Chapter 3: Undertale

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Undyne:*Points at Narrator*Who are you?!

Mettaton: Undyne darling, it's rude to yell.

Undyne:Shut up you talking tin can!

Mettaton:*Angry* Tin can?! Well at least I have class.You're nothing but the catch of the day.

Every character in the room: OOOHHHHHH!!!! U just got BURNED!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!

Bowser: *Flames go in the air*

Undyne: *Pulls out magic spear* LET'S DANCE TRASHBAG!!


Narrator: Ok, yea; get out u 2

Both: NO!! *Fight ensues*

Narrator: *Sighs and Snaps hands, Bodyguards amerge and picks up Undyne and Mettaton, leads them out of sight*

Undyne: *Bites bodyguard,picks him up and throws him* Take that WIMP!!

Narrator: Ok, where are the good guys in here? Please raise your hand

Mettaton:*Drops bombs*

Sonic, Mario, (Toon) Link, Samus, Every Undertale character (Except sans, who is still asleep) kirby, metaknight (Sorta), all the birds raise hands

Narrator: Ok, can ya do me a favor? Take those two down, Thanks.... *sits down and begins to drink tea*

*Every Undertale Character refuses, Undyne and Mettaton calm down*

Narrator: Alright!! Now who first?? Paperus?? How about u?

Papyrus:*Stands up*First off,it's Papyrus,and second of all,Sans is my lazybones brother.

Sans:*Finally awake*Hey bro,i can't help it.i always work myself to the bone.

Papyrus:*Upset*EEEUUUGGGHHHHH!!! ENOUGH WITH THE PUNS SANS!! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE THEM!!*sigh* Why am I stuck with someone like you?Sans: *Shrugs and is grinning like he always does* cause plot demands it

Papyrus: I also made friends with the human, Frisk, and even had Undyne make friends with them. My lifelong dream was to join the Royal Guard.Now,well,I don't know. NYEH HEH HEH!!

Narrator: Ok, what about u Sans???

Sans:Ok. My name is Sans,and i've got a skele-ton of puns to tell anyday

Everyone: *Sighs LOUDLY*


Sans:i may seem like the lazy type,but if ya kill my bro and his friends, you will have a bad time *Smiles Menacingly*it's all good though,right Papyrus?

Papyrus:*Still triggered*

Narrator:Oooookay,that just happened.

Flowey:*Pops out of ground*Finally I made it! *Looks at Narrator.Grins evilly* Howdy!I'm Flowey,Flowey the Flower.

Frisk: *Worried expression*

Narrator: *Looks at Flowey* Ooooookay *Clears throat* anyway,who wants to go next?

Undyne:*Stands up* I'll go.My name is Undyne,but I'm also known as "Undyne the Undying" for a good reason.I was going to get seven human souls for our King to break the barrier and free monster-kind.The human was supposed to be caught by Papyrus,but he made friends instead.

Narrator: *falls out of chair from falling asleep*

Undyne: *Creates spear and throws it at the Narrator,purposefully missing,and waking them up* NYAHH, DID YOU FALL ASLEEP PUNK??!!

Narrator: *Stands up* Noooo, i was.......envisioning what u were saying.....u should try it some time

Undyne: Yeah,I don't believe you

Narrator: *Chuckles nervously* Uhh, is that it?? So we can move on??

Undyne: *Irritated* I guess so

Mettaton: May I go next darling?

Undyne: Yeah, whatever

Mettaton: I don't have much to say darlings,but I am a robot entertainer,and was given anti-human qualities,but that doesn't matter now.I love you all darlings.

Flowey: I guess I'll go.My name is Flowey,and I am the dead prince of the underground.I used to be called Asriel.I also say..*evil face* this world,it's Kill or be Killed!

Frisk: *Shouts something*

Flowey:Shut up Frisk,no one was talking to you!

Frisk: *Shouts again*

Narrator: *Sighs* Yea, we're done here

Every Undertale character: Hey, no fair!!!!!!

Narrator: *Rolls eyes* Alright *Looks down at paper* Looks like the metroid universe is up next...

Samus: Ok,so my name is Samus Aran,and I was raised by an alien race called the Chozo.

Narrator: *confused* Wat

Samus: *Pissed off* Yes,I'm also a freelance bounty hunter.

Meta Knight:So you were raised by the Chozo.Weird race. *Realizes Samus is glaring at him* What? They are to us Popstarians.

Samus: *Facepalms and sighs*

Narrator: *Is not amused* Is....That it?

Samus: U know I can blow ur head off right?

Narrator: *Slightly startled* Okay...

Samus: Anyways....Yea thats all i want to share, everything else is....*stops and hesitates for a moment* personal

Sans: BORING!!!

Narrator:*Slightly Bored* Okay?

Flowey: YAWN!!

Samus:*Triggered* Can we just move on plz?

Narrator: Uhhhh *looks down at paper, groans a little*

Purple Guy: HURRY UP!!

Narrator: Up next.....

*Everyone leans forward*

Narrator: *Wants to die* Memes....

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