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*crawls into corner and cries*.......

I don't care anymore I really don't. Fuck this fuck you fuck everything. It's nice to know that while you're in a hospital bed no one gives a shit! So thank you so much to all the people who checked in on me.....oh wait what am I saying only ONE person did that and I am extremely grateful towards you. And to those ppl, don't even tell me that you weren't here all day because I know you were. Or say that you didn't know cuz I didn't say anything.....BULLSHIT! If you guys were to have checked your news feed you would've known. And to those people that are just now thinking "hey wait she's in a hospital bed? Omg are you okay?" No I'm not fucking okay! "Hey sorry I haven't spoken to you in a minute" No you are not sorry because I practically reached out to you and you didn't return the favor. I'm not saying any names cuz I'm not THAT much of an asshole but what I will say is that you know who you are. You wanna start talking now sure go ahead you'll be lucky if I respond. So thank you Latrice1902 for all the love and care I truly appreciate it I love you so much sis💯😊! And to the rest of you I hope you had a good day!
Ciao ✌🏽👋🏽

Me 😈🖤✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang