Little White House On The Hill Chapter 4.

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I didn't know what to do 1.there was a 21 year old man in my room 2.Because I think that my short skirt was making him gander at my legs. I mean sure older man hot right? No creepy. So I pull the covers over my body and look at the floor.

"Seriously I say I'm 21 and you freak out like I'm going to rape you."

"You 21 I'm 16 hello huge problem there. Like maybe I don't know a 5-year difference. I'm too young."

"Hold on! 1. Never said I wanted to sleep with you. 2. I didn't say I was going to like start making out with you. Your only 16 that's gross it's like dating my sister."

"Your sister is 16?"

"Yes and I love her to death. I would never do that to you because I can tell by the look on your face that you wouldn't want to date a 21-year-old man. I'm sure you have men your age that want you. Better then me. I mean I can't find women my age and I can't judge age at all because I thought you were 18."

"Really because most police-officers think I'm 13."

"Well like I said I have really bad judge in age okay."

"Well I mean we don't have to hate each other we can be friends okay?"

"Why would I not want to be your friend I mean your fun. You have a great attitude, your fun, sweet, have a great sense of humor, I love your curls even though they make you look like a 13 year old, you have great taste, and you're the most gorgeous 16 year old girl I've ever met."

Before I could protest his lips were on mine and I couldn't help but kiss back. I didn't know what I was doing I just did and it was great. I didn't want to pull away and when he did I sort of whined in the absent of his lips on mine.

"Wow I don't know why I did that. I'm sorry don't hate me."

"Why would I?"

"I kissed you!"

I look at the clock. Crap a half hour I had only a half hour till my parents walked though the front door.

"Well how about we let it go and you help me clean okay?"


"Because my parents are coming home in a half hour."

"Oh okay I'll help."

We crank the music and we clean the living room and the kitchen in like no time. Then we get to the den and pick up the food on the floor. Which was not my fault, I had friends over. We clean the down stairs in 15 minutes and we clean the upstairs in 5 minutes. When we get done I look at my clock.

"Okay you have 10 minutes to leave and get out of sight before my parents know that you're here."

I push him to the door and he grabs my wrist to stop me from pushing him.

"Ah come on we don't have all day."

"I need to talk to you. I have to explain."

"Later not now."

"Tonight okay?"

"How?" Did he want me to sneak out? I can't do that.

"I'll figure it out okay just... leave your window open okay?"



He kisses my cheek and walks out the door. I get up stairs and read my book; my parents were always on time. So in 5 minutes they were going to walk though that door. I wait and when it hits 5 minutes the door opens.


I run down stairs and give them big bear hugs.

"Mom! Dad! I missed you!"

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