The Crash Aftermath

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The last thing I remember was mark saying "we're  meant to be" and me repeating that. After that everything went black.

I open my eyes to find that I'm in a hospital. Not just any hospital. Seattle Grace. How did I get here? I try turning my head and I hear a voice. It's not just any voice though. It's my sister, Meredith's voice.
"Easy there, take it slow Lexie." I follow her instructions "You're okay?" I cry. She nods and I speak up again "Where's Mark and Arizona and Derek and Cristina?" "Mark went to go and get some coffee, Cristina isn't doing so well, Derek's hand is in serious jeopardy and Arizona..." she looks down. I can tell something  is wrong so I speak "Mer? Is she dead?" "No but she had to get her leg amputated. It had a serious infection and Callie did everything she could to save it but it didn't work."

"Okay,so how long was I out?" I ask worried "Lex, you've been out for a month and a half" she continues "Mark hasn't left your side at all unless it's to get food and he broke up with Julia. Derek and I have been visiting you every day and night with Zola." I cry "Zola, how is she?" "She's good! She has been wondering why aunt Lexie has been sleeping for so long though?" Meredith chuckles.

Mark walks in "Lexie! You're awake!" He drops his coffee and runs to me with the biggest smile "I've missed you so much and I love you so so so much...please don't ever do that to us again! Don't scare I like that!" He says while kissing my forehead and cheeks multiple times. I finally respond "mhmm...don't worry, you guys can't get rid of me that easily" I say with a smirk "and I love you too Mark" he smiles.

Dr Bailey walks in with a smile on her face "Welcome back, Little Grey! We've missed your perkiness around here" I reply returning the smile "Thank You Dr Bailey!" She starts checking my chart and makes sure everything is okay. "Well Lexie, I have some good news" she starts off. I reply "yeah?" "You can get discharged first thing tomorrow morning but you start physical therapy tonight!" Mark speaks up "Are you sure? You made sure her stats are fine? EVERYTHING is fine?" Dr Bailey glares and replies in a monotone "Yes Dr Sloan, I do know how to do my job!" "Yes ma'am!" He says which made me giggle. He turns to
look at me "God, I've missed that giggle!"

*Marks POV*

She woke up!
The love of my life woke up!

A little while after Bailey leaves, Derek walks in with Zola "Welcome back Lexi we've missed you and someone here just couldn't wait to see you any more!" He says with a smile.
Zola runs up to Lexi "Aunty Lex!" She says with the biggest smile "I missed you so much and I missed playing with you! Why did you sleep for so long?"
Lexie replies in her baby voice "Hey Zozo! I've missed you way more princess!" Zola giggles at her nickname which makes me smile and Lexi continues "I was really really realllyyy tired and I didn't have any energy to wake up"
Zola thinks for a bit and replies "okay, I get it but please don't do it again" she says in a sad voice "I really missed you!" "I missed you too Princess Zo! And I promise I won't"
I smiled again.
Lexie is so good with kids.
I hope we can have our own one day.



I'm around the corner from Lexie's room to fetch her so that we can go home and I hear her screaming her lungs out. I run as fast as I can.

When I get there, her eyes are closed but she is shaking and still screaming. She's having a nightmare. I try hold her still and call her name a few times "Lexie! Lex! Calm down! I'm here, I'm holding you and I won't leave you! Please wake up! Lex, I need you to wake up!" She opens her eyes crying and I pull her closer to me trying to calm her down "Shhh don't worry, you were having a nightmare." I kiss her forehead waiting for her to stop shaking.

After a stops. I speak up "Are you ready to go home Lex?" She looks up at me with a smile "Yeah, let's get out of here."
I help her get in her wheelchair and we're finally out of that room.

When we get out of the lift we see April, Jackson, Meredith, Derek, Bailey and Webber standing there with balloons and cheering Lexie on. I smile and look at Lexie who is also smiling at them. They hand me the balloons and I continue wheeling her to the car.

We're in the car now. Lexi speaks up "Mark, before we leave I have a question." I reply "I'm all ears Lex!" She smiles "So what exactly are we?" I turn to look at her "Lexie I've been a dumb guy in the past and I've lost you twice because of it. I love you so much and I promise to be the perfect guy for you if you will give me one more chance. I almost lost you forever and I can't ever put myself in a situation like that ever again. Please will you give me one more chance Lex? I promise it will be worth it!" She smiles at me "Of course I'll give you another chance Mark and I love you too and I always will, I'm infected by you remember?" She chuckles. I lean it and give her a kiss. This kiss isn't like the ones I've had with other people. With her it's different. It's like my entire body is on fire. I'm in love with her.

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