Chapter 1: Maternal Instincts

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Tokyo Japan: 13 Years ago:

                   "Don't worry you're safe now, he's gone." The soft voice came through like a slow melody amidst the chaos. The woman looked down at the small boy her arms stretched over him like a shield. She felt warm, her arms were safe. "I'll stay as long as you want but when you're ready, why don't you come with me?" She smiled holding the boy as he shook under her. "Its alright, you're safe now.... shh....." She began humming a soft melody in his ear as he cried.

                  His whole world was gone, and so young, his mother, the only shield he knew was dead. Now here she was this new protector. The melody continued as she wrapped her arms around him slowly shifting to sit up crossing her legs. After a few moments, the boy picked his head off the carpeted floor and crawled over, laying his head on her lap.

                   He could barely keep his eyes open and they were red and puffy from his crying. She watched as his once chocolate brown eyes flickered and burned with a brilliant blue as though he was being born anew. in some ways, she supposed he was. The transformation had to be excruciating, but she knew his tears weren't from physical pain. Although barely old enough to remember yet he still felt the emptiness.

                   "No rush at all little one...." The boy looked up slightly into the woman's eyes, they were blue as well, glowing. He felt like she was... the same. Slowly he pulled himself up to his feet...

"I'm ready...." He said. The woman smiled ushering him out the door and helped him into her car.

                    It took them about 20 minutes to get to her house, it was a fairly large one. The young boy looked on in astonishment. The woman put the car in park got out and walking around opening the door for the for him. "Hold on, I'll be right back." She said before disappearing into the house.

                    Moments later she came back with a girl who looked to be about the boys age, her eyes were hazel, and her short hair was pulled back in a ponytail. The girl had a smile on her face as she walked out to the car. The woman stopped her for a moment and the boy could see them talking.

After a moment the girl nodded and came up to the door looking him over.

                     The boy's eyes trailed over the girl at the same time. "I'm Himari.' She said with a bright smile. The boy blinked and muttered for a moment as if trying to find his words.

"I'm.... Kai...." They boy said in shaky words. The girl tilted her head and smiled turning a bit.

"Hey mom, his name is Kai!" The woman smiled and nodded as the girl turned back. "Well Kai, welcome to our home, which, I guess is your home too now." She stepped out of the car holding out her hand and the boy took it gently climbing out. She lead him over to the woman.

                      "I hope you don't mind, I just thought it might be easier for you to talk to my daughter." The boy looked up to the woman and tilted his head. Smiling, she nodded and lead them into the house. Once inside she turned back to the girl.

                      "Show him the extra room, and make sure it has the blackout curtains ok, I think he's the same as me but, even my eyes are sensitive."

The girl nodded and hurried off up the staircase at the center of the hall. "Go ahead and go with her, it's alright." She smiled and the boy nodded following the girl.

                      Once upstairs he just leaned on the wall while she worked.

"Hey, are you just going to sit there like a bump on a log?"

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