Feng Yu Jiu Tian Vol 13

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Feng Yu Jiu Tian
Volume 13
(T errifying Supernal Magic)  xfengyujiutian.tumblr.com
Translator: Christy Editors: Fern, Joy, Manu, Jolly
Chapter 1
It drizzled for several days.
The spring rain continued to drag on, falling subtly but yet lightly. It wasn't cold and even if someone were to stand in the rain, draped in light clothing and drenched wet, he would not feel uncomfortable at all.
The spring rain came quietly and stopped silently. The fresh air in the early morning caused everyone to get up early, surprised that the wet weather had passed. The sun rose from the bottom of the mountain, shining across the land, bringing happiness within the hearts of everyone.
The orchestrated magic show Feng Ming carefully planned had almost reached the complete critical moment.
"How's the preparation going?"
The spacious living room of the large Xiao ship had recently become Feng Ming and the others' secret location. There were 20 highly skilled henchmen of the Xiao surrounding the outside and another 20 elite bodyguards of Rong Tian's, along with Rong Hu and Luo Yun, the two lead bodyguards in charge. Those who participated in the secret meeting, in addition to Feng Ming, were Tai Can and Yong Yin General Le Ting.
"Everything is prepared." In these recent days of close liaison, Le Ting and everyone within Feng Ming's circle became more familiar. The distance from the beginning was completely put
aside and now everyone had come to the point of calling each other brothers. When Le Ting arrived he wore a large black hat covering his face and softly said, "The execution ground has been dug up and can hide a person. The wooden box that I ordered has also been nailed properly and can be used on the execution day."
Feng Ming quickly crossed his arms and said, "The wooden box doesn't need to be prepared properly. This magic trick will make everyone amazed. If we were to prepare the wooden box, someone might speculate that something strange might be going on. In my opinion, you just need to prepare a pile of wood, then at that time, the wooden box can be made to indicate that you weren't involved and did not have any ulterior motive."
Le Ting thought about it, raised his head and laughed, "You're right. I'm not involved, even the box will be made on site so that those henchmen of Yong Quan won't suspect anything as they flee in anger, haha..."
"Oh? And regarding your brother­in­law..." Feng Ming turned around to look at Tai Can.
Tai Can's dead­end situation had been saved; therefore, he was very grateful to Feng Ming. If Feng Ming were to say something, he would never oppose him. After hearing Feng Ming questioning him, he quickly walked over, "I have followed Xiao Duke Ming's words. I'll pretend to be bedridden, stricken by sadness. Yesterday, I pulled myself up to visit my brother­in­law for the last time. I have informed him of Xiao Duke Ming's plans as well."
"Did you carefully relay the message? This skit is very important, there can't be any mistakes or our magic show will be foiled." Feng Ming gravely reiterated his concerns in the matter.
"Xiao Duke Ming, please rest assured. This matter is related to my brother­in­law's life, how can I mess it up? I have repeated it to him many times and he has uttered it back smoothly several times before I left."
"That's good, very good." Feng Ming let out a long sigh.
It's so tiring! Everything is easier said than done, and this magic trick was no exception. Although he seemed to have everything under control, in fact, among all these people, the person who is most worried is him. Because the consequences are very serious. With any other magic show, if it fails, the media will just make fun of it. Following that, there won't be many people to praise it. But this is not like that. If there is the slightest flaw and someone were to create suspicion, then the Xiao family will be implicated within this Yong Yin conflict. The consequences will also put the warm­hearted General Le Ting at risk. Robbing the execution ground is like belittling the law, the punishment is the same as execution. If someone were to find out, Tai Can, Le Ting and everyone else will lose their lives.
That wine brewer must die in a way that won't cast any shadow of doubt.
Le Ting was familiar with the battlefields and had killed many people; therefore, he was much braver than the average person. This invigorating game made him even more excited as he said, "Right now, everything is ready. The execution had been announced three days ago, I have ordered people to spread the news and the execution ground will be held at the gates of Fan Cheng. Since the prisoner in Fan Cheng is a famous wine brewer and an innocent person nonetheless, there will be a huge crowd of people."
"With so many witnesses, there will be plenty of proof that Le Ting killed my brother­in­law."
"Blessed the heavens, this innocent person can finally be saved." Chiu Lan placed her palms together and she muttered a few sentences while closing her eyes. Opening them up again, she quickly said, "I hope everyone will be safe, Duke Ming will accomplish another good deed."
FM: What does this have to do with accomplishing another good deed? Since I've witnessed injustice, I just wanted to help out. It isn't about fulfilling a good deed.
CL: Duke Ming, saving many people will bring about good fortune. You can't look down upon good fortune. If in the future you were to meet with misfortune, the heavens might be merciful because of the good deeds you've done, they will help Duke Ming.
CX: Duke Ming doesn't need to pay attention to her. Chiu Lan was feeling bored these past few days and went to the library on the ship to read some books. Among the books, she found one that talked about Good Fortune. After reading it, she's been doing all sorts of good deeds to create good fortune.
FM: A couple more days when I have free time, I would like to take a look at that book. Since we'll have lots of free time, we can both read and discuss it.
CL: This isn't something you can joke about.
Feng Ming fondly touched her face and pinched her cheek, no longer arguing with her.
He turned around to glance over at Tai Can and Le Ting. After a while, his handsome face converged a smile, revealing a rare solemn expression, "The upcoming event, does anyone have any concerns after thinking it over carefully?"
LT: We have gone through this for a few days now, all the issues we've come up with have been dealt with, Duke Ming shouldn't worry too much.
Tai Can was more timid, looking down as he thought once more, "All the things that we can do have been done carefully."
"Then that's good." Feng Ming asked, "When is the execution time?" "Today at noon."
"Good!" Feng Ming went silent for a bit, then hollered out that even his loud voice frightened him. He looked left and then right, jumped up from his seat, his eyes shimmering while he tilted his head and smiled, "Everything is ready, now we wait for the opportune time. This magic trick of bringing a dead person to life can officially make a debut, all of you can go and prepare. No need to worry, just do it. This plan of Duke Ming will be successful!"
LT: I will immediately head back now. In the afternoon, I will personally travel to the execution ground at the gates of Fan Cheng and take on the responsibility of Execution Supervisor.
TC: I also have to quickly go home and pretend to be sick. At the time of the execution, I also want to pretend to be overly emotional and faint. Once I return home, I will powder my face pale white and practice my lines some more.
The two of them bid their farewells. Feng Ming escorted them outside the living room. He strode back and, looking at his maids, he spread his hand and asked, "How was my demeanor just now?"
"Very good." Chiu Xing was the first one to answer.
Chiu Yue said, "Very determined, it's clear to see that Duke Ming's plan will be successful." Chiu Lan added, "The way Duke Ming jumped up was very impressive."
Feng Ming exhaled a long breath, "I still can't convey the same majestic, confident demeanor of Rong Tian. Ah, I'm afraid that this image of a tiger will turn into a puppy. Actually, the moment I made the decision, my hands were shaking and my back was filled with cold sweat." He wiped his forehead that was also covered in cold sweat.
