arrive.

Evie was chatting with some of the students, her arm wrapped around Doug's while she does, until she saw Carlos leaning on the railing all by himself. Evie decided to leave Doug and check on her friend.

"Hey," she greeted him.

"Hey," he greeted her.

"No date tonight?" asked Evie.

"Uh, no. I'm going solo," said Carlos.

"Is this is about Mal?" guessed Evie.

Carlos was surprised to hear this. Judging by the tone of Evie's voice and the half-smile on her face, he can guess what she was thinking.

"You saw us kiss, didn't you?" guessed Carlos.

"On the Isle and after we left you two alone earlier," answered Evie. "Is there something you two are not telling us?"

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" asked Carlos.

"Promise," said Evie, crossing her fingers behind her back.

"I can see that, you know," said Carlos.

"Just tell me," said Evie.

Carlos puts his hands in his pockets as he prepared to tell Evie the truth.

"Back when we lived on the Isle, Mal and I used to date," said Carlos.

Evie gasped, shocked.

"Why didn't you tell us?" She asked.

"Uh, because love is forbidden on the Isle," reminded Carlos. "We had to keep our relationship a secret."

"How long?" asked Evie.

"A few weeks," said Carlos.

"So, who broke up with who, and why?" asked Evie.

"Mal broke up with me, because being in love was making her nice. She didn't want that," said Carlos. "It hurt the way she ended things between us, but I've been trying to move on."

"But you haven't," said Evie.

"I thought I had, but when I came back to the Isle for her, I realized that I haven't," said Carlos. "Now, she wants to run away with me."

"And yet, she's here," said Evie.

"I did tell her to give Ben a chance," said Carlos. "Whether she wants to admit it or not, she loves him. We're both here just to find out how what she chooses."

"I think you mean who," said Evie.

Carlos couldn't help but smile and laugh a little. He couldn't deny it.

"Do you really love her?" asked Evie.

"With all my heart," said Carlos. "But this is more than just about Ben. Auradon needs Mal as a Lady of the Court. I can't rob this kingdom of someone who, no doubt, is going to change everything for the better, in her own way."

"Can't argue with you there," said Evie.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Lumiere spoke up. "The future Lady Mal!"

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