Chapter 9

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Dippers Pov:

Bill you look nervous. Is everything okay?

Bills Pov:

Well I need to ask you something my love. ( snaps his fingers, he is now wearing a yellow suitable on one knee) will you marry me Pine Tree.

Dippers Pov:

Yes !!!!! I'm so happy I could die!!!

- A portal open in the middle of the room

Bills Pov:


Wills Pov:

Bill! It's so great to see you, I'm sorry but my master really wanted to meet you. I hope I didn't intrepid something important.

Dippers Pov:

No it's fine, it's nice to meet you. My name is Mason D. Pines but you can call me Dipper. I'm Bills....

Bills Pov :

He's my fiancé !

Rev Dipper Pov:

Well it's nice to meet the both of you. My name is Tyrone Gleeful, and I'm Wills boyfriend and his master.

Bills and Dippers Pov:


Wills Pov:

Ya me and burning Tree are dating and I've never been so happy.

Bills Pov:

Well that's great to hear but you need to meet very one else. Come on Will ! Dipper and Tyrone followed behind Bill and Will.

Mabel's Pov :

Bill! What did he say!! Wait who are they?!

Ford and Stan's Pov:

Yes who are they Bill?

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