CY: I'll help wipe it for you, Duke Ming. If Duke Ming is afraid, then you shouldn't worry yourself with this matter. I know the prisoner is pitiful, but Duke Ming is more important. Now you've become a pitiful Duke Ming, thinking about how to save people. This magic trick... We have accepted His Majesty's order to look after Duke Ming, hoping that, while Duke Ming is on the road, the less he involves himself on the matter the better. And yet Duke Ming got himself involved in this.
CX: This matter will be over in the afternoon, why are you still mentioning it? When Duke Ming said that he will use magic, weren't you the one who clapped and yelled that it was exciting?
CY: It is exciting, but it's still scary when the time comes. Can't I just advise him a bit?
FM: Alright, alright. I'm still perfusing cold sweat, please don't argue anymore. Either way, what Chiu Yue said is right. This matter is both exciting and scary at the same time, it gives me a very exhilarated feeling.
CL: Actually, I was hoping to persuade Duke Ming out of it. The seven nation trip has just started and we still don't know how much more is ahead of us. Anything that isn't related to us, it would be best to not be involved.
FM: Ah, now I'm confused after listening to you. The three of you just said that saving an innocent person is a good thing and then later said not to get involved, that there's no need to stir things up. Can all of you give me an affirmable opinion?
Before he finished, the three maids had already revealed distressed expressions. With a sigh, they blurted out, "We are also very troubled! We don't want to see an innocent person suffering and hope that Duke Ming can be safe without having to worry about outside matters. Is this also wrong of us?"
All three maids began telling Feng Ming how they hated it when he thinks about others first and forget about how he's putting himself in danger while doing it.
Feng Ming admitted that he was wrong, but they kept whining and crying so he looked over at Rong Hu for help. However, Rong Hu didn't know what to do, so Feng Ming glanced over at Luo Yun, "Why don't Luo Yun express his thoughts about this?"
Luo Yun was sitting to one side holding his sword across his chest, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes impatiently and glanced at Feng Ming as he coldly stated, "If you're afraid then don't get involved. If you're already involved, then don't be afraid. Young Lord is both afraid and involved, which is very puzzling to others."
Feng Ming wrung his hands, feeling depressed, he said, "Even though I'm afraid, I have to intervene."
Luo Yun scornfully asked, "Why?"
FM: Because avoiding is not the method. Only when one encounters something he is afraid of will he be able to gain courage.
Luo Yun's eyes suddenly shined, he slowly turned around and stared at Feng Ming. Feng Ming changed his expression from earlier and was now grinning at him, "These words I said, are they right?"
LY: They are not wrong.
Feng Ming smiled even more brightly, then asked in a friendly manner, "I hope my words can change your attitude towards me, so can you not be cold as ice anymore? You know, ever since we were together night and day, you always have a sullen face towards me, giving me so much pressure."
"I can't." Luo Yun lazily stood up, "I'm only a subordinate not worth mentioning, so Young Lord doesn't need to waste such thoughts on me. I would like to go out for some sunlight, and will return shortly."
Without waiting for Feng Ming's reply, he carried his sword and walked straight outside.
Feng Ming stared as his back slowly disappeared. Feng Ming began scratching his head and said in agony, "How come my words usually make an impact on people, but he only gives me a gloomy face? Am I really a failure as a Young Lord?"
CY: Duke Ming shouldn't worry about it. He was born with that gloomy stiff face and won't be able to smile. It has nothing to do with Duke Ming.
CX: Why does Duke Ming want Luo Yun to have a different attitude towards you? This person, if compared to a rock, is even more stubborn. He is not the type of person to make amends.
CL: Ah, Duke Ming needs to make amends. If in the future we are to enter the Tong Kingdom, it's like heading to enemy territory, a place filled with danger. Therefore, before we head there, we have to first resolve our internal conflict so the people of Xiao family's highly skilled swordsmen will give their respect to Duke Ming and faithfully protect him. Otherwise, there will be a repetition of the events that occurred on the ship on the first day. A family confronted by two sides is not the way it should be.
CX: Chiu Lan is amazing, I can't imagine it.
CY: Those things that she just said must be from listening to Rong Hu, I don't believe that she thought of it.
FM: I'm this tired and you are all bickering, not thinking of a way to help me. Anyway...it wasn't because of the Xiao Family's henchmen that I wanted to please him...
"Then what is it for?"
FM: It's just because I feel that there's some sort of closeness between him and I...
The three maids looked at each other. Closeness between Luo Yun and him? Duke Ming's view about others seems to be of no improvement.
Rong Hu asked if Feng Ming is alright and Feng Ming replied that he tried very hard to come up with an impressive speech for Luo Yan, but yet it didn't have any effect on him. He then asked Rong Hu where he just went.
RH: Ah, I went to see Luo Deng. The upcoming execution, no matter if it's successful or not, the Xiao family have to pretend we have nothing to do with it. Our ship must leave Fan Cheng's shore before the scheduled time of execution and continue heading forward.
FM: (nodded his head) You are still the attentive one. Tell Luo Deng to set sail to leave. It seems I won't be able to see this magic trick of mine.
RH: We can bring the ship forward and stop up ahead, then use a smaller boat to bring you back to Fan Cheng, sneak you into the crowd observing the execution. However, this relates to Duke Ming's safety. Leaving the large ship and sneaking into a huge crowd of people is very dangerous. This matter still needs to go over with the Xiao Family's men who are protecting you. If they don't agree, I'm afraid leaving the ship will be a bit difficult.
Feng Ming shrugged, then turned towards Chiu Xing as he reluctantly chuckled, "See, now do you understand why I need to be on friendly terms with Luo Yun? It seems that everywhere I go now, I have to consult with him."
CY: But he is Duke Ming's subordinate, how can that be? If Duke Ming wants to go somewhere, then just go. I'll go talk to him.
Chiu Yue pulled up her skirt, stood up, and then disappeared off.
A short moment later, Chiu Yue triumphantly returned and announced, "Luo Yun said he has no objections. If Duke Ming wants to go see it, he's only responsible in protecting you as long as Duke Ming doesn't cause any trouble while observing the lively event."
Feng Ming was extremely pleased, he wanted to show his gratitude to Chiu Yue, but his feet suddenly jolted, a surprised movement coming from underneath him.
RH: The ship is leaving shore. Wait until we head forward to a place without people and then we'll sneak back to Fan Cheng.
Leaving Fen Chang port, Le Ting unobtrusively rode his horse slowly towards the sandy road heading south. After riding for half a mile and leaving the busy port of Fan Cheng, the
passersby reduced in number. He was about to pull out his whip to hasten his trip back to his estate and make the final preparations, when he noticed something was amiss.
Two seemingly ordinary carriages dashed in front of him. In addition, there were six guards riding horses beside the carriages. The two carriages were side by side and the line of guards conveniently blocked the road ahead. Everyone's sullen eyes were staring silently at Le Ting and they approached him.
