-Inside of A Wrapper-

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  There is a narrow area where everyone devotes their time, waiting to be stocked on the shelving units. Every day you can see pink candies dress up in their best attire, bowing themselves up nicely. The blue candies try making themselves presentable, finding their best attire. There are the normal candies who go as they are, not worrying about such things. If they are bought, then, they're bought. There's nothing to fight about. This is a routine thing to witness. Sadly, there are also the ones who prefer not to be bought. They huddle up in the corner, the very back. Hoping they'll never be noticed by the shoppers. The most popular candies call them rejects. The candies which weren't good enough to get the proper wrapping. Some had terrible wrapping, others were damaged by careless people from the outside. Additionally, there were the discolored. The ones who ended up in the wrong color wrapping, the wrong brand, everything about them was just, ¨wrong¨. A humble boy huddled in the far left corner of the space had hugged his knees tight to his chest. He heaved and let out a small shiver. It was apparent he was uncomfortable. At a distance, it looked as if he was only shy, and cowering from his surroundings. Nevertheless, up close it was an entirely different story. The group towering over him were picking on the much humbler boy they circled around. The younger one's braid hanged over his shoulder, loosely flowing along with the breeze of the fan blowing briskly just over to his right. There were quite a few of the brown chocolates in utter distraught. A few of them charged over to the circle of bullies, shoving them aside. One of them spoke up.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! You do this every day!!!"

The adolescent boy recognized the person speaking. Was their name...Caramellow? Caramellow inevitably possessed the attitude of one of those superheroes you'd see on the posters the humans would put up. He was daring, and not afraid to speak his mind. He had the skin tone of toffee. He had a slick, yet muscular figure and was far taller than the younger one's offenders. He had on casual clothing. He never was a formal type of guy. Caramellow had a bit of an accent. You could always tell when he got irritated. It was then when his accent became more clear and vivid. It appears he had been poking Stampers in the chest with every word he spewed out. Stampers was the "leader" of the bullies. Stampers wasn't afraid to rat out his followers to seem all high and mighty. However, once he got into a bit of trouble, his whole demeanor changed. His knees began to shake as if they were made of gelatin. Caramellow glanced at the boy huddled in the corner, asking if he was, alright. Caramellow repeated himself asking the question again. Except for this time, he attached a name on the end. "You okay, Goldie?". Goldie supposedly nodded back in reply. He smiled widely, his braid jostling as he stood up in his corner. Stampers was completely dumbfounded. He called on his followers and proceeded to leave the premises. At the corner of his eyes was a small golden eye shadow like pattern. This undeniably earned him his nickname, for no one, was born with a name. They all came from the same place. A historic factory where it was balmy and brooding. Goldie could recall the depressed and unhappy faces of the workers in the factory. No one seemed to want to be there. This personally saddened him deeply. Caramellow sighed and helped the teen out of the area to the rest of the chocolates.

On the other side of the shelves was an opposing aisle. This was the more feminine side of the many candy aisles. There were many unique kinds of candy running around getting ready. One of them, however, wasn't too fond of the idea and shrugged off such a ridicule thought. The adolescent taffy-like girl dressed in loose, worn out clothes. She didn't mind appearing as much as the others. All of them in sickening hues of pink and what seemed like Cinderella ball gowns. She hissed in response and attempted to go sneak out to the other shelf. There was a medium-sized hole in the easternmost side of the building. Just wide enough for an average sized candy to fit through. She made haste, quickly charging for the opening. Sure enough, another candy stopped in her chocolate. One of those sweet tarts that never knew when to put a sock in it. Literally. The Fluxies was a group of sweet tart candies that despised the younger fruit ringed candy. Her skin was a light baby blue. Her hair wasn't particularly long but had a decent length. It was that of a much deeper, navy blue color. The ends were just past her shoulders, medium fun size. The sweet tarts referred to the girl as Rifraf. Rifraf was her name because of the way she dressed. Not a care in the world for her appearance aside from putting on some comfortable clothes. Rifraf violently shoved one of the Fluxies out of the way. The leading Fluxie grunted out of frustration. She was determined to make Rifraf appreciate their pink wonderland. Rifraf glided out of the hole, landing on the cold tiling. There were long stalks running around. She assumed this was the humans. Trudging along the innermost walls of the aisle, she reached the opposite shelving unit. Just as she thought, there were TONS of blue candies. She'd presumably be rich if she had a dollar for each shade of blue she saw. All dark tones, but even so, you could tell the difference between them. Or at least she thought they were all dark. There clearly was some lightly colored baby blue candies on the top shelf.

"Oh right...The minis."She face-palmed and attempted to scale the side of the shelf.

It was actually quite surprising that humans were so oblivious. How would anyone not notice a bright, blue candy trailing up the side of a shelf?! The platform was inescapably in her field of vision. She placed her right palm on top first, the left following instantly. A leg soon followed, as did the rest of her body. She stared in disbelief at the candies, completely flabbergasted.

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