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Wolfy: *groans* morning guys

Woosie: hope u had a great time last night princess~ *wink at wolfy*

Dawn,corey,tommy,nick,ashlie,uni: *gag*

Tommy: can u guy's like not talk about it while we're eating breakfast

Wolfy: *mumbles* say's the one who fucked the bunny last night

Tommy: OI! I herd that u fucking fucked with ur god damn girlfriend asgll god damn night we couldn't sleep at all

Woosie: *mumbles* good ya jack ass

Ashile: how does that work a girl on girl mating season thing work how tho?

Woosie: we turn into our wolfy form's to mate and wolfy might b-

Ashlie,dawn,nick and corey: PREGNANT?!?!?

Wooosie: ya....

Ashlie&jess: IM GOING TO BE A AUNT!!!

corey: jess when did u get here?

Jess: bin here all night I just woke up to this and now  GOING TO BE AN AUNT!!! AHHHHHHHH

Wolfy: * is eating peanut butter from the jar* mmhmm *keeps eating*

Dawn: really wolfy peanut butter?

Wolfy: *mouth stuck with peanut butter* shut thu fucke uup!

Woosie: she loves peanut butter is that a problem

Dawn: no no. No problem 

Jess: well comment ask/ dare and comment a baby name's bye guuuuuyyy'sssssss!!!!

~~~~~~~word count: 203~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~end chapter~~~~~~~~~~

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