Chapter 3

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Dimitri above!
Calm down Anika! I was trying to give myself a pep talk and calm my nerves a bit. I was terrified of what will happen at my first day of college. I got ready and ate my cornflakes. I preferred eating something light because the way I was feeling I thought I would throw up anytime. Soon enough a honking sound echoed in front of my house and I knew it was Dimitri. I went out with a small smile on my face.

"Morning beautiful." Dimitri said smirking.

"Good morning." I waved at him, my cheeks turning pink. Oh God this boy knows how to make me nervous. I hopped in the car and he sped off.

"So are you ready for your first day at college?"

"Not really. I'm very nervous right now."

"Don't be. Everyone will warm up to you,don't worry."

"What if I'm not able to adjust with others and they find me weird? What if I don't make any friends?" I asked worried. My nerves were getting the best of me.

"Hey hey hey don't be nervous beautiful. Besides you have me. I'll take care of you."

"Thank you." I said. His words really calmed me down.

We arrived at college 30 min. early. We took my new schedule and then Dimitri showed me my new locker. A group of girls was glaring at me and I understood that it was because of Dimitri. I came to know that he is one of the most popular guys here. But honestly it was no surprise. A guy like him would have a reputation at any institution. And of course all the girls were swooning over him. If it wasn't for my parents Dimitri wouldn't even spare a glance at my way. But here he was, helping me to adjust to this new college and leading me to my class.

"Here.... this your mathematics class. I'll meet you at lunch. Don't be nervous okay."

"Thank you Dimitri! Thank you so much! If it wasn't f or you, I would have got lost in the hallways crying my eyes out that I don't know anyone." I said.

"No need to thank me Anika. I'm your friend and friends are supposed to help each other." He gave me a warm smile. I nodded and waved at him goodbye and entered my class. I sat at the very back of the class where no one would notice me easily.

A blonde girl made her way over to me and sat beside me.

"Hi! I'm Ashley Dobrev."

"Hey! I'm Anika Greene."

"So you are the new girl everyone is talking about!"

WHAT! Everyone is talking about me!

"Why are they talking about me?" I asked confused. What have I done?

"Well it is not a daily occurrence for Dimitri Lopez to tag along with a girl." Ashley said.

"Seriously?" I was shocked. He doesn't talk to girls!

"Yes seriously! So that's why most of them are jealous of you."

"Oh so you are not jealous of me then?" I asked in a playful tone.

"No girl..... popular guys aren't my type. I like you already Ani.

"It's nice having someone to talk to..... Thanks Ashley!"

"No problem Ani.... Call me Ash." She said smiling widely at me.

I'm so happy I made a new friend. Ashley has all the classes with me for which I'm really excited.

We made our way to the canteen where we spotted Dimitri sitting with a bunch of  other guys. As soon as he saw us he called us over to where he was. Dimitri smiled widely at me and greeted Ashley. She blushed a little.

"Hey Ash what happened to popular guys aren't my type huh!" I teased her.

"Shut up you!" she said turning pink. I laughed at her.

"How was your day Anika?" Dimitri asked.

"It was good! I even made a friend..... her name is Ashley!" I squealed tilting my head towards Ashley. Dimitri chuckled at my reaction and shook Ashley's hand. She turned a bright shade of red when Dimitri took her appearance in and nod in approval. Oh Boy! I know Ash has a crush on Dimitri.

Dimitri introduced us to his friends who were also very attractive. Oh boy.... this place is full of supermodels! The blonde guy with Hazel eyes is Ian and the one that looks like Edward Cullen is Adrian. They are Dimitri's best friends. A girl with red hair made her way over to us while Ashley fidgeted on her seat.

"Hi Dimitri! I have some work to discuss with you regarding students' council, so will you come to my place after college?" she asked in a seductive tone.

"No Eva, not today. I'm not free. Maybe some other time." with that he dismissed Eva and we continued chatting. Ian and Adrian are also nice. They are a good company.

When we made our way to the class after lunch break, I asked Ashley about Eva.

"She is the queen bee around here! She is the dream of every boy. Nikki, Emily and Lily are her minions. She has her eyes set for one boy!" she said annoyed.

"Dimitri!" I whisphered. She nodded.

Rest of the day went peacefully. Dimitri offered to drop Ashley home on our way back. I didn't give her a chance to answer and dragged her along with me. Well I like to play Cupid!

The days went by normally. Ash and Dimitri were getting along well but Dimitri was yet to show any signs of attractiom towards Ash. Eva threw a glare towards me and Ashley everytime she got a chance.

Today it was announced in the class that we will go and visit a certain plantation which has almost all types of flowers. The picture they showed us of the plantation was magical. Different colors of flowers at same place.... it was WOW!

Me, Ashley, Dimitri, Ian and Adrian have planned to click many pictures at the plantation because it's not an everyday thing to visit such a beautiful place.


It was 6 in the evening when Dimitri came to my house in a very foul mood. He looked tense and very much worked up.

"Hey Dimitri, What's the matter? What happened?"

"It's Eva."

"What did she do?" I asked worried.

"She didn't do anything Ani."

"Then what happened? Just tell me already!"

"I was returning from market and saw 4 boys trying to molest Eva."

"Oh my God! is she alright?" I cannot believe this. How pathetic can boys be.

"Yes, she is fine now. Those boys left as soon as they saw me. But the thing that disturbs me so much is what Eva told me."

"What did she tell you? Oh God Dimitri you are scaring me!"

"She said that it is the way everyone treats her. Like a slut. Everyone tries to be with her because of her popularity, wealth and beauty. She told me that she doesn't have a single true friend. She acts like a spoilt girl to keep people away from her. Se trusts people very easily but mostly boys use it against her, just to get in her pants. She needs a true friend Anika and I have decided that I'll be her friend. I'll protect her. So I came here to tell you that we'll be meeting a lot less from now but that doesn't change our friendship." Dimitri explained.

"Well that's a lot to take in! But you are doing the right thing Dimitri. Eva confided in you which means she trusts you..... so you should help her. I'll tell Ashley about it." I said. I completely understand where is coming from. After all I also thought she is our college slut. I think she really needs a true friend.
                          ~    ~    ~
English is not my first language! Your suggestions are welcome. Please do tell me what do you think about this story.
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