Needless to say, these people were here for him. Could things have changed?
Feeling unnerved, Le Ting slowed down his pace. Pretending that sand got caught in his eyes, he raised his hand and rubbed his eyes as he took the opportunity to survey the situation behind him.
The two people riding behind him also got closer. In fact, both sides got closer, pushing Le Ting, one person on one horse, into the middle. He could only pull the reins to his horse to a halt, and coldly shout out, "The world is filled with large roads, no one is without an alternative route. Who is so arrogant that even this road cannot be traveled? Or do you intend to rob others instead?"
At this moment, both sides came to a stop. There was a moment of silence in the carriage before a pleasant male voice asked, "May I ask if you are General Le Ting?"
Because Le Ting was in a secret meeting with Feng Ming, before leaving his estate, he had changed his attire and disguised himself. The clothes on him were civilian clothes and he deliberately placed a beard on his face and wore a large black hat. He didn't expect anyone to recognize him. Le Ting was surprised, he tried to find a way to escape while asking, "Who are you?"
The person in the carriage laughed, "If you want to know who I am, I request the General to enter the carriage."
Le Ting looked around in all directions. If it was under normal circumstances, he would have brought a group of bodyguards; thus, he wouldn't have to worry about these people. Unfortunately, today was a secret mission, which compelled him to travel unaccompanied. Right now, it's hard for his hands to counter the enemies' four fists. In a very desolated place, if he were attacked, his rotten corpse might not even be discovered. Wouldn't dying be useless?
Le Ting looked left and right, he could no longer stall for time, therefore he could only temporarily improvise. After dismounting, several tall men were staring at him as if eyeing a prey. They immediately took the sword hanging at his waist and searched his body. When no other weapons were found, they finally lifted the curtain and allowed him to enter the carriage.
Le Ting was so upset he clenched his teeth, and angrily stepped inside the carriage. When he lifted his head, he was completely shocked. Sitting inside the carriage was a young man of only 19 or 20, a handsome appearance with an intense deep gaze. His clothing was quite normal. There was a small square table in front of him, covered with several dishes of food. Although there was nothing special about the food, the plates holding the food were of pale green, an extremely rare material.
Le Ting knew that at this moment he should not back out. Looking coldly across at the young lad who was sitting leisurely, he said, "How dare you! Kidnapping a General is a capital offense, are you aware of this?"
The person in the carriage was Xiao Liu. He was in his early twenties, but his appearance was similar to Lie Er. He has already matured, yet still looked like a young lad. However, compared to Lie Er, Xiao Liu seemed more indifferent. After meeting up with Rong Tian, and under Rong Tian's instructions, he raced towards Fan Cheng. He wanted to stay there for a bit in order to figure out a way to save Tai Can's brother­in­law, hoping that Tai Can will avoid implication and the Third Prince Yong Cheng's power won't be further weakened. He never imagined that coming to Fan Cheng, he would hear news that Le Ting ordered to execute the prisoner today.
Xiao Liu was very surprised. Le Ting had always assumed a position of impartiality, and even if execution is inevitable, he shouldn't be t hat eager to execute Tai Can's brother­in­law. He didn't expect someone who maintained neutrality to side with Prince Yong Quan. Without any other options, he could only send his men to secretly spy on Le Ting's estate and, once Le Ting was alone, capture him.
Because the circumstance was too sudden, even with the person captured, what should he do? He still haven't figured out a plan. Although he was inwardly worried, Xiao Liu seemed calm on the surface. After listening to Le Ting, he gave a faint smile. "Kidnapping a General? I don't have the guts to do so. Xiao Liu was ordered to come here. I just wanted to request General to come inside the carriage and ask a few questions. That can't be seen as kidnapping."
"Oh? On behalf of whose order?"
"Please have a look, General." Xiao Liu untied the token hanging on his waist and gave it to Le Ting. He had been secretly lurking beside Yong Quan, working within Prince Yong Quan's estate, so the token he pulled out was naturally from Yong Quan's estate.
After Le Ting's eyes fell upon it, his face almost changed color and he whispered, "The Crown Prince's estate?"
"That's correct." Xiao Liu smiled, comfortably leaning himself against the velvet walls of the carriage compartment. "Fan Cheng has recently encountered many things. His Highness, Yong Quan, ordered me to come here to assist." He clearly was making this up. After meeting with Rong Tian, he didn't have time to return to the capital to receive any orders from Yong Quan. Thinking that saving a person takes priority, Xiao Liu wanted to hand over the token, rescue the prisoner and then explain to Yong Quan.
He just simply wanted to say something that wouldn't make Le Ting suspicious of him. However, he didn't expect to scare Le Ting into dripping cold sweat.
After hearing that he is one of Yong Quan's men, Le Ting felt a sudden chill down his spine. This was indeed meeting a ghost at night. He never imagined Yong Quan would care so much about the small city official post at Fan Cheng's port, that he would dispatch his henchmen here. Not only was this time different, they didn't just discreetly observe the execution's progress, but installed countermeasures as well.
Could it be...could it be that they have already figured out Feng Ming's magic trick of bringing a dead person to life?! Thinking about this, the cold sweat continued to flow. If this is discovered, the prisoner and Tai Can will undoubtedly die. Even he, Le Ting, had no chance of escaping. For him to die is nothing, but his wife and the three concubines, along with his children inside his residence will not be spared. If Yong Quan dealt with his brothers without mercy, then a meagre General like him is nothing.
Inside the narrow compartment, the more Le Ting thought about it, the more anxious he got. Duke Ming's plan was extremely clever, and yet before it even began, without the slightest hint or exposure, how did the Crown Prince find out about it? If the people of Yong Quan did not receive the news, then why are they deliberately stopping him here?
Le Ting had been an official for many years, had he been fooled by the court? He was worried inside, but his face did not reveal the slightest change. Still keeping the same composure, he said, "So it's Mister Liu from the Crown Prince's estate. The capital is quite distant and Mister Liu has been traveling hard, not caring for the trouble to come here. Is there something you would like to inform me?"
"This matter is regarding the wine brewer called Chao An."
"So it's regarding that." Le Ting carefully re­examined his words as he slowly replied, "Then, Mister Liu, please report back to His Highness, Yong Quan, that this matter has been properly taken care of. The prisoner will be sentenced today, and I will be the one to personally supervise the execution. There will not be a single problem."
Xiao Liu was having a headache because of Chao An's execution today. If that's the case, then he cannot fulfill Rong Tian's task. Furrowing his eyebrows, he said, "Isn't General a bit impatient in handling this case?"
"What?" Le Ting eyed Xiao Liu suspiciously.
From Yong Quan's point of view, his people are upset that Chao An couldn't be killed earlier so that they could implicate Tai Can. Unless... they already knew about the plan later today. If that's the case, then the lives of those people involved will be at stake.
