Artist: Steve Lacy

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 Hey, Y'all I'm back with another artist, Steve Lacy is his name and I loooveeeee him. I believe he was found in the group he's in called 'The Internet'. They were found by or introduced by I should say by Tyler, The Creator I believe. They'll get their own chapter later and so will Tyler but let's get back to the music.

The main song is called 'Dark Red' I forgot where I heard it at probably sound cloud Y'all know I never remember, I love the song it's self and it's so different I may say that a lot but most music I listen to is different in its own way. He calls his music type "plaid" it's a video of youtube with him talking bout it I wish I could list both videos but I can't :(.

Let's not even talk about how I think he is suppppeerrr fine, that's just me though. It just seems like he's a regular person and I just love that. If you want to listen to more of his music check out his sound cloud - Steve Lacy. 

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