Pt. 1 - Fate of the Zoldycks

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Pt. 1 - Fate of the Zoldycks

 1 - Fate of the Zoldycks+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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{3rd person POV}

"If a human were to end the life of a murderer, then what would god think?"

She talked out loud to herself, it was a strange habit she had developed over the years in that room. She rests on the wooden floor of her room which screams of old age as the cracks expand by the ticking of the clock. She stretches the body of hers wearing a luxurious kimono of flower designs.

This was her anniversary in said room. Tomorrow would be the day she was free. The seal which prevented her from escaping will lose effect.

Tomorrow would be her 500th year. Counting each year she spends in the room, once the anniversary arrives she would write another mark with her blood to point out the beginning of a new year.

She tapped her finger on the ground as she anxiously awaited for the day to be over. She couldn't wait to feel the blood pouring down her finger. To feel alive, to feel pain. Something she craved from the deepest depths of her soul. She wanted to see her blood to remind herself that her life hadn't ended.

"What if god said being good was bad and being bad was good?"

She laughed as she spoke alone. She stood up and gracefully walked to the door which locked her in the Oriental like room. She lightly poised her hands over the door.

"The time has come."

{Killua Zoldyck's POV}

It was the middle of the night. Tonight was the moment. I would escape from this hell and have a life for myself. I would take the Hunters Exam and see what's the big deal about it. Hopefully, it would be worth it since I'm basically walking on a tightrope.

One wrong step, and if my family catches me, then less freedom for me and having to tolerate those tiring punishments. My overprotective family after all doesn't want to lose its heir.

I was staring at my heavy bag, contemplating if I should travel with those 500 pounds of useless stuff. I think it would be a bother if I'm fighting. I leave the package there and grab my skateboard with one hand.

As I silently tip toe out of my room, I stroll across the halls and corners of the mansion. Then, I feel an ominous aura radiating off of my basement. My eyes widen a bit knowing what it was.

It was death. Our father told us 5 centuries ago our ancestors sealed a devil in the basement. We live here as the protectors to prevent said devil from escaping, but I had never felt its presence this much.

Our father never told where it was sealed to avoid having our younger selves wandering there. I tremble, from excitement and fear, wondering what lies beyond the door that led to my basement. It had a lock on it, but I easily broke it with my nails.

I chuckle, as I realize this was what father wanted to prevent all along. But it's sealed so nothing's going to happen. I'm just gonna look a bit and then I'll leave.

I open the door and I wander go down the stairs. I keep going as it feel like minutes have passed. It was dark and I didn't know where I was heading anymore.

Who knows? Maybe this was a gateway to hell. I shrug as it's too late to head back now. I can only go forward.

I trip and land on a floor as I finally reach the bottom. I feel a strong bloodlust in the air. Enough to make a normal human faint. I struggle to stand up as I gaze at the sight.

Before me there was a door as huge as the one in the gates to enter. Looked about 20ft. tall. Except this wasn't like the other one.

This door was covered in talismans, crosses, all types of religious stuff. But most surprising of all it had a small fire in the knob.

It looked like it would burn out any second now. As if with a single sway of the wind it would turn into ash.

I turn around and step on the stairs again. I had my fun. Judging by the atmosphere it wouldn't end great if I stayed on longer.

I placed a foot on the stair and the worst that could happen, happened. The fire disappeared and I looked at my back to be met with more darkness.

Quiet, ominous footsteps echoed around the room.

Is this were my life ends, at the hands of a devil? My efforts of trying to detect its presence were futile as I panicked internally.

" A little, dark human. "

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