Chapter One

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I was sitting in Miss Smith's class. I new kid walked in. I knew this was going to suck for him. First block is English. He sat next to me I wasn't surprised. It was me or Johnny who picks his nose and wipes it on everyone. Than I felt this short pain in my back. The kid kept poking me I was getting pretty mad. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't any longer.



"Really? That is what you wanted to say?"

"Yeah I am a new kid I would like to have a conversation with someone today."

"Well don't poke them so they get all mad!"

"Sorry"he looked at the ground.

"Well I am Anna Johnson."

"Harry. Harry Styles"

"Imma call you Styles."he snickered and Miss Smith death glared at me.

"Miss Johnson would you like a detention"

"No ma'am. "

"Your acting like you would."

"I am communicating is that what you wanted last week me not to work alone and actually talk to others and share ideas?"

"Are you useing my words against me?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Detention."I graoned and smacked my head on the table. Mr. Mel is going to kill me for being late for football practice. I really need to work on aiming at the top right. Once the period was over I rushed to choir which was in the other building. Once I got there I sat next to Harry again.

"Styles! What up buddy."he smiled those dimples they remind me of my mum. She is always smiling and flashing her smile.

"Hi. Anna right?"

"Yup. So here are the lyrics to our song that we are singing I got to pick it so yeah classic rock song."he smiled. I handed him the lyrics to Drift Away by Uncle Kracker.

We sang it for our Rock N Roll night. Some people were very shaky and then there was Harry who hit every note perfectly like what the fuck is he in an boy band?

I walked to my next class chemistry. Stacy my best friend was there. She always messed with the chemicals and we were always partners.

Next class was Maths. I was a whiz at this Harry was in that class but he was in the way back. I always could solve an equation in minutes.

Next was lunch yay food. Than was physical education. I am pretty good at all the things we do except for tennis and push ups. Last period was social studies. The reason why most people sleep but I had Styles in my class so I guess that didn't matter once again we sat next to each other.

I walked into the detention room which was Miss Smith's room. I sat there reading my book. Than I got called I guess Stacy bailed me out again. I smiled. I ran out to the feild. The black and white ball was rolling around everywhere yes we haven't started it yet. I ran out and the coach came minutes later. We started to run.

Once practice was over I walked home with Stacy because she is my neighbor. I race Stacy to the frozen yogurt stand not far away. I ran into someone.

"Oh I am sorry. Here are your glasses."I look up it is Styles.

"Wow we seem to run into each other a lot."

"You have glasses."


"So cool."I saw Stacy coming up to us. "Got to go this buttmunch thinks she is better than me ha. Bye Styles love the glasses."I ran off and Stacy tackled me.

"So you and the new kid huh huh"she wiggled her eyebrows I laughed.

"Buttmunch he is my friend. We have a bunch of classes together."

"Sure"she rolls her eyes and drags me into the store.

I smiled as we walked inside. Oh the sweet smell of fro yo. I grabbed a bunch of chocolate scoops. I sat cross legged on the chair gobbling down the chocolate scoops with all the toppings. I felt the ice cream on my face. Stacy wipped my face.

"Aw I know we have a chicmance but this is disgusting how messy you are."

"ARE YOU CALLING ME UGLY?"I screamed in the middle of the store. Everyone looked at me weird. Stacy dragged me out of the store with our fro yo. She giggled and waited for her dad to pick us up.

"Dad... ok... yes I know... but Anna... dad she... ok love you... bye."

"What about me?"

"You have to call your mom. My dad is driving my brother and his friends to rugby tryouts. I am so so sorry Anna. "

"Ok it's cool. I am fine." her dad came and picked her up. My mom said she couldn't pick me up but I wasn't going to tell Stacy that I said she is coming when she left. Once they were out of sight I left.

I walked down the streets but being London it of course rains.

"You have got to be kidding!"I yell at the sky. A car comes by and splashes me. Another car pulls up and it is Harry.

"Need a ride?"he asked.

"Kinda"I said with a cheeky smile.

"Jump in."I did so. I was making his leather seat all wet. I gave him my address and he drives towards it. A song comes on and I flip.

"Oh my shiz this is my favourite band!"I yell.

"Uh."he starts laughing.

"Sorry I am a weird fangirl when I hear Plain White T's. I just love this song. Hey there Delilah whats it like in New York City im a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do times square can't shine as bright as you you know its true." we pull up to my house.

"Sorry to cut your voice off but is this the house." I smiled.

"Yup,"I sighed."mums sometimes. Bye Styles thanks so much for the ride I'll pay for the seat."

"Bye Anna."I ran out into my house.

"Anna I need a drink can you get it for me."

"Pop or water?"

"Water and once Mark arrives we have news."

"Your breaking up?"I said a little to happy.

"No not at all."I quietly sigh. I run downstairs to the basement where my room is and take a shower. I shaved my legs.

I hum to Hey There Delilah and 1,2,3,4 by the Plain White T's.

I get out and brush my blue tangled hair. I put sweats and a plain white tee. I walked upstairs to the kitchen Mark was there and of course his daughter Shay the most popular girl in school. He and my mum were making out. I cleared my throat. They looked at me.

"Anna, Shay, I am pregnant!"

"Dad! You guys met three months ago."Shay yells whipping her blond hair everywhere.

"Mum your such a slut ew."I yelled. I ran to my room and locked the door.

I don't want Mark in my family nor Shay and my new baby brother or sissy. I am fine with my mum. After mum and dad divorced we did fine than she met Mark three months ago. There relationship moves fast. I took out my guitar and played songs all night. Untill I felt like I was drifting away. I can't believe my mum is doing this to me.

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