God, I hate New Year's

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New Years Eve 2014

Now this was going to be absolutely great. Just brilliant. Fabulous.
This year was supposed to be good. 2014 was supposed to be an amazing year. It was announced that she would rejoining Phantom on broadway, which was enough to make her year considering Christine was her favourite role to play.
By May, her relationship with Tam had fallen apart. She honestly thought he loved her, but he betrayed her. She was supposed to be her happiest self while in Phantom but instead found herself miserable and drained. She still managed to act as if she was fine regardless of this and never let people see her when she was down.
It took a while for people to really realise that her and Tam had split. They didn't make a big deal out of it, they didn't make any type of public announcement. They just let people figure it out themselves.
By the  time she had finished her run as Christine she had filled her time with things to distract herself. She had spent September, October, November and December avoiding as many people who knew Tam as possible. She didn't want to talk to people about him.

For some reason, Sierra had agreed to go to a party with lots of people she knew. People who knew her, and Tam. She knew she couldn't back out of it, it was unhealthy to keep herself locked away from people and she had to be strong.
She had spent New Year's Eve of 2012 with Tam at yet another party she didn't want to be at, and New Year's Eve of 2013 with Tam and his family.

Sierra walked to the party slowly. She didn't want to get there early. Really she thought it would be better to get there late and hopefully people wouldn't ask her about Tam.
Unfortunately, Sierra had miscalculated the amount of time that it would take to get to the party from her apartment and got there at the perfect time for people to start questioning her.

Sierra spent a whole hour answering questions about Tam, receiving hugs she didn't need, people telling her "you'll find someone else" and "it will get better" . This wasn't what she needed to hear. She wanted everyone to leave her alone, it had been long enough since the breakup , but these people still choose that time to say these things to her.

Eventually Sierra found her way to a sofa in a quiet corner where nobody would disturb her. She really should have been talking to people but she couldn't take it. Everybody was so concerned with asking questions about Tam.

It was only 10.30pm when Sierra started to fall asleep on the sofa. She was half asleep when she jumped up after hearing the "ding" sound come from her phone.
She got her phone out of her purse and read the text.
It was from Ramin.
"Are you at David's Party by any chance?"
Sierra was quick to reply.
"Yes, why? Are you?"
Ramin responded equally as quickly.
"Well, I was but I left. "
"I wish I could leave, I don't want to be here. I'm sitting alone on a sofa at the back of his living room. No ones in here."

Ramin didn't reply until 10.45pm when she simply got a text message that said "come outside"

Sierra walked out of the building without saying goodbye. The party was at an expensive venue her friend had hired out and he had at least 100 guests, so she figured no one would notice if she left early.

Outside of the building, she saw Ramin, holding two small ice cream tubs.
Sierra laughed.
"You got me ice cream" she beamed
"With sprinkles" Ramin smiled.

It was freezing cold , and the pair realised that ice cream was probably not the best idea.

"It's s...s...so cold" Sierra shivered.
"Theres a bar a block or two away" Ramin said. "It's mostly empty, we can sit in there."
As they were walking, Ramin and Sierra encountered several groups of people who were completely drunk, screaming and falling over in the streets.
Sierra laughed. "God, I hate New Years."
Sierra and Ramin were both relieved when they got to the bar, that was completely empty apart from a few other couples. They sat down in a booth, and ate their ice cream.

"This was really nice of you, Ramin. Really, it means so much." Sierra said.
"It's no problem really. It only cost me $3 a tub"
"I don't mean just the ice cream, I mean for stopping what you were doing to come and find me. I'm sure you'd rather be doing something else right now. "
"Theres no where I'd rather be than with you. " Ramin said thoughtfully.
Sierra stopped eating her ice cream to look at him, and they both smiled.
"Besides" he said, ending the moment. "Mandy's at home in London, my family's in Canada and that party was not that great at all."
"Still. Thank you Ramin"

After finishing her ice cream, Sierra was quite cold, so Ramin moved from his side of the booth to hers so he could put his arm around her.
After sitting there in silence for several minutes , Sierra said "Ramin?"
"Yes?" he replied
"Why did you buy me this ice cream?"
"Am I not allowed to buy my best friend ice cream?" Ramin laughed.
"But why did you?" She said quietly
He sighed. " do you remember New Year's Eve 2011? We were at that party in London. You said you'd rather be at home eating ice cream. I figured you might need some moral support tonight anyway considering..." Ramin stopped before he finished what he was about to say.
"It's ok" Sierra said. "Considering that this is my first year without any one to kiss on New Years since Tam"
"And I know that that's always made you upset."
"Is that why you kissed me that year? Even though I was engaged to Tam?" She asked.
She asked it innocently and softly, not knowing what the answer would be.
"I kissed you..." Ramin said "because I wanted to kiss you"
"Ramin..." Sierra said slowly, sitting up and removing her head from his shoulder. Ramin signalled at the TV which showed the celebrations in Times Square. It was 11.59pm. "Just like I want to kiss you right now" he said, not taking his eyes off of Sierra's.
Sierra looked at him blankly.
"Sierra." He whispered. "Can I kiss you?"
Sierra didn't say a word, she just nodded as she leant in to kiss him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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