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I'm gonna share a poem that I wrote back in 7th grade called I wish...:
I wish that we can all be able go places without fear or sorrow
I wish we did not have to go through this I want people to know all the pain and shame and sorrow that these victims go through every time they step foot in a place where they thought they could call home or a place where they thought they were safe
My wish is to let victims know that their future can still happen if they let it
My wish is to show people that lives and futures are at stake
In the future I wish these victims will be able to stand up and say "I am strong, I am not sorry, It was not my fault"
My only wish is to wipe away every tear, every mourning, every outcry from the beautiful souls that had to go through this disgrace...
*chokes up*
I wish I didn't have a reason to write this poem and I really wish I wasn't one

You are not alone for I am here with you...
And I know this poem was cheesy, it didn't rhyme but the message is still the same no matter how you put it *wipes away tears*

Don't let this stop you from being who you want to be and getting what you want

And I promise you, hell is not a place to call home tho it may seem like it

Anyways thank you to those who read this 💯

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