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I sat in the lavish chair in front of my vanity. I sighed, discontent clear in my voice. I hated it here, being the Founders daughter was no easy feat. Hours of training and touching up my appearance, I swear if I see one more tube of lipstick I might have to jump into the void. And my mother, Isa, doesn't make it any easier. Every time I do something even slightly wrong, it's five lashes to the back. Not anything noticeable, no she can't have her precious reputation ruined because she's abusive toward her disappointing daughter. My twin brother James, or as only I call him Jess, never had such harsh punishment, he was always mother's favorite, star student, and now captain of the Sky City guard. She would have loved for him to take her place but her own law prohibits it. First born child is heir to the throne, which unfortunately is me. I brush out my long raven colored hair, seeing my green eyes, now dulled. I have never been pretty enough for mother, not tall enough, not stoic enough to make the 'hard' choices. Just wait till she finds out what I did this time. The horror of the thought made me tremble. I quickly change out of my royal dress into a red and white t-shirt, throwing on a pair of light blue overalls. I pack my red backpack, filling it with my personal collection of tricks. Just as I went to sneak out, my door swung open and in the door frame was my mother practically breathing fire. She looked much like me, same eyes and hair, but she had a striking and commanding presence, much different from my own. She threw the rope she was holding to my feet. I looked down at it then back at her defiantly. She snarled,
"You ungrateful little rat! I gave you life, a home, a position of power! And this is how you repay me, by trying to escape! You disappoint me yet again Jessalyn, your punishment shall be much harsher than your usual lashes." She smiled evilly, and I realized that this women, who claimed to be my family, had finally lost her mind. I backed away from her, she grabbed my neck and pushed me against the wall. I choked, trying to breathe.
"Don't worry you little brat, your death will look like an accident!" She dragged me to the window, I didn't resist, no longer caring if I lived or died. She hoisted me out the window, dangling me over the void, she grasped my neck.
"Any last words?" a sneer plastered across her lips.
"Your a bitch!" I spit out, with the last of my breath. She laughed cruelly, letting go of my neck, sending me plummeting into the void.
Free falling, I rummage through my backpack, finally grasping my desired object. I pull the blue wings out, and fasten them to me. I glide down, waiting to die. But then a faint silhouette appeared below me. I gasp, the noise stolen by the wind, land! But that couldn't be possible, I was always told there was nothing but void, another thing mother lied about. Gliding down to the surface I land in a heap, the elytra hitting me over the head.
"Oww..." I groan. I stumble to my feet, and my jaw drops in awe. Actual plants! This is amazing! I stuff the elytra back into my bag. In my dazed excitement, I forgot everything I'd ever learned, I forgot to be prim and proper, and most of all I forgot about the Founder. I spun around laughing deliriously, until my back hit a tree. The slashes on my back flared and reopened, I crumpled to the ground, tears of pain running down my face. I whimpered, a painful reminder that I was not invincible. I sighed, thankfully the wounds were already bandaged, I wouldn't have to deal with them until tomorrow. I got up carefully, not wanting to make my back sorer than it already is. The sun was sinking on the horizon and a terrible thought occurred to me, that only the Founders children would know, monsters. I had never actually seen a live one before, just in my books, though how it was told, I don't think I really want to meet one. Think Jessalyn, think! What do you have that can help you? I gingerly took the backpack off my shoulders and retook stock. Elytra, a wooden sword, a potion of every kind, three books, and a flint and steel. I gasp, the flint and steel was glowing! It had a purple aura floating around it. I st- umm... borrowed this from mother's treasury, she never told us what it did. I grabbed a book titled "Crafting and Building Almanac," and skimmed through it.
"Clock, compass, no, fishing rod, no. Flint and steel yes!" I look under the crafting recipe to the description,
"Flint and steel has 65 uses. If used on a transparent block (such as glass) or a block which is underwater, it will not start a fire but still will consume durability. Durability is also consumed if it is used on can already existing fire. It also can be used to light nether portals," I read aloud, the picture in the recipe didn't look like the one I was holding, maybe it was different every time. I looked up the Nether Portal building recipe,
"To build a Nether Portal, you need 14 obsidian and 1 flint and steel. You will use obsidian to build the frame of the nether portal. The base of the nether portal should be 4 obsidian wide, and the sides of the nether portal should be 5 obsidian high. This design will use 14 blocks of obsidian." I sigh, where in the world was I going to find some obsidian? I think back to my lessons back at the palace, obsidian forms when lava and water meet, usually found in caves. I look at the ground around me, forgetting my original task of survival, to learning as much as I could about the glowing object. As you can see, I get very distracted. I began to dig.
After a while I've dug a huge trench, I look over it until something catches my eye. A glint of green sparkle among the grey stone. I walk to it, almost in a trance, sure I've seen emerald blocks before, but this was so out of place in the barren trench. I dig around it discovering more emerald blocks until it was fully emerged. It was the exact description of a Nether Portal, except for the fact that it was emerald. I pull out the purple flint and look at it. I then look back at the portal, should I light it? Was that even a question? Of course I was going to light it! I struck the flint and steel against the emerald portal. I flew backwards, the lighter breaking in my hands after the portal was lit. I groaned, I have to remember to stop falling. The portal was eliminated with a blue glow inside of the emeralds. And without a second thought, I stepped through the portal.
When I finally was through the portal I opened my eyes, and realized I was under water! I desperately whirled around, looking for the surface. I swim up and broke the calm of the water. I gasp for air, silently thanking Jess for teaching me how to swim when mother wasn't looking. I paddle to the side and drag myself out of the water. I lay there for a second and something nudged my shoulder. My head snapped up and I stumbled away from the terrifying pink creature. The pink thing looked at me curiously, I calmed down when I saw that it was harmless. It took me a minute to recognize it.
"Your a pig! I've never met a pig before, or seen one for that matter!" I say excitedly. The pig looks at me strangely, like I had grown another head.
"Sorry, it's just where I come from we didn't have pigs. Are you a boy?" I ask, wondering what I should call the little guy. He squeals, nodding his head. I smile at him,
"Well then, I'm going to call you Reuben, I'm Jessalyn, but you can call me Jesse!"

Hey wolf pack! I'm back with the first chapter of my new story! I hope you like it! For this one I want to add more of your suggestions into it, so as always Comment and Vote. It would really make my day!
~Wolfe 🐺

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