Are you ok?

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My name is Charlotte, Charlotte Mcdwell.Today I feel like its time,I want to stay asleep dreaming that I'm with my family again.I decided that I should walk into a street and pretend that I'm not paying attention so it doesn't look like I need help.I get dressed into some jeans,gray shirt,black hoodie,gray beanie,and some black boots.I wear depressing colors.I head towards a cafe to eat breakfast,I order some pancakes and a glass of milk.I walk on the side walk pull my phone out and pretend I'm doing something.

Alexander's POV

"So what y'all want to do today?

"I don't know,maybe chill at my place?play video games?"Said Herc.

"I honestly don't c-WAIT MISS YOUR GONNA GET HIT BY A CAR!!"John ran towards a girl on her phone and just on time grabs her before she gets hit.

Charlotte's POV

It was time,I was about to walk into the road.I stop about 12 feet away from the road,I walk slowly towards the road."WAIT MISS YOUR GONNA GET HIT BY A CAR!!"I walk a little faster but I put one foot on the road and I get grabbed by the man.Dangit I was so close!!!

John's POV

"Are you ok ma'am?"She nods slightly,she didn't look terrified like I would have been if I were her.She looked calm as anyone could be.

"Your lucky I noticed you,you would have been a goner if I didn't."

"Thank you for saving me,I should be more careful next time."She puts a slight smile on her face,but something didn't seem right.

"Would you like to come with me and my friends?"

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