Chapter 6

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That was that, but I am still very so much worried for these kids. And Obito and Rin kissing makes me feel no better. "Hey, Obito, What did your kiss feel like?", Kakashi asked him. "It was amazin-WAIT WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU!", Obito asked him. "Grrr...", Obito mumbled. Rin, I don't know how you are just fine with sitting next to him, Right after you kissed him. Yes, I know it was an accident, but, still. I wonder what Kushina will have to say about this story of mine. I sigh and eat some Ramen. Kakashi, Rin, And Obito all get up. What are they doing? "I am going home now.", Said Kakashi while walking away. "Not until you fight me! You cocky boy!", Obito says while running after him. "Wait!", Rin chases after them. I let out a sigh.


"Come back here you scaredy cat! Fight me!", I yell at him. Kakashi turns around. "If anything, Your the scaredy ca-". Rin accidentally fell onto my back and I ended up falling onto Kakashi..But..I also ended up kissing him. I got up as soon as possible. We stared at each other angrily. "THIS HAPPENED ALL BECAUSE OF YOU, KAKASHI!", I yelled at him. "It was your fault too, Idiot!", He yelled back. "This wouldn't have happened if you would've just left me alone!", He says. "Hmph.", I said while walking around furiously. "H-Hey..Comon guys..", Rin says trying to keep us together. "Sorry Rin, But I can't stay with this guy any longer!", I say while running off angrily. She lets out a sigh.  I hate you, Kakashi! That fool got me in this mess for nothing! It would've not of happen if he had only just listened to me! Grrr..He fires me up with anger every time!


Great. You did it again Rin! I gotta be more careful! I swear, people put the rocks here on purpose! I let out a sigh. I hope they are both ok. I don't even know what really happened, but It sure made them both furious. And of course I was too shy to admit it was technically my fault for whatever happened. I will have to explain that it was my fault tomorrow. Hopefully they will forgive me. 

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