Le Ting's heart suddenly tightened, he could barely maintain his calm when he asked, "Mister Liu, why do you say that I'm handling this case in a haste? This prisoner has given the King a barrel of sour Youzhi wine, going against the King's orders, and is extremely disrespectful. His death sentence is long overdue. Didn't His Highness, Yong Quan, send a letter urging for the sentencing to be carried out as soon as possible and without further delay? I am only acting on the instructions provided by His Highness."
This remark by Le Ting was reasonable. Thinking for the sake of Yong Quan, pledging his allegiance with him, made Xiao Liu speechless.
How could Xiao Liu not know that Yong Quan had been eyeing the city official post at Fan Cheng's port? Right now, he was acting as a representative of the Crown Prince's faction so how can he reveal his true intentions for coming here?
Xiao Liu glanced over at Le Ting and was upset that he couldn't just kick the famous General of Yong Yin in front of him. What kind of righteous General is this? Bullshit, he's just like those bootlickers!
It seems Le Ting was just pretending to take a neutral stance, when in fact, he was afraid of Yong Quan's power. Figures, he disregard shame and win Yong Quan's approval by using Tai Can's brother­in­law's case to suck up to Crown Prince Yong Quan. And the most despicable thing was, Xiao Liu had to compliment this damn man for disregarding a human life.
"General is truly very loyal to His Highness, Yong Quan." Xiao Liu clenched his teeth as he forced himself to smile, "You seem to be working very hard. I will have to announce this to His Highness in the future. However, what I said about General handling this matter hastily is justified. You should know that the Cai Family have been city officials in Fan Cheng for many generations, executing a family member can wait a few more days. Handling this case quickly might evoke criticism by others. This matter might not be good for His Highness' reputation."
After listening, Le Ting secretly let out a sigh of relief.
So this stunt of seizing him, in the middle of the road, and forcing him into the carriage was because of this and here he thought this person had realised something was amiss with this afternoon's execution. Le Ting was less worried and a bit calmer. Motioning with his hand and giving off a righteous look, he said, "Regarding this matter, Prince Yong Quan can rest assured. This case has been delayed for a long time, and now is the best time to take care of it. No matter the evidence or the process of execution, everything is in full accordance with the law of Yong Yin. No one can criticize Prince Yong Quan about this matter."
Xiao Liu replied, "His Highness Yong Quan only hopes that this case can be postponed for a few more days."
If it were a few days ago, Le Ting would be extremely happy and nodded in agreement. He also didn't want to execute an innocent person. However, the magic trick Duke Ming is orchestrating is ready to be implemented. The secret compartment underneath the execution ground had also been dug up in advance and if this cannot be carried out today, then traces of evidence will be present.
Thinking about this, Le Ting responded adamantly, "The announcement was carried out three days ago, everyone knows that today will be the execution day. If it is suddenly postponed, it will arouse criticism from the people. Mister Liu, please understand that I am doing this for the sake of His Highness Yong Quan. The sooner this matter is settled, the more favorable it is for his excellency."
Le Ting continued mentioning that this matter was for the sake of Yong Quan. Xiao Liu was so angry he stared wide eyed at Le Ting for he could not find any other reason to stop him. If he continued to dissuade him, it will only cause Le Ting to be more suspicious of him.
It was hard enough for Xiao Liu to hide his identity inside Yong Quan's estate, yet to expose himself because of this trivial matter was not worth it. Given the situation, had been someone else, then that person would have given up and not pursue the matter further. Xiao Liu may appear simple, but he was far more than ordinary. He held himself in high self­esteem.
It's been a long time since he met Rong Tian and after meeting Rong Tian, he accepted this task. Even though this task was not important, he made a promise to His Majesty. He had to complete it no matter what.
During a moment of hesitation, a bold plan emerged from inside his mind like a lightning bolt. The fact that Le Ting was captured without anyone's knowledge and the men Xiao Liu brought with him were elite guards and loyal to him, his endeavours today will not be exposed. Why not just get rid of Le Ting without anyone knowing?!
Then when noon comes, without the appearance of the execution supervisor, the prisoner cannot be executed. If Tai Can's brother­in­law is not officially put to death, then Tai Can
won't be implicated because of this case. At the very least, before the court sends another new General, the city official post at Fan Cheng's port will not be replaced.
Xiao Liu thought for a moment in silence, he secretly glanced over at Le Ting, carefully calculating his next move. The innocent wine brewer who got dragged into this political battle of the two princes had no quarrel with this person, yet right now, this person has no regard for a human life, for he wish to kill the wine brewer to gain Yong Quan's approval. So why not just kill this completely insane and ridiculous person?
Thinking about it, Xiao Liu's eyes flashed with murderous intent, his lips curved upward into a gentle arc as he methodical answered, "What General just said is correct. It seems that I was overly worried. Since that's the case, please return to your estate. I'll leave the wine brewer, Chao An's case in your hands."
How could Le Ting guess what was going on inside Xiao Liu's mind? It's hard to blame him. No matter how much he thinks about it, he could not imagine that Xiao Liu was Rong Tian's spy. Everything Le Ting said and done was in favor of Yong Quan. It was obvious that Xiao Liu will have to release him.
After listening to Xiao Liu, Le Ting did not suspect a thing. "That would be best. Noon will come quickly and I have to hurry to the execution ground. I hope Mister Liu will report the matter back to His Highness Yong Quan for me. I'll take my leave." After bidding Xiao Liu farewell, he turned around and got out of the carriage.
As his feet landed on the ground, behind him, a wailing sound was suddenly heard from inside the carriage. Le Ting didn't have time to react when several confidants of Xiao Liu gathered around the carriage with a grim look on their faces and charging straight at him. Caught unawares, Le Ting received a strike to his nose and was suddenly dizzy. He was taken aback. With the skills he gained on the battlefields, he retreated in panic, raising his arm to fend off another strike, while the other hand was searching along his waist. But he couldn't feel anything. By then, he realized his sword was confiscated before entering the carriage. With this second of hesitation, he suffered several blows to his back, it was so painful that he wanted to curl up on the floor. Feeling afraid and mad, he shouted, "What do you guys want?!"
His mind quickly raced back. For them to take action ruthlessly must mean that they were aware of Duke Ming's plan! Otherwise, why would the people of Crown Prince do this?
It was upsetting that he didn't know how they managed to figure it out. What's worst is that Duke Ming and Tai Can were unaware of this. If they act according to the plan, then they too might fall into this trap. No! No matter what, he had to let them know that he is being captured by the Crown Prince's henchmen!
Thinking about this, regardless of the attacks coming from behind, Le Ting immediately fought his way forward, pushing the two brawny men aside and shouting loudly from top of his lungs, "Murderer! Murderer! I am Yong Yin General Le...." Before he could finish, he was knocked out hard and his body collapsed onto the soft yellow mud on the ground.
The curtain of the carriage was lifted. "How's the situation?"
"Reporting to Young Master, he's lost consciousness." One of Xiao Liu's subordinate used his foot to check for movement, but there was none. He let out a laugh. "Just now, this person tried to shout for help. Haha, this place is covered in sand, not a single spirit can hear him shouting."
