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Once upon a time, a young lady existed in a world of fashion and glamour where she knew at once she had no place to fit in. Every single day she walked with her head down, carefully looking at those eyes of criticism and baring those who looked at her from head to foot. Sometimes, she thought she had a reason to lift her chin up because her cousin had made a name for herself and people knew she was a relation. One day, she bought herself a lot of courage and looked at her reflection. What she saw was a big L tattooed on her forehead indicating she was a Big Loser — she immediately ate all her courage and lifted her hood of insecurities and lack of self-esteem. From then on, she refused to look at the mirror.

Then the night came where everything was about to change. Everyone was invited to a ball. Fine dresses and clothing were expected to be worn on that prestigious night, but our dear young lass only had her uniform, old flat shoes and I.D. on — nothing to wear ... nothing to hope.

She wished she had that magic lamp or pumpkin to have that night ready for her. As she looked around, she preposterously smiled and laughed — How could she possibly think that Tinkerbell or the seven dwarfs or even a magic carpet could be real? A make believe would not help — she knew that so well.

She was more than an hour late. She walked in the dark taking her chances though she knew she had none — just throwing her darts at the dark. Then light struck her blank eyes and she saw her mother waiting outside near an open door. As her mom offered her a way into the light, an empty chair waited for her in front of a big mirror. She sat, closed her eyes and felt the hands of the so-called "Fairy of all Mothers."

"Now, open your eyes, dear."

She refused.

Then she opened her eyes. Wide open. Everything was astounding. Every individual wore their best and walked remarkably exceptional. Ladies wore exquisite clothing along with high-heels and jewels. Gentlemen walked with startling gait and delicate tuxedos. They were all beautiful.

She entered the ballroom with her head lowered, and when she looked at the people she became skeptical. She walked a little faster, heart beating fast. Still, she felt the heavy stares on her.

Why? Why? Why?

Someone asked her for a dance, then another and another.

Some people told her that next year she should get out of the box and show the crowd the beauty behind the hood.

Confused, she was eager to look at what they were talking about. She looked at reality. From what she saw, she couldn't believe who she was looking at.

Soon enough, Prince Charming started to show his affection.

She realized that magic do come true because that night … That night was MAGIC.


Ding ... Dong ... Ding ... Dong.

That night, she was I.

I was once a Cinderella.

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