Chapter 1.2: The Origin of My Wizarding Side of the Family

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Oh look, I'm back with my prologue-like chapter.

Okay,'ve heard them or at least, seen them once (They dressed up as muggles in disguise, so yeah...)

Let me give you a history check about the wizarding world.

So, it all started with the mother of magic, Hecate (which she is my 10x great grandmother), blessed four mortals who saved her in four different situations (Andrew told me that it was some kind of tests, but I like to think she's playing with them).

First, she blessed Godric Gryffindor, at that time was 17 years old,  who fought the perverts who were trying to rape Hecate (I mean, come on, she's a GODDESS, she should've handled the situation with a flick of her wrist!) and led her to his home to stay for the night to avoid the accident again. Grateful for his courageousness and hospitality, she blessed him with the magic of a lion (you know, wild, reckless, brave, and stuff), and his sword to destroy any means of dark magic.

Second was Helga Hufflepuff, fact, she was friends with Hecate and surprisingly, Demeter, in disguised of a mortal. Helga was a loyal, hardworking, animal-loving, a farmer, and a herbalist at that time, so one day, some random kids from her neighborhood were trying to destroy her plants and kidnapped her pets. At that time, Helga, Hecate, and Demeter were there, so those kids were stupid enough to anger three ladies, to which two are goddesses. Helga stopped the brats, (Gods, I'm sounding like Mr. D) and said brats insulted her and her friends which resulted a lot of scolding and a hard smack on the head, from destroying her hard work and kidnapping her friends, and sent them home with a letter to each parents of the kids. Moved by her loyalty, justice, and love for both plants and animals; the two goddesses blessed the blonde woman with the powers over earth and the magic of a badger.

Third was Rowena Ravenclaw, okay...the story for that is that Hecate was offended by a mortal (My gods, this is why we have so many monsters today! The gods should stop being dramatic giant babies! *thunders rumbled*) named Delaney, which if you guessed it, is an Irish witch. Delaney was a talented witch, one of the powerful in her village and her family is the purer of all pureblood family, so, as any mortals would do, she insulted Hecate saying: "Why would they worshiped a non-existent goddess of magic when they have the REAL goddess of magic in the flesh?". As you expected, Hecate was pissed, and she was at the verge of turning her into an immortal monster, when (thankfully), stopped the goddess with her wits and intelligence by talking her out of the scenario. Delaney was didn't go unnoticed without a punishment, so instead of Hecate punishing the Irish witch, Rowena cast curse on Delaney that her husband will be muggle, to break the lineage, and that her descendants will be squibs, making her and her family the laughing stock of the purist village. As a gratitude, Hecate blessed the dark-haired witch with the gift of knowledge to all magic, and diadem made from the purest of sapphires.

Last was Salazar Slytherin...I'm going to skip some details (Trust me, the story was turned to a book, and that was for Salazar Slytherin ONLY), let's just say...he punished some bullies, took care of a basilisk, pranked his abusive relatives, fulfilled his goals, and Hecate blessed the man with the magic of a snake, to which gave him the powers to talk to any kind of snakes (To what we called Parseltongue, also he's a pureblood).

So, after that: years later, they met, became best buds, dreaming of creating a magical school, building said magical school, tons of children went to said school, then ya da ya da. my dad's side, his family were a mixture of purebloods and half-bloods, and it all started with The Three Peverell Brothers. So, in short, I'm a distant relative to Voldy and Harry! (Okay, the family tree that I made is half-canon and half-fanon. Also, it's a pdf file, so pm me if u want to see it! It took me a whole day to finished it...) but mostly Voldy. 

Ever since my distant cousin, Harry Potter, the others and I went to Hogwarts...things got a little odd in the past 6 years. Like, is it me, or does Harry attracted more trouble in Hogwarts than me?

Here's the list of odd things in school:

1st Year: We protected the Philosopher Stone from ex-Professor Quirrell with Volds at the back of his head.

2nd Year: 3 words, Chamber of Secrets

3rd Year: For once, this has nothing to do with Voldy, well there's his Thanatos Eaters, but no Voldy. Just a crazy guy/ex-murderer, Sirius Black, who is the godfather of Har-Har, escaped, and we thought said crazy guy was trying to kill said 13 year old, but instead, said crazy guy was trying to kill the dude who betrayed them. Also, there's the whole Dementors and Professor Lupin being a werewolf fiasco.

4th Year: 2 words, Triwizard Tournament

5th Year: Long story short, Harry was sent to the court, Umbitch became our professor in DADA, everything went to Hades 'cause of the Cedric accident, secret club, and more.

Now, I'm sure that something big is going to happen, like our 6th year. Something that will change our lives forever.

Boy, did I jinxed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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