The other man asked, "Young Master, do you want to kill him?" He removed the short dagger from his waist. They were all assailants, accustomed to killing people without batting an eye. All of them were not afraid of death. With just one word from Xiao Liu, slitting the throat of a General was no different than killing a chicken.
Xiao Liu was planning on nodding his head, but then remembered something, he asked, "You have closely followed him from his estate, where did he go?"
"This person was sneaking into Fan Cheng's port, we're not sure where he went because he disappeared in a blink of an eye. We almost thought that he found out we were following him and cut off our trail. Half an hour later, we found him along the large road in Fan Cheng's port."
Fan Cheng's port? According to the news, the large ship of Xiao Family carrying Duke Ming stopped by the port of Fan Cheng? Could it be.... When thinking about this, Xiao Liu was horrified. He stared down at the unconscious Le Ting lying on the ground. Could this vicious person really want to kill Duke Ming to please Yong Quan?
The thought made sense. Pushing a wine brewer to his death was not a big deal for Yong Quan. But if he were to kill Duke Ming, the one who Xi Lei King Rong Tian loves the most, then the present King in Xi Lei, Rong Tong, would be very grateful to Yong Quan. It would be a huge achievement. Huh! How hateful!
Xiao Liu stared ferociously at the motionless Le Ting. He was planning on killing him, but hesitated. He ordered coldly, "Tie him up for now, remember to gag him. Once the matter regarding Tai Can is resolved, I would like to interrogate and torture him a bit. Concerning today's event, no matter who ask you, do not reveal a single thing, understand?"
His henchmen cresponded with a roar of compliance.
Chapter 2
Feng Ming changed his clothes then slipped into the crowd with Rong Hu on his left and Luo Yun on his right.
The Youzi wine becoming sour as it leaves Fan Cheng is a fact that everyone knows. This case regarding Chao An is a crime pushed onto the innocent. Today, when the prisoner gets executed, nine out of ten people in Fan Cheng will rush forth to see the boisterous event held at the city gate.
"What a shame..."
"Ah, I heard he offended the Prince."
"Quiet! You don't want to live? Lower your voice."
The afternoon hasn't arrived, yet everyone was whispering non­stop along the sideline.
"How are they going to live? An honest man being executed. What a pity, he has an aging mother."
"That's right, what a pity, his wife is also pregnant."
Feng Ming squirmed his way into the crowd, but judging by Rong Hu and Luo Yun's trifled look, he knew he had reached the closest point to the execution ground.
The execution ground contained a wooden platform about two feet high with large stairs, rows of chairs were placed below and a table spread with satin cloth; which appears to be the seating for the execution supervisor and other officials. In the middle of the platform was the place where the execution will be held, a thick wooden stump ­ the place where the prisoner will kneel down, and place his head onto before beheading.
Feng Ming knew that the wooden stump wouldn't be necessary for this plan of theirs. No matter how impressive Feng Ming's ability was, he was not able to reconnect a person's head back to the original form. Regarding magic, he only watched it on television. Therefore, whether this plan is successful or not, will depend on everyone's performance and if the Heaven is willing to help out....
Chao An's wife and mother were sobbing beside the execution ground. Crying alongside with them was Tai Can, pretending to be "ill."
"Sister...sister... please don't cry. You're still pregnant. This is the law, we have no other way, if you want to take a look..." Not sure what kind of powder coating Tai Can placed on his face, but his face was white as a ghost. Crying with tears and snot all over his face, his sobbing was even louder than his sister's, "It's all because of me, I shouldn't have let you choose this marriage. This is not a good marriage and now you'll become a widow. What a pity for my nephew who hasn't been born yet..."
Feng Ming knew that he was acting, but he could not help but stare wide mouthed at Tai Can's realistic acting.
"Duke Ming, the prisoner is here." Rong Hu's voice whispered against his ear.
Feng Ming stretched his neck up to look. Indeed, there were a group of people coming from the city gate, walking towards the execution grounds. They were wearing the regular soldier outfit, armed with a long spear. There was only one person wearing a prisoner uniform, emaciated, his hands were tied behind his back, staggering while walking in the middle as if his soul was scant.
"He's here! He's here!"
"About to be beheaded?"
When they saw the prisoner, the crowd made a slight commotion. Feng Ming was wondering why Le Ting isn't here yet. Rong Hu felt something was wrong, believing that Le Ting should have arrived here much earlier.
They both tried to rationalize that Le Ting must have been slightly delayed. However, Luo Yun felt differently, stating, "Something happened."
Hearing him say it with much conviction, Feng Ming felt nervous, his face went pale and he tried to force a laughter.
"That can't be? Our plan...was so perfect."
Rong Hu wasn't pleased with Luo Yun scaring Feng Ming. Glaring at him, he asked, "How do you know something happened?"
"This is a killer's instinct." Luo Yun answered, ignoring Rong Hu's glare, he turned his head to face Feng Ming, "Didn't Young Lord said 'to face your fears to build courage'? Your chance has come."
Feng Ming was already tense enough. After listening to him, he became more uneasy, and he stammered; "What I meant was...was...oh God, if our plan is leaked and the Yong Yin army were to jump out and surround us, we only have twenty guards. We might really become twenty shredded pieces of meat."
Feng Ming wasn't very good at converging his inner thoughts. With his handsome appearance, thick eyebrows and blinking eyes, his pitiful look after being scared was too adorable.
Luo Yun never expected that his words would scare Feng Ming like that. He was both amused and upset. Sweeping his eyes to look at him once more and using an insensitive tone of voice, he said, "If it's leaked then it's leaked. The Xiao Family is unafraid of anyone. If someone dares to hurt you, they will have to walk past my dead body." Although his expression was cold, his intention of protecting Feng Ming were clearly conveyed in his words.
Feng Ming was deeply moved. He grabbed Luo Yun's hand tightly, revealing a bright smile. "Thank you."
Surprised, Luo Yun looked down in disgust at the hand Feng Ming was holding. He tried to struggle free but couldn't. This place was filled with many people so he didn't dare to use much force that would cause unwanted attention to them. He gave up on struggling, feeling embarrassed while letting Feng Ming to continue hold his hand.
Just then, Rong Hu suddenly said, "He's here!"
Sure enough, a carriage came from the other side of the gate, surrounded by several guards, made its way towards the execution ground. Le Ting held the highest position within the area. He made the announcement that he will be there personally at noon to convict the prisoner according to the laws of Yong Yin. During the time of execution, horse carriages were not allowed near the execution ground. Everyone was aware of this.
The curtains to the carriage lifted and the dignified person stepped out. However, the image of the person that appeared was not Le Ting, whom they had been looking forward to, but instead a young man Feng Ming had never seen before.
Feng Ming was shocked, he thought that he didn't see clearly so he quickly rubbed his eyes. After taking a closer look, his face went pale, his heart dropped. It wasn't Le Ting at all. Could Luo Yun's words be true, something happened....
"The Prince sent an envoy! Pay your respects!"
