Chapter 5

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I was staring blankly at the wall clock, wondering about how the last six months had been.They had seemed no less than six years. Every morning for the past six months, I would be woken up by my assailant hastily.I would open my eyes, scared and palled by the sudden collision with reality, and his smile suggested he liked that expression of fear. Then he would lock me up in the toilet until he got ready for work.I was supposed to do 'all my things' during this time.Once, when I wasn't done with 'my things' in time, he had kept me locked in the toilet and left for work.The toilet hadn't been washed in months, and the smell was so strong that I had puked.It was the first and the only time that had happened. Thereafter, I would make sure that I finished my things in time so that I didn't end up spending the whole day inside that stinky hell.Once out of the toilet, the gunpoint would guide me to the chair where my assailant would then tie my legs to the chair and place my breakfast in front of me.In the few minutes that followed, I would eat as much food as I can and drink as much water as I can because I wouldn't get any of it until my assailant returned in the evening.Then, tying my hands up, he would amble towards the door and push the light switches next to it before leaving the house.Also, on many occasions before leaving, adorning a smile, he would tell me that I deserved whatever he was doing to me.

Once left into the darkness, my mind would be left exploring the nooks and corners of the dark room and pondering over all that its walls had witnessed. It would soon wander off to the good times when I wasn't tied up and tortured in a sombre dark room.I used to think about things I would do when I would be finally free from my assailant and away from this depressing place. All these things managed to keep me occupied initially. 'However long the night, the dawn will break', I used to tell myself. But with time, I started losing topics to think about in the darkness.I just wished for time to pass. There also came days when I tried thinking of something, but I couldn't and ended up trying to just sleep throughout the day and wait until my assailant arrived in the evening. Life was getting more and more tedious, and with every passing day, my mind was telling me that I might never be free again, that I might never be able to see the outside world again and that I should be prepared to face all of it. 

The only good thing that had happened in the last 6 months was that I had gotten rid of cigarettes.It had happened very slowly, and there had been many breakdowns on the way, but in the end, I was proud of myself, even though it was my assailant who had forced me out of this addiction. Somehow, the newly found pride had injected a tinge of positivity inside me and given birth to a new tiny ray of hope. Hope - It is a good breakfast they say, but a bad supper. It was something that had kept me going initially. But with time all my hopes were slowly succumbing to the evil powers hovering in that house.I had started accepting that there were very fewer chances of me getting out of that house and that I needed a miracle to help me out of this situation.Until one day, that miracle really happened.I finally escaped.. only to return to the same house again.

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