Feng YunJiu Tian Vol 6-7

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There was one thing Feng Ming wanted to ask Rong Tian, but he kept rolling around making Feng Ming forget what it was until the next morning.
"Don't go." Feng Ming held onto the already dressed Rong Tian who was about to leave: "Two
of people that came to borrow food supply, I already met one them. So when will the beautiful person that you have always thought about coming?"
"According to report, he will be coming later today."
"Later today?" Feng Ming asked Rong Tian why does Lu Dan want to meet him.
"He didn't request to meet you." Rong Tian almost loosen up the grip, but Feng Ming glared and threatened him to answer. Rong Tian said: "Duke Ming shouldn't forget. Right now, I have changed location to the Crown Prince's residence to deal with court affairs, Lu Dan will come to meet me. There's something that I also want to meet him too..."
"What for?"
"Ha, though you're not as beautiful as him, but you have to learn a few manners from him."
A pillow immediately made direct contact with Rong Tian's face. Rong Tian placed the pillow back on the bed and quickly leave for his court meeting. Feng Ming was angry and threw the pillow, but it only hit the door.
While sitting in his room, he heard cries of a girl saying: "Please guards, don't! I won't do it again!"
Feng Ming wanted to go outside to see, but was stopped by Chiu Lan who told him to get dress
first as he can't wander about naked.
Chiu Yue came into the room and showed them some jade and jewelry that used to belong to Feng Ming, but he didn't like it anymore therefore they were stored away and later found to be missing.
Apparently the guards captured the thief and brought her in front of Feng Ming for him to deal with the situation.
Feng Ming asked what her name was and she repl
(Xi Lei's Winter Nightmare) Xfengyujiutian.tumblr.com
Everyone in the tent was shocked, after a moment, Feng Ming jumped up and stated:
"Prepared the troops, we are heading back to Xi Lei."
"I already made the orders." Rong Tian looked a bit apologetic at Feng Ming: "Empress Dowager is sick, I have to return to her side. That Heaven and Earth ring..."
FM: At this time, you're still talking about the Heaven and Earth ring, going back and checking on Empress Dowager is the important thing.
Feng Ming is more sensitive today as Empress Dowager is someone close to him and is an elder. When thinking about her falling ill, his heart was in pain, similar to the feeling someone get when their parents are about to die, making him even more afraid.
FM: We have to quickly return, you are her only child.
Chiu Lan and the others were also sad and surrounded him, slightly smiling to comfort him.
CL: Duke Ming, don't worry too much, the messenger usually exaggerate their news in order to avoid full responsibility if something extreme were to happen.
"Empress Dowager probably is just unwell, there's a physician looking after her. Once she sees the Great King and Duke Ming return then perhaps her mood will lighten up and will recover naturally."
At that moment, Feng Ming settled down a bit, his face flushed still left a bit of residual color. After experiencing a moment of chaos, his head was pounding heavily that he used his fingers
to rub the sides of his temples, he kind of frowned and looked up at Rong Tian: "I'm so tired."
Rong Tian reached out his arms and pulled him into his embrace, he looked over the maids in suspicion. Chiu Yue quickly brought the bowl of tea with a bit of dry leaves for mental wellness over to Rong Tian for inspection.
Rong Tian immediately understood, lightly patted Feng Ming's shoulders, softly said: "Sleep, once the horse carriage is prepared, I will carry you."
FM: Ah... (he obediently closed his eyes)
Rong Tian ordered the emergency unit to immediately pack up the tents, baggage, and prepare the carriages to head back.
The horse carriage for Feng Ming wasn't fully prepared yet when Lu Dan came to ask for
Lu Dan charged into the tent and made his greeting with Rong Tian.
LD: I heard the Great King had ordered to return to Xi Lei immediately, did something happen?
RT: Adviser doesn't need to worry, after returning to Xi Lei and resolving some business, we will immediately continue our journey, but for the moment let's delay this a few days.
Lu Dan smiled and clapped his hands.
LD: If that's the case, let Lu Dan write a letter to inform my King that we will be delaying this for
some time.
Lu Dan was about to leave when he glanced over at Feng Ming, who was curled up within Rong Tian's embrace.
LD: Ah...Duke Ming is sleepy at this time?
RT: Last night, he was star gazing and didn't sleep at all. Now he is tired.
It's unknown what Lu Dan saw, but he stepped a bit closer, observed carefully and then said: "Please excuse Lu Dan for being wordy, but the spell charm around Duke Ming's neck for protection is a bit bizarre, who may I asked have given that to him?"
Rong Tian was a bit tensed, but his facial expression still remained calm.
RT: It's Song Teng who wrote it for Feng Ming. The purpose is only for wellness protection.
LD: Song Teng? (Lu Dan frowned) It was rumored by the guards that Shaman Song Teng earlier today was found...
RT: You're right.
LD: Oh my! (Lu Dan's beautiful face suddenly changed color, stepped a few steps back, opened his mouth in shocked)
RT: What's wrong, Adviser? LD: Duke Ming, he...
RT: What's wrong with Feng Ming? Everyone's eyes were on Lu Dan.
LD: This situation is serious; Lu Dan doesn't dare to make irrational guesses. I request your Majesty to allow Lu Dan to clearly assess Duke Ming.
Lu Dan stepped forward and meticulously assessed Feng Ming.
Feng Ming's composure was still normal and was sleeping soundly within Rong Tian's arms. After finishing assessing, he reached his hand out to palpate Feng Ming's neck.
Rong Tian noticed that Lu Dan's face was increasingly grim, which made him worry without end.
He reached out his hand to observe Feng Ming's breathing, and felt gentle warm breaths. He was slightly relieved and looked over at Lu Dan and asked: "What does Adviser see?"
Lu Dan was silent and shook his head, closed his eyes and looked upward, as if he was asked a very difficult question.
At that moment, a guard suddenly loudly report from outside the tent: "Your Majesty, the horse carriage is ready."
Because of Lu Dan's confused look, Rong Tian was impatient and burning inside, he growled: "Go away! If it's not something important, don't intervene!" Causing the threatened guard to
quickly silence.
After a long time, Lu Dan responded: "Lu Dan had studied a bit of witchcraft, but Duke Ming's condition..."
RT: What is Adviser trying to hide from me?
LD: Lu Dan does not dare. It's just Duke Ming's condition at the moment make Lu Dan puzzled. I don't know whatever best to explain to your Majesty. According to what Lu Dan had assessed, Duke Ming right now...his soul seems as if it's gone from his body.
After finishing his words, all of the maids stood wide-eyes in shock. RT: What nonsense is this?
LD: It's because it's impossible therefore Lu Dan didn't want to inform Your Majesty. Ever since now, for a soul to leave its body, it's a complex situation that only the powerful shaman can received. On Duke Ming's body is a powerful spell for protection that no one can break. But Lu Dan hopes to be wrong.
CL: Adviser is reckless. Duke Ming is just asleep, how can you scare us?
Chiu Yue was aware of the strange happening of Feng Ming that day, she was also just as scared as Chiu Lan. She couldn't resist but kneeled down in front of Rong Tian's feet and said: "The carriage is ready, Duke Ming please wake up."
"Feng Ming, the carriage is ready, let's continue sleeping after settling inside it."
Shaking him a few times, but the person within his arms didn't have any sign of waking up, his mouth was slightly curved as if in a beautiful sleep.
CX: Duke Ming, wake up.
Feng Ming did not move an inch.
CL: If Duke Ming doesn't wake up, the Great King...he's going to leave you....Hurry and wake up, Duke Ming, Duke Ming!!
RT: Feng Ming, wake up!!
LD: Could it be? Is there really such a thing as soul leaving body, this...How could it be? Could
there really be a powerful shaman like that in this world?
RT: Adviser is famous shaman of Dong Fan. I would like to ask you, for a soul to leave the body of normal person is extremely difficult, but...if that soul was not of this body, then what about that?
LD: Ah?
Everyone in the tent couldn't believe what Rong Tian said.
LD: If a soul and body are not of the same source then it would be easier (for the soul to leave).
RT: Feng Ming, Feng Ming...(Rong Tian was terribly upset) Everyone leave and guard outside, don't let anyone enter.
After seeing everyone leave, Rong Tian said to Lu Dan: "Adviser, come here." "Your Majesty?"
RT: Adviser had many training, filled with experience; you must have a method to save him. Listen carefully, if he wakes up, I'll give the entire strength of Xi Lei to you...If he doesn't wake up, I want a funeral for all of Dong Fan's royalties.
LD: Your Majesty's threat towards Lu Dan is useless. Even though Dong Fan is a small kingdom, but it's not a place that Your Majesty's words of "to kill" can kill. Because Duke Ming saved me, Lu Dan will give it my all. Request Your Majesty to place Duke Ming on the mattress for Lu Dan to think of a method.
Rong Tian laid Feng Ming down.
Lu Dan softly stepped forward, carefully assessed Feng Ming's pulse, etc.. After a long moment,
Lu Dan pulled off the magic spell on Feng Ming's neck.
LD: A magic spell written in blood by a dead person is the worst spell, Duke Ming should not continue wearing this. (He paused a bit and removed a jade necklace on him) This is jade that was produced from the same place as the Heaven and Earth ring; therefore, has a lot of magical powers. Even though Duke Ming's body is not worrisome, but his soul has left it; thus, will waste energy and will be hard to prevent other evil spirits from entering.
Rong Tian examined the piece of jade to make sure that it wasn't just an ordinary jade and after noticing its warmth he gave his thanks to Lu Dan and personally placed the jade on Feng Ming to wear.
LD: The most important thing is to bring Duke Ming's soul back into his body. There are two
requirements: Number one, Duke Ming's body should not be harmed, Number two..to find Duke Ming's soul.
Rong Tian frowned: "Protecting Duke Ming's body is not a problem, but how can we find his soul?
Lu Dan hesitated a bit and finally said: "I would like to ask Your Majesty, you said earlier that this body does not belong to Duke Ming, is that true?"
That was a big secret because Feng Ming and Rong Tian, even the people closest like Lie Er and Rong Hu weren't even notified about it one word. However as of now, since Feng Ming had fallen into this situation and he can only rely on Lu Dan's promise of treating him, then this
secret can no longer be kept a secret.
RT: This is a long story, one morning and one evening would be difficult to explain everything clearly for Adviser to understand. Adviser can just view this body as if it does not belong to Duke Ming, and then please just continue treating him. (Lu Dan still had something that worried him.)
LD: If that's so, then Duke Ming has the experience of entering a body. A soul usually waits at places that he has been before. According to Lu Dan's guesses, Duke Ming's soul must be wandering at the place he first entered the body. However...we don't know where that place is, right? (He sighed).
Rong Tian examined Lu Dan to see if he had any ulterior motives and then continued: "I know." LD: What?
RT: Inner palace of Xi Lei, Crown Prince's quarter.
LD: Crown Prince's quarter? (Lu Dan happily stated) If that's the case then it's great. As long as we return to the inner palace of Xi Lei, bring Duke Ming's soul back, perform soul possession spells then Duke Ming will wake up.
Hearing Lu Dan's jubilant tone, Rong Tian's heart beat faster as he pictured Feng Ming opening his big round eyes and looking at him. Rong Tian forcefully slapped his thighs and stood straight up.
RT: I will order the whole troops to begin the departure, traveling day and nights to return to the palace in haste.
LD: Your Majesty, please hold on. Duke Ming's body cannot be moved, a soul will return to where it leaves. If something were to happen along the way, wouldn't it have negative effect on Duke Ming? (Rong Tian frowned)
RT: Does that mean that I have to send somebody to bring Duke Ming back?
This duty could have been given to Rong Hu, but Rong Hu is still busy with finding a way to save Lie Er, finding someone would be a difficult thing now.
LD: The person that can call Duke Ming back should be a relative to Duke Ming.
Rong Tian's eyebrows narrowed even more: "Feng Ming doesn't have any relatives."
LD: Then he should be the closest person to Feng Ming, the closer the relationship; the easier it is to retrieve Duke Ming's soul.
RT: If that's the case, then I can only return alone?
Lu Dan didn't not immediately replied, he just softly exhaled, saddened and continued.
LD: I also know that having Your Majesty leave Duke Ming right now is a hard thing to accept... Rong Tian looked constantly at Feng Ming and after a long paused he replied: "I understand..."
RT: Who else is the closest to Feng Ming than me? (He turned to Lu Dan) The troops will stay here to protect Duke Ming's body. I will bring along some bodyguards to return to the palace, bringing Feng Ming's soul back, Adviser, you... (Lu Dan couldn't refused)
LD: Lu Dan will follow Your Majesty back, retrieving a soul required a shaman, Lu Dan also hopes to help out a portion.
Those words eased Rong Tian's mind, how can he possibly be at ease to leave the unconscious Feng Ming in the hands of the dangerous Lu Dan. With a face that could deceive many people on this world, Rong Tian's suspicion of Lu Dan will never be extinguish, because of that he naturally replied: "That's good, then we should immediately depart."
LD: Retrieving a soul will require a lot of precious ailments, I request Your Majesty to order your servants to prepare them ahead of time. (He handed Rong Tian a piece of paper he just finished writing).
Rong Tian noticed that the list had a lot of precious ailments, but luckily the inner palace of Xi Lei has a storage of them. Because of Feng Ming, he is willing to use them and immediately nodded his head.
RT: These things, I will have my people prepare them, Adviser just need to focus on retrieving Feng Ming's soul back.
LD: Retrieving a soul will waste a lot of inner energy, from now until then, Lu Dan will not eat
meat and will focus on cultivation.
RT: Adviser wishes to eat vegetarian dishes, I will have it especially ordered. Do you have any other requests?
LD: No.
After finishing discussing everything, Rong Tian said: "Adviser should quickly prepare, in half an hour, we will begin our departure."
Pushing Lu Dan out, he ordered for Dong Ling and relay duties to him.
RT: Lu Dan will follow me back, you have to keep an eye on your guards. Other than Chiu Lan
and the other maids, you cannot allow anyone else to enter the tent. Anyone who enters without permission and bothers Feng Ming, you are to capture them for later punishment.
The news of Feng Ming's soul leaving the body, only a handful of those who were present in the tent knew about it; therefore, when Dong Ling saw that Feng Ming lying on the mattress tired, he couldn't help but be curious: "Duke Ming is sick? Do we need to send for the physician?"
RT: It's just a common cold, nothing to worry about. I have to return to check on Empress Dowager's health right now. You have to carefully follow through, don't let anything happen.
DL: Understood.
After Dong Ling left, he send for Chiu Lan and the rest to come, without waiting for Rong Tian to say a thing, all four of them kneel down. Chiu Lan's eyes were red.
CL: Please rest assure, Your Majesty, if anything happens to Duke Ming, just punished us first. We will not leave this place at all, no matter who that person is, we will not allow anyone to touch a single hair of Duke Ming.
RT: That's right. That was something I wanted to tell you all. Carefully serve him, as long as Feng Ming wakes up, I will reward all of you. Stand up.
Rong Tian walked back and forth and stopped next to Feng Ming. Unable to control himself, he reached out and stroked Feng Ming's face. Smooth skin, how can anyone know that the soul has left this body? This heart was as if sliced by knives.
Rong Tian thought for awhile, as if something wrong was about to play out, like to bid farewell. He called only Chiu Lan forth and carefully advised her.
RT: Lu Dan's words, I cannot trust all of it, however with Feng Ming like this, I cannot not believe them. Feng Ming has thousands of soldiers/guards outside to protect, and all of you inside here, as well as Rong Hu and Lie Er, who will return, perhaps Lu Dan will not dare to play any tricks. But, if anything happens...for the worst, you have to risk your life to protect Feng Ming. Seven kilometers away from Aman River, there is a small village, location hidden, it's a place where Mei Ji resided. If you experienced any danger, you can come to request help from her. She will respect me and help save Feng Ming. (He pulled out a map that Mei Ji gave him
before she left)
Moved by Mei Ji's affection, Rong Tian always carried with him that map. But because he was afraid that Feng Ming would be jealous, he never dare utter a single word about it to him. There were many times when he almost exposed it while stripping during heavy passion, but fortunately Feng Ming was clueless. He also never searched Rong Tian's robes; therefore, he was able to hide it until now.
Holding the map in his hands, he remembered feeling scared that Feng Ming will discover it and due to jealousy start a huge fight.
If Feng Ming could wake up right now, then don't even mention of starting a huge argument,
even tearing apart the inner palace of Xi Lei would be nothing.
Chiu Lan received it and carefully hid it. Rong Tian still wanted to look at Feng Ming some more, he gently whispered: "Feng Ming, I will come back, very soon." Walking closed to the entrance, he suddenly stopped.
RT: Cai Qing?
Not guessing that Rong Tian will call on her, Cai Qing replied in shock: "Your servant is here." RT: You also come out, follow me.
CQ: Yes?
RT: What? You don't agree?
CQ: Understood. Your servant understood.
Rong Tian brought Cai Qing, along with Lu Dan and a few hundred guards to return back to Xi Lei.
Around 30 kilometers ahead in the distance, they saw a group of people on horses heading towards their direction, with flags of Xi Lei.
The person leading the group was Tong Er.
"Your Majesty!" Tong Er saw Rong Tian, both happy and scared, pulled in the reigns and came in front of him, shouted out: "Are you returning to visit Empress Dowager? We send a messenger to give you the news but did not hear any reply about your movement. Since we were worried that something happened, there was an immediate order to chase after and find out what happened."
RT: How is Empress Dowager?
TE: She is better, just missing Your Majesty. (Tong Er's eyes looked at Rong Tian with strange brightness, he couldn't stop giggling). I also know that my trip is wasted effort. With Your Majesty here, why is the troops number different? It's just, why did Your Majesty received the news, but is now returning back in a rush?
Rong Tian didn't want to mention about Feng Ming's situation and just replied: "I just received the news tonight and is now returning."
TE: How is that possible? Your Majesty left for three days and Empress Dowager didn't feel well inside, we also immediately send the news to Your Majesty. The messenger was personally sent by me, according to the day of departure, Your Majesty should have received the news three days ago.
Rong Tian's face immediately turned pale.
RT: Something's not right. That messenger must have been switched, I'm afraid it's a spy.
Everyone was shocked.
TE: Empress Dowager's health is better, I'm just afraid Your Majesty has to be careful at this time. Let Tong Er and Your Majesty return to the campsite and take care of this spy.
Rong Tian was currently in a hurry to return to the palace to retrieve Feng Ming's soul, how can he turn around the horses even knowing that having a spy is not a small thing. The most important thing is that Feng Ming's body is at the campsite and if the spy along with their enemies were to play tricks, causing harm to Feng Ming then what should happen?
He was burning inside, but his face did not express any emotion, instead he just calmly smiled and said: "Just a minor nuisance, what can he do? I will continue to head back to the palace to
visit Empress Dowager." He coldly called out: "Tong Er!"
TE: Yes!
RT: I will leave you with responsibility to investigate, immediately return to the main campsite, along with Head bodyguard Dong Ling to take care of the matter. Captured the messenger and strictly interrogate, captured those who are involved and do not spare those who made contact with him. Make sure everything is secured surrounding the troops.
TE: Tong Er received Your Majesty's order! (He shouted out and then frowned. He asked again.) Your Majesty is really not coming with Tong Er?
RT: I have other important business. Campsite matter is urgent, you better hurry. Rong Tian rushes back to the palace.
Please the gods up in heaven, I beg you to look after Xi Lei Duke Ming of mine

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