Every Single Year

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New Years Eve 2010, London
It was New Year's Eve and Ramin was at a party he didn't really want to attend. It was busy and crowded and everyone there was completely drunk. To be fair, a lot of his good friends were there and he enjoyed spending time with them. He especially enjoyed spending time with Sierra, who was also at the party alone. The two of them had hidden themselves away in a corner at the back of the room.
Ramin's wife and children had left London to visit Amanda's family for New Years. Ramin hadn't argued when Amanda had told him she wasn't going to join him and his friends, New Years Eve had never been important to him.
Ramin and Sierra had some kind of unbreakable bond. From the moment they met there was some kind of instant chemistry between them. They just seemed to understand each other. They knew they could always rely on each other.
Sierra had been complaining (while very drunk) how she never had anybody to kiss on New Years and how it made her feel very alone.
That's when Ramin had offered to kiss her.
"If it will make you feel any better I'll happily kiss you. It's not like we haven't done it before"
Sierra had been reluctant to agree, but Ramin was very persuasive.
"I'll tell you what. Every year, as long as we're together I'll be your New Years kiss"
"Are you sure?" Sierra laughed "Every single year? What about the years when Mandy is here? You can't kiss me then?" Sierra was still laughing, she was quite drunk actually and Ramin could barley understand what she was saying.
"Yes I'm sure. Every single year. No matter what."
"Well ok. If you're sur-" Sierra was cut off as she suddenly lost her balance and started to fall onto the floor, however Ramin was quick to grab her and stop her from falling completely.
Sierra stood completely still, in Ramin's arms and looked at him straight in the eyes.
"Thank you" she said.
The two were startled by everyone at the party beginning to count down.
Ramin looked directly at Sierra, who had looked away. He really did want to kiss her.
He shouldn't want to kiss her. He was married.
Sierra was his friend, that was all
These 10 seconds seemed to be the longest 10 seconds of his life.
Maybe he shouldn't be kissing her. She was his best friend.
and even though he knew he shouldn't, Ramin kissed Sierra anyway.

Sierra looked up at him, still in his arms. A small smile on her face.
"Happy new year Sie" Ramin said softly. The moment could have been incredibly romantic, but it wasn't supposed to be.
"Happy new year" Sierra said quietly, as she buried her face in his chest, and he held her close to him, not wanting to let go.

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