Chapter 2

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My eyes opened and all of the wounds from last night suddenly scowled at me.I groaned in agony.There was an old television set right in front of me.My assailant was sitting on a chair next to me, eating a variety of food items placed on a small table in front of him.He was eating haphazardly as if he had been hungry for days.There was a comedy movie playing on the tv, and unlike last night, my assailant seemed cheerful and happy.I tried to get up from the chair when I realized I had been tied to the chair I was sitting on. I tried force breaking the rope at first but it was strong enough and also the knot was just too tight. My assailant understood my discomfort as he wished me a 'Good morning' with a smug smile on his face.

 A few minutes later, I started agitating the rope vigorously while I stared at him, not in an attempt to break it but to express my anger. My assailant didn't bother at all as he just kept on munching his food and laughed as he enjoyed the movie. By now, the animals in my stomach too had started roaring in anger. " I want food," I screamed at him after a while.He just looked at me, turned back to the tv and continued watching the movie. A few minutes later, he got off his chair, went to the washroom and returned with a napkin, drying his washed palms. Then, he removed a gun tucked between his waist and his jeans.Using the same napkin for polishing the gun, he slowly walked up to me.I started panicking.He picked up the small table containing all his half-eaten food and placed it right in front of me.Then untying my hands, he gestured me to eat that food and sat back on his chair with the gun pointing at me. If not for my tied legs, I would've kicked the table right then. I almost puked even thinking about eating it.             

"There's no way I am eating that," I said looking disgustingly at the leftover food. "Then I suppose, you're going to have to stay hungry for the whole day," he said very calmly and tied me up again. He went into the kitchen with the food and returned after a few seconds. His face looked too calm, totally opposite to what it looked like last night."Do you need to go to the toilet now?" , he asked me. "What do you mean by now?" , I blurted out. "I am leaving for work.And you'll be tied the whole day.So you know, either now or in the night.One of the very few decisions you can take in this house ", he guffawed scratching his head with the gun."But you can't do this to me.I mean..." 

"I can do whatever I want," he interrupted with a calm tone and intense eyes, suggestive of his anger."You see this gun.I can make a stammerer to sing, and I can make a cripple to dance if I want, using this thing.So, don't you dare doubt about me controlling your bowel movements, because trust me, I can fucking tell you when to shit and pee". I didn't utter a word.I just stared into his fiery eyes.They seemed like they had gone through a lot.The pain that he was inflicting on me was probably the outcome of all the pain he had had to bear. "This thing's got power, buddy ..This thing's got a lot of power", he smiled, staring at his gun. "So, you want to use the toilet now?" , his anger had subsided by now, and his voice decibel levels had also returned back to normal.I nodded in affirmation.He quickly untied my hands and asked me to untie my legs while his gun aimed at me the entire time. I entered the toilet.It was very dark.There wasn't even a window inside.I asked him to turn on the lights to which he replied, "You in there to shit or read?"

After I came out, he told me to sit back on the chair.Then throwing a rope near me, he told me to tie my legs to the chair and made sure the knot was tight.He then told me to place my hands behind my back and tied them. Finally, he checked if the rope tying my legs was strong and once convinced, he ambled towards the door, opened the door but suddenly stopped and turned around." You might wonder why you are going through all this.But trust me, you deserve this.I am doing this for you.You need all of this ", he replied with a big smile. I wondered what he meant by that.I wanted to ask him a lot of questions at that moment, but he escaped quickly, switching off the lights on his way out.There wasn't any other source of light.Like the toilet, there weren't any windows in the living room as well. My perplexed mind was left to wander in the gloomy darkness.And of all places it could take me to, it decided to take me to my initial days on the streets....

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