Operation: To Catch a Cheater

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"OH MY GOSH, TAYLOR, HELP ME!" My other unbiological sister, Olivia ran up to me.

"What the heck is wrong with you?!"


I ripped the envelope from her hands. "Let me see this."

After breaking the adhesive seal, I read the note.

Hey, so, here's the thing, you're seriously beautiful, and I don't really know if I have a girl, she's too tied up in her career.

Let's talk sometime, kay?

-You'll probably never find out

I handed the envelope back to her.

"Liv...I think Jackson's trying to cheat on me."

"You need me to go fight him?"

"Nah, this calls for an Operation."

"Taylor, you are not serious."

"Yes I am!"

"You are not talking about the operation."

"YES! I'm talking about Operation: To Catch a Cheater."

"I'll go get my leather jacket." Olivia said, jumping into the shotgun seat of my car.


An hour later, we were suited up for Operation: To Catch a Cheater.

"I'LL BE BACK!" I yelled throughout the apartment.


"I WON'T!" I chuckled and left.

Step one complete.

Once "leaving" (actually just sitting in the back seat of Olivia's blue Jeep, I put the finishing touches on Olivia's makeup and sent her in for step two.

"Taylor, this looks amazing!"

"Thanks! Now go in there and catch a cheater."

"Alright, Lovely."

She rang my doorbell, rehearsing in her mind what she was going to say.

"Hey, Olivi...woah, are you okay?" He asked her, seeing her "tear stained cheeks" and "Her smudged eye makeup".

She shook her head. "A-Adam, h-he c-cheated on m-me with R-Rachel!" She started fake bawling her eyes out.

"Hey, hey, come here." Jackson pulled her into a hug. "You're too pretty to be crying this much." He said as he closed the door.

Step two is complete.

Time to activate step three.

Well, not activate, step three is honestly just me listening in on whatever happens because Olivia had an ongoing call with me so that I could listen in.

"Hey," He sat her down on the couch. "If he cheated on you, then he doesn't deserve such an amazing girlfriend."

He tried to brush his thumb over her cheek to dry her tears, but she backed up from him.

"What are you doing? Why are you being so nice to me? Taylor's going to kill you if she ever finds out about this!"

"She won't find out about this." He scoffed, leaning in to kiss her forehead.

"Stop!" Olivia yelled, jumping back. "I'm not letting you kiss me when you're dating my sister!"

"What part of 'she'll never find out' don't you understand, Darling?" He asked with a smirk, seeing as his "let me just cheat on Taylor" plan was working out.

Then, all of a sudden, he forcefully pulled her arm towards him and kissed her.

Right then and there.

I was sitting in the back of the Jeep bawling to be honest with you.

I heard Olivia snap her fingers right by the phone.

The secret signal.

Step three complete.

I ran as fast as I could out of the Jeep and around the corner, quickly making up a cover up story for coming back from "work" so soon.

"Hey, Jackson, have you seen my--" I pretended to freeze and be in shock.

"Wait, no it isn't what it looks like."

"Really?" I asked, motioning Olivia towards me.

"We're you in on this?!" He exclaimed, standing up now.

"Leave." I said, halting his confusion.

"No, you're letting me--"

"She said to leave." Olivia snapped back, obviously intimidating him in the process, as he quickly ran from the apartment.

"Mission accomplished." We both exchanged a high five.

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