Feng Ming was still shocked wondering where Le Ting could be. If it wasn't for Luo Yun, pulling him down to kneel along with the others, Feng Ming would have stood out from the crowd, inadvertently putting himself in danger.
As the crowd was ordered to stand up, Feng Ming followed along. There were no news about Le Ting and yet an envoy from the Crown Prince arrived. This was something they were all afraid of.
Tai Can, who was sobbing on the sideline, noticed that something wasn't right. His mouth was wide open and his eyes dilated bigger than a pair of bells, a horrid look on his face displayed after seeing the unknown Crown Prince's envoy.
The crowd below were whispering to each other, wondering why the Crown Prince's envoy was here.
Luo Yun knew that the situation had changed and could result in extreme danger. He advised Feng Ming to make a quick decision regarding this unexpected change in events.
Feng Ming was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to do and blamed himself for not thinking everything thoroughly. If Rong Hu, Luo Yun, Tai Can and Le Ting were to meet with misfortune then it will be his fault. What kind of magic trick is this? Great, with all the preparations, the execution supervisor went missing. This lousy magic trick is the worst one ever!
"This Crown Prince's envoy is really strange." Rong Hu was muttering beside him.
"I know that he's strange, but this isn't the time to pursue that." Feng Ming whispered, "Right now, the important thing is...what should we do? God, if that envoy takes charge of the execution, do we really have to snatch the prisoner? Ah, I...it's all my..."
"This person is clearly Xiao Liu." Rong Hu stared at the Crown Prince's envoy who was standing on the platform. Xiao Liu was skinnier than before so with one glance, he couldn't recognize him. Two years of not meeting, it seems that he was sent by His Majesty to Yong Yin.
Feng Ming thought Rong Hu said something about running off, so he responded, "Run? Where should we run to? No, I came up with his plan, I have to save the prisoner before the execution time. If we were to run away, wouldn't I be killing an innocent person?"
"Duke Ming, that person is Xiao Liu."
FM: What? Rong Hu, you know that person? Can you think of a way to resolve this matter? Money is not a problem, didn't Lie Er said that Yong Yin officials love bribery?
RH: He is originally one of us.
FM: What? One of us....He.. he.. he...this Crown Prince's envoy... Say it one more time?
RH: He was sent by His Majesty as a spy within Yong Yin.
Feng Ming stared at Rong Hu several times, after determining that Rong Hu was not joking, he let out a huge sigh of relief.
FM: One of us?
RH: That's correct.
FM: One of us?
RH: Hush, Duke Ming. Please don't raise your voice, it will arouse attention. FM: That's right...one of us...m y dear God (for crying out loud!)
Feng Ming silently thank that his magic trick was still supported by the Heaven.
He tilted his head and filled with emotions, he glanced over at Rong Hu. He didn't know whether to hug Rong Hu or give him a good kick. Unfortunately with the present circumstances, he couldn't do any of these two actions. The only thing Feng Ming could do was to clench his teeth in dissatisfaction, "Why didn't you say so earlier, do you want to scare your Royal Highness to death?"
RH: I just knew about it.
LY: What should we do now?
FM: Whew, it turned out to be a false alarm. The next course is to follow our plan. Rest assured, if he is one of us, he will help us complete this plan. Ha, I didn't expect Rong Tian to be so amazing, this is very good.
LY: I still don't see how this Crown Prince's envoy will help with completing our plan. FM: Hah?
LY: I don't think he knows what our plan is.
FM: Hah?
This can't be! Could this pawn be placed randomly because of Rong Tian? He wasn't ordered here to kill Chao An, was he?
They're finished....
The moment Feng Ming was shouting "They're finished," Rong Hu decisively went to the edge of the execution ground, grabbed the panicky Tai Can and whispered in his eyes, "Quickly run up on the platform towards the Crown Prince's envoy, cry to him and then..."
On the execution platform, Xiao Liu was also upset. When Le Ting was knocked out unconscious, he wasn't planning on making his appearance. However, after thinking about it, he felt a bit uneasy. The execution notice was announced, so if the main execution supervisor was not present, there will still be a deputy execution supervisor. And if that person were to put out the order to kill Chao An, then his hard work would go to waste. To ensure that such things won't happen, he had to personally take a trip to come here.
"Master Liu, please drink some tea."
Le Ting was the major General to execute the prisoner, therefore, officials from top to bottom within Fan Cheng came to attend. However, Le Ting unexpectedly disappeared; and the envoy of the Crown Prince who came had an even higher position than Le Ting. After serving the tea, they showered him with flattering words.
"Haha, the weather is very sunny, Master Liu didn't mind traveling tirelessly from miles away, you are very loyal to the court."
"I've heard...Master Liu is a man of principle and righteousness and highly respected by Prince Yong Quan..."
Xiao Liu forced a smile. Cutting short their sentences, he glanced around and then asked, "How come I don't see the Execution Supervisor General Le Ting?"
"This..." The deputy supervisor for Le Ting was silently muttering to himself that he too didn't know where General Le Ting was, but while looking up at the colorful sky, he replied, "The General is probably ridden with a bunch of matters entangling him, he will arrive shortly."
Xiao Liu secretly sneered. Your general is currently tied up like a pastry, placed underneath the seat within my horse carriage, perhaps he'll never be able to arrive here at all.
There was one official who told Xiao Liu that if General Le Ting doesn't arrive, then Xiao Liu could always use his title as the Crown Prince's envoy to execute the prisoner. Xiao Liu knew this official pledge his loyalty to Prince Yong Quan and was disgusted by it, but he kept on a poker face.
XL: We absolutely cannot do that. His Highness is kind, benevolent and abides by the law. If you want the person from Crown Prince's estate to be in charge of this execution just because the main execution supervisor is not here, then if this rumor were to spread in the future, wouldn't this tarnish His Highness's reputation?
Xiao Liu knew that if an hour passed and Le Ting still hadn't shown up for the scheduled time frame, then according to the law, the prisoner will be sent back to prison. So right now, he had to endure all the flattery and sweet talk by the other officials for an hour.
During this time of extreme impatience, a sudden cry rang out.
"He's innocent! He's innocent!" Tai Can burst into tears while he was crawling and scrambling onto the execution platform. "Official, please re­examine the case! My brother­in­law is innocent! My sister is currently pregnant, a future widow and a fatherless child, what will happen? Please...please have mercy..."
Despite having a large chubby physique, his actions were surprisingly swift. Before anyone could react, Tai Can had already clung onto Xiao Liu's leg and started crying. If he was a normal person, then he would've been dragged out by the guards. However, no matter what type of person Tai Can was, he was an official in Fan Cheng for several years. Since the guards knew that he was an official, they didn't dare to take action. As for the other officials who were sitting on the platform, they shook their heads and half­heartedly said, "Brother Tai, please quickly stand up, if you need to say something please say it slowly, everyone else is staring."
"Brother Tai, I can understand your sadness, but regarding your brother­in­law's matter, the law is ruthless."
"Let's talk about it slowly, Brother Tai and quickly let go, this person is the Crown Prince's envoy..."
Xiao Liu's leg was held tightly that he couldn't move. He was overly embarrassed, but felt a bit sympathetic towards Tai Can. He wanted to tell Tai Can that he came here to save the prisoner, but since he couldn't clearly state it, he placed a stone face and said, "Who are you? Being so rude towards me? What do you mean innocent? General Le Ting gave the
conviction according to the law, are you saying that he is doing this because of personal interest? What nonsense! Quickly let go!" While bending over, he tried to push away the hands that were grabbing onto his leg.
Tai Can was waiting for this opportunity. Seeing him stooping down, he immediately whispered into Xiao Liu's ear like a lightning bolt, "Rong Hu requests that you meet up with him."
Xiao Liu was surprised that this person knew his identity and even Rong Hu. While wondering what Rong Hu had to do with this matter, Tai Can added that Duke Ming was also standing within the audience. The other officials who were standing to the side were afraid that Xiao Liu would be angry so they rushed over to pull him off. After being dragged off the platform, Tai Can wiped his tears and comforted his sister.
Xiao Liu was shocked, but he eventually swept his eyes over the people below the platform and saw Rong Hu. Noticing that Xiao Liu had seen him, Rong Hu made a gesture, which Xiao Liu silently understood.
XL: Is there... any place to let loose*? (*restroom)
The officials started laughing, "Are you in a hurry? The city gates have a place which is fairly clean, allow me to show you the way."
XL: No need. This matter does not need many people to follow along.
After asking for the direction, Xiao Liu brought two of his guards to follow behind. Once he came to the city gate and made a turn into a quiet place, Rong Hu was already waiting right there for him.
RH: I know that you have many things to ask me and I have many things to ask you, but right now there is something important to do and we're running out of time. First off, take this paper.
Xiao Liu took the sheet of paper, glanced over it quickly and asked, "What is this?"
RH: Duke Ming is determined to save Chao An's life. This is the rescue plan that our team decided to act out. Luckily, Duke Ming is clever enough to bring this just in case. Just follow the plan that is written, you have to remember your lines. Be careful, don't miss a single word.
XL: What?
RH: We have no other choice. Originally, we discussed the plan with Le Ting and would perform it during the execution, but we didn't expect him to suddenly disappear. Right now,
sending someone to find him will be too late, therefore, you will have to replace him. Just take some time to memorize these lines, then head up to the platform and be a substitute for Le Ting. Using your position, you have all the qualification to take charge of the execution on Le Ting's behalf. Xiao Liu, this role is very important, whether or not Chao An can be saved depends on this moment, alright? Why do you have a weird look on your face?
XL: Uh, Rong Hu...
RH: If you have something to say, let's talk about it later. If noontime is over, Duke Ming's plan would become a waste. The most important thing right now is for you to memorize your lines, we don't have much time...I know we have to bother for your assistance this time.
XL: Did you just said that this plan was discussed with Le Ting?
RH: Yes, it was. At the critical moment, no one knows where Le Ting had run off to, if he... XL: I know.
RH: ... could come here on time, then it would be great...Ah? What did you just say?
XL: I said, I know where Le Ting is.
RH: You do? That's great! That's great! Where is he? How long until he arrives here?
XL: He's in my horse carriage.
RH: Your horse carriage? What is he doing on your horse carriage?
XL: Actually, he's tied up and stuffed beneath the seat of my carriage.
Those who were not involved with the plan wouldn't know that even though the execution this time was ordinary, there were a lot of chaos within. After knowing where Le Ting was, Rong Hu used his fastest and most agile speed to report the news to Feng Ming and then with the same speed, rushed over to the back of Xiao Liu's carriage and rescue Le Ting, pulling out the smelly rag from his mouth and pouring a bowl of water on him. He then gave two heavy slaps to his face, thus finally waking Le Ting from his unconscious state.
RH: The Crown Prince's envoy is a good person, because of his righteousness, he came to help us, which is also part of this magic trick. Here...anyway...let's follow through with the plan.
After explaining the current situation to Le Ting in the most simplest words, they decided to continue with the plan Feng Ming had implemented. As for the groggy general, he was brought inconspicuously to the remote area of the city gate without anyone noticing, and there he climbed onto a horse.
In a short while, before noontime came to an end, General Le Ting who had gone missing, suddenly appeared around the corner of the gates, as if he had experienced a long arduous journey, answering the eagerness cry of the people.
"Look! Look!"
"The General is here!"
"That's right! General Le Ting is finally here!" "Oh! The prisoner may really die this time!"
When Le Ting appeared, a sudden burst of noise was heard from the top and above the platform. Tai Can thought that their plan of bringing a dead person to life was exposed, silently glancing at Le Ting riding towards the execution platform, dismounting his horse, and being escorted by his guards onto the platform, d
Upstreams of Aman River
A group of magnificent three story ships anchored and lined up along the river. Even though the river is large, it seems that they have occupied almost a quarter of the area. If the riverbanks were narrow, one large ship may have hindered the smooth passage of other vessels.
It's usually uncommon for one to see a large ship like this on regular days, not to mention five large ships appearing at once. With the conspicuous group of ships, anyone who laid eyes on them, even if they aren't informed regarding national news, can immediately guess who the owner of this fleet was.
Who is it?
None other than the most famous person on earth. Being the utmost cherished person by the Xi Lei King; he is the most powerful and legendary man– even the King of Li desires him - Xi Lei's Duke Ming, who else?
Lie Zhong Liu was not mistaken, if Feng Ming's fleet did not encounter any unforeseen circumstances, then they should have begun entering the Tong territory.  Another 150 li upstream and they would have reached the city of Fang Di, which intersects between the Tong and Yong Yin borders. 
That's the first stop Feng Ming and the others would have to pass before entering the Tong Kingdom.
However, that is only if "there were no unforeseen circumstances."
At present, there are at least two unforeseen circumstances that forced Feng Ming to order the fleet to temporarily stop. Also taking the advantage to appreciate the beautiful hillside scenery and Aman's shores.
The first unforeseen circumstance was extremely serious.
"The Xiao family's information gathering has obviously got some issues. We can only rely to our own spies for information. However, Zi Yan hasn't returned yet to give us updates and our ships cannot rush into Tong Kingdom just yet."
This was what Rong Hu said.  Moreover, it was precise. They needed to delay their trip for a few days until they hear from Zi Yan.
The second unforeseen circumstance was being too sentimental.
Luo Deng, who was responsible for contacting the old master Xiao Zong, Feng Ming's bad-tempered father, brought back depressing news for Feng Ming. After Lady Yao Ye carried Cai Jiang away, Xiao Zong who loves his grandchild as his own life, quickly followed behind. Therefore, the letter Feng Ming wrote to Lady Yao Ye, requesting for the Wen Lan flowers still has not arrived on time.
After hearing this news, Feng Ming turned to his maids and asked, "What should we do now?"
