Chapter 1- Introductions and Rules

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I wake up suddenly in a classroom. " W-What happened? " I said, shocked at my surrounding.
Maybe, if I call someon- my Phone! Someone took it, but who?
I stand up and grabbed a not from my desk. I read what it says: Alright kiddos, Walk to the gymnasium and hurry so you could hear my announcement.
- Principal
Alright, I guess I have to go then. "Maybe I can meet the other students there." I muttered, as I was walking over to the gymnasium.

I walked in the gymnasium and was surprised to see 14 other students in the school. I looked around for the principal, but I didn't find him anywhere. Suddenly, I heard a bold voice bringing me back from my thoughts.
" Your 5 minutes and 6 seconds late, ma'am!" yelled an unfamiliar voice.
Saki Mycosis, the Ultimate Time-Teller.
" Don't be harsh on the girl, Saki." replied Cory Kami.
Cory Kami, the Ultimate Chess Player.
" Where is the freaking principal!" exclaimed Molly.
Molly Lolly, the Ultimate Artist.
"Don't know and don't care." replied David.
David Gordon, the Ultimate PetBreeder.
" Um, hi! My name is Betty Karma, Ultimate-" My voice was cut off by someone else's.
" Hellooooo everyone! My name is Monokuma! "
A teddy bear appeared on the stage. On on half of it, it looks white and peaceful, but the other side is black with a malicious smile.
" Who the heck are you? " yelled a shocked girl.
Akimu Universe, the Ultimate Baker.
" Yeah, what she said!" yelled Mark.
Mark Utonium, the Ultimate Scientist.
" My name is Monokuma, your principal. So now....Kill Each other!" Yelled Monokuma.
" W-What? " I questioned.
Why would we do anything like that! Is this teddy bear crazy?!
" There has to be a logical answer to this. " muttered a boy with the glasses.
Kevin Leaven, the Ultimate Star-A student.
" I hope this isn't a pop quiz then, hehehehe!" Exclaimed the ponytails girl.
Jackie Berry, the Ultimate Clown.
yelled a big boy.
Nathan Jockey, Ultimate Football Player.
" Well," explained Monokuma, " The rules are simple: You need to kill someone and get away with it in Class trial. If you do, then you will be free and the rest will be punished. Badly. However, if you don't, you will be the one punished with my awesome principal punishing! Does everyone get the drill?"
"I guess so..." replied a short girl.
Gabby Carmen, the Ultimate Assasin.
" Loud and Clear! " shouted a boy, with his loyal saying indicating his fiery personality.
Leaven Nickel, the Ultimate Photographer.
" You keep on saying ' punished ' like it means something. " said Ken.
Ken Grimm, the Ultimate Prodigy.
" L-Like if it is actually a-a E-Execution!" Mary Yelled and stammered.
Mary Anne, the Ultimate Writer.
" Exactly! " Exclaimed Monokuma.
" Like, Why? " questioned Junko.
Junko Enoshima, the Ultimate Supermodel.
" Because it is mandatory! Hehehe!"
The bear disappears and left us all in the brink or despair....

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