Pt. 3 - A demon with human emotions

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Pt. 3 - A demon with human emotions

   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                                                                                 {Mei's POV}

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{Mei's POV}

The awaited Exam had finally begun. I swear my bones felt as if they were going to rot again if we were left more time waiting. I stare at the person who will lead the first stage, and my eyes meet an examiner with lilac hair and a weird mouth?

Humans have changed so much in my absence. Now they have striking hair and eye colors. Some don't even have mouths. *sigh*

He starts the exam off with an introduction and all that stuff. I drift off, anxiously waiting for this to begin. I glance at Killua and see he is equally as bored. He puts this thing on the floor which he seemed to have been holding since I met him.

It had a weird design, and just seemed like a flat board, decorated with colors, and wheels underneath. I get even more confused as I stare at it. He then stands on top of it and arches his back, as if ready to impulse himself forward.

By looking at his body posture and the technology of the machine I could infer its use.

Then, the other contestants here started running. I had missed the instruction for this face, therefore being lost. I had no choice, but to follow the others and simply run.


While the phase started I talked with Killua. He had explained the thing he had was called a 'skateboard'. To pass the time he had also introduced me to new wonders of the world, my favorite of them all being the 'telephone' and this thing called 'gun'.

Technology had really advanced in my absence.

I stared with pity at the humans. They had to waste their breath and energy in this phase. Meanwhile I was simply gliding across the air, or basically flying. I did it at low ground to not attract attention though.

I was flying with my telekinesis . Being only a half blood demon meant that I didn't have the privilege of possessing the black feathered wings all demons so. I had to rely on telekinesis to fly.

Demons have various powers some of them are dark magic, telekinesis, telepathy, immortality, regeneration, and control of the elements in between many others.

Speaking of a demon's powers reminds me, how very lucky I am to be half human. It just makes me oh so happy that because I possess this dirty mortal blood I actually possess only half a demon's power. Thanks to that I didn't get to enjoy the full power of being a demon.

The only thing I fully owned was immortality, and that was barely enough to get me by in a world with demons as the antagonists. Being a half blood I was rejected by the demon clan down there in hell.

They didn't wish to have a half human in their ranks after all. It would surely affect their filthy pride. Because of that reason I still live alongside the humans and not with birth father, also known as the big and might demon king. The strongest among them all.

Oh. I got a bit too much into my background. Let's see how Killua's doing.

I turn and look at him feeling something weird inside me. Is this interest, attraction?

In all my years of living I have done my best on avoiding human emotions. Has all my effort gone to naught because of this boy centuries younger than me. These annoying human emotions are getting in the way of what I should be doing.

I want this, but at the same time I don't. I crave what these humans call 'love'. Though, at the same time I detest it knowing that is what is keeping me away from my rightful place in Hell alongside the demon king. Demons are known to only feel the seven deadly sins: anger, sloth, lust, greed, envy, gluttony, and pride. Being emotionally incapable of wanting any other emotion such as love.

Wait, but is this what I desire from Killua? Love? Is my deepest desire overflowing?

I become lost in my thoughts as I hear a voice calling my name. "Mei....MEI." I abruptly turn my head and face Killua. "You feeling ok? You seemed lost in your thoughts for a second," he says with a sweet chuckle.

I nod at him in response. "Yeah, you aren't tired. It seems hours have passed," I question as he then stares into a group that had been making much noise since earlier. The group was composed of a blonde kid who had a robe like thing on, a boy with spiky black hair, and a guy who seemed old.

"HEY KIDS STOP CHEATING!!!" I hear the old man shout as he stares at us. He then proceeds to chastise us for not running, but instead riding a skateboard and flying. Surprisingly, he wasn't impressed at me flying, and I took it happily, for I assumed it was normal now to see someone flying.

My thoughts were crushed as he looks at my calm demeanor, then my feet, only to see them floating. He started running with his mouth wide open and Killua and I stare at him with a poker face.

Is he serious?

Spiky haired kid then started defending us. Before I knew it he had already introduced himself. "My name is Gon. Nice to meet you," He says with a naïve smile. Killua then introduced himself.


Killua looked at me uncertain. "This is Mei here." He introduced me and I politely smiled. I don't care about these people. Why are you talking to them, Killua? Is it to use them? If so, I'll go along with your plan.

I talked to these people to see if I could get any valuable information, but it was all brought to naught as I saw how stupid these humans were. The tallest one ranking in number one. The blonde kid, Kurapika, seemed boring, but I knew there was more to him. The same with this Gon.

This is sure gonna be a long Exam just to get some card.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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