They unanimously said, "Duke Ming, please decide." After finishing, three pairs of eyes awaited for Feng Ming's response.
FM: We still need to wait for Zi Yan, so let's be patient, just like waiting for the Wen Lan Flower.
Regarding the Wen Lan Flower, Feng Ming had promised Du Feng that he will personally deliver the flower in the hands of Princess Chang Liu. However, he doesn't know whether Princess Chang Liu had received news of this, if she had, then she would be anxiously waiting as well. If Feng Ming were to reach Tong Kingdom and carelessly meet Princess Chang Liu, if the unfortunate pitiful princess asked him about the Wen Lan Flower, how is he supposed to answer her?
Closing his eyes, he knew that scene would be a disgrace. Not only that, but he would lose Du Feng's trust. Feng Ming didn't want to ruin such a romantic thing. He gave the order the second time, hoping that Luo Deng can quickly send people to locate Lady Yao Ye, the woman who carried his child off to who knows where, and send another letter requesting for the Wen Lan flower, believing that once the flower came, they would be set to continue onwards.
For this stop, Rong Hu was completely responsible for Feng Ming's safety, even the maids made no objection in staying with Feng Ming.
"It's clear that we can enter Tong Kingdom and at this time there's an order to anchor the ship. Would that old scoundrel Luo Ning decide to come and kill you?"
What they were most worried about was the old Xiao henchmen, especially Luo Ning - the most influential one among the Xiao family. Faced with a possible crisis and after thinking for a long while, Feng Ming finally thought of a solution.
"Convince Luo Yun?" Rong Hu opened his eyes wide. Displaying a serious expression, he hesitated, "If we have his help, it would be great. However, even though this person is currently protecting Duke Ming, his attitude towards Duke Ming is not very respectful. I'm just afraid it will be hard to convince him."
Feng Ming always had a good feeling about Luo Yun, he chuckled, "If we don't try, how will we know? Recently, he accompanied me with sword practice. Although he's merciless each time, but I am vaguely aware that he is pushing me to work harder. For him to painstakingly put in effort for me shows that he has a good heart."
While saying that, his female attendants standing behind him were staring wide-eyed.
Luo Yun is different compared to Rong Tian, Rong Hu, and Lie Er. His actions towards Duke Ming shows "no mercy," and each strike is heavy like wanting to take his life. Duke Ming usually has other people caring for him, which is different compared to this young simple man.
Time and time again while practicing, Luo Yun had brought out the stubbornness of Duke Ming. Every day, Duke Ming would drag his injured body to practice, while saying, "I don't want my subordinates to look down on me."
Surprisingly, Rong Hu actually agreed, "Not bad. During practice, Luo Yun is very hardworking. He is also very careful. Noticing that Duke Ming's footwork is unsteady during turning, that's why these days he purposely moves around Duke Ming during practice."
"You've also noticed it too?" Feng Ming said, "Then it's decided. Chiu Lan, bring Luo Yun here."
Before Chiu Lan could speak out, Chiu Yue already interrupted her, "I just saw him on the deck earlier, let me go find him."
Turning to walk out, Chiu Yue happened to see Luo Yun finishing his deck patrol and coming towards her direction. Chiu Yue raised her handkerchief and waved towards him. Luo Yun immediately walked over in front of her, "What is it?"
Seeing his cold face, a fire started burning inside Chiu Yue as she placed her face downward, "What do you mean what is it? Duke Ming is looking for you, where did you run off to?"
After hearing that, Luo Yun turned towards that direction and walked inside.
Chiu Yue didn't expect him to walk straight there right away, she quickly pulled him back, "Hey, I haven't finished yet."
Luo Yun stared back at her, underneath the handsome dark face was a hint of redness. His lips slightly moved as if he was angry but restrained himself. The clear distinction between the black and whites of his eyes made Chiu Yue's heart skip a beat.
That moment, Chiu Yue found that her action of pulling his sleeve was very ambiguous, she quickly pushed him aside, looking down, half shy half angry, she said, "I'm warning you, after you go inside and Duke Ming speaks with you, you have to show some respect. He is the Xiao family's Young Lord, in the future if someone... hey! I haven't finished yet!"
Looking up, she happened to see Luo Yun's image disappearing behind the curtain. Feeling angry, Chiu Yue stomped her feet and chased after him.
After entering, Luo Yun immediately asked, "Young Lord is looking for me?"
"Luo Yun, you have come?" Facing the skeptical Rong Hu, Feng Ming made a signal with his eyes, then turned and revealed a bright smile, "I would like to hear your opinion on something."
Feng Ming told Luo Yun about the two reasons for their sudden stop and then asked him, "What do you think?"
Quietly listening to Feng Ming, Luo Yun saw Feng Ming's full anticipation. His eyes shining bright, although a bit silly, but this look was extremely hard to see on other people's face.
The old master always does things arbitrarily. His type of lifestyle, no one would dare to oppose of and this was something Luo Yun yearned for since he was young. For a Young Lord to not make his own decision, Luo Yun was planning on ridiculing him, but noticing the slight redness on Feng Ming's neck due to minor injuries, he thought for a moment before swallowing back his words and lightly said, "What is Young Lord planning on doing?"
"I intend to make a temporary stop, waiting for those things to be completed before continuing."
"What?" Not only Feng Ming, but the rest didn't expect it to go smoothly. Chiu Yue looked at him pleasantly surprised. Feng Ming asked, "You also agree that we should stop?"
"Yes." Luo Yun uttered.
"Rong Hu, take a look!" Feng Ming happily turned to face Rong Hu and winked at him, "Didn't I say that Luo Yun would understand?"
Feng Ming turned back to face Luo Yun, only to unexpectedly catch a glimpse of his lonely fleeting expression. Feng Ming's smile froze, stupefied for a bit with his mouth open, he didn't know what to say.
Luo Yun is a righteous person, but maybe the next day, he might be troubled over the Xiao family's decision regarding this matter due to conflicting views such as his father – Luo Ning. In case of a quarrel, will Luo Yun continue to stand on the side of justice? This is enough to put him in a difficult position.
Feng Ming didn't know that even if he did not intend to stay, Luo Yun would still try to find a way to delay their trip in entering Tong Kingdom.
Feng Ming also didn't know about  the dangers he faced during the trip to Tong Kingdom, which Luo Yun was able to sniff out and it was much more larger than he thought.
Feng Ming also didn't know that at this moment, a familiar figure of stubbornness and weakness appeared in Luo Yun's mind...
And that he will soon meet this unforgettable figure in Tong Kingdom, covered in fog.
Although Luo Yun's attitude was rather strange, but since he nodded his head in agreement, this was a very good thing.
Feng Ming immediately ordered the ships to stop to wait for Zi Yan's news along with the Wen Lan flower.
Once the order was sent down, the fleet of ships stopped along the Aman River for full six days.
Foreshadowing that a new character will be introduced soon... someone close to Luo Yun, his identity will be revealed soon... =)

Feng Yu Jiu Tian volume 5-onwardsWhere stories live. Discover now