a not-so-friendly encounter

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{Dan's POV}

"Babe! Who is it?" I shout from the bathroom, not wanting to walk out there unless I have to. "Phil?!" I ask, getting up and walking towards the door. From around the corner I see Travis standing at the door, fuming. Please don't make him mad Phil..

"You should go." He says plainly, and Travis presses his lips together, looking him up and down.

"You shouldn't be fucking my boyfriend."

"At least he wanted me to." He retorts, both of them sending death glares to the other. I always wondered what it'd feel like to have two guys fighting over me. It was supposed to be heroic and cute. This is the very opposite and no where near romantic. I'm terrified.

"He wanted me to." He says, louder as he looks straight at me. I back up, shrinking behind the corner. "Right Dan?" He shouts my way and I squeeze my eyes shut, my heart rate rising.

"N-Not necessarily, Trav." I squeak out, loud enough for him to hear across the room. "Not when you wanna every.. day.."

"You're my boyfriend, I have the right." He says, as if he's entitled to do whatever he pleases just because we're dating, if you'd even call it that.

"Actually you don't. Just because you put the 'boyfriend' label on it, doesn't change that he's human." Phil mutters angrily, and I stand in the far end of the room, leaned against the wall. I'm not getting involved unless I have to.

"What would you know about him?" Travis scoffs and I nearly laugh. Like that's even an appropriate question. He knows more about me than you ever will asshole. 

"Are you kidding? I've known him for nearly eight years. We live together. I know nearly everything about him. You, just happened to show up a few months ago. So if anyone doesn't know him, its you."

"And look who's dating him."

"Doesn't mean he wants to be." Phil snaps, practically reading my mind.

"You're just wishing he wants you more than me." 

This guy must be delusional. or a psychopath. yeah, definitely one of those. 

"Cause its the truth! How do you think that what you're doing is okay!?"

"I'm having sex with my boyfriend."

"Raping." He corrects and I bite my tongue to stop myself from crying. Well, this is when I should leave the room. I really, should, but I cant bring myself to walk out. "Plus, look at him. You hit him! How are you gonna justify that?"

"He was cheating on me." Not a valid reason to hit someone asshole!.. Okay maybe it is, but not this bad. 

"I think you're in the wrong here."

"I think Dan can speak for himself." They both turn to me and I look back wide eyed and anxious. "Right, Bear?"

"Don't fucking call me that." I snap, trudging over and standing by Phil. "You want the truth Travis?"

"Gladly. I know you won't be against me, right angel?"

"I beg to fucking differ. I think what you've been doing is sick. It's not okay. You're a manipulative asshole. If you think just because we're dating that you can do and say whatever you want, you're definitely wrong." I pause, blinking back tears. "I'm not in love with you. Not even close. We aren't working."

"Are you.. Are you trying to break up with me?" He asks, almost looking a little hurt.

"I'm not trying to, I am."

"No, you aren't. You.. Need me." He says, grabbing for my hand.

"No, I don't. I'm sorry." I pull away, rubbing my wrist from where he tightly grabbed it.

"I think you're going to change your mind.. But.. I guess I'm not wanted here." He looks down, rocking back and forth on his heels. "Dan?" He mutters, looking up. I look up to acknowledge him and he cups my cheek, kissing me.

"Bye Travis." I mutter, pulling away and rushing away from the two, back to the middle of the hallway.



"I blame this on you."

"This was all you. I just showed him what love really is."

"He'll learn soon how much better I am. Either way, I had him screaming."

"Leave." He orders strictly. "You are sick."

"Wanna talk about sick Lester!?" I hear Travis shout angrily. "It's sick that you'd fuck my boyfriend."

"It's sick that you'd rape my best friend, asshole." He shouts in reply and I turn my head around the corner. If they fight, Phil's gonna end up dead. No offense to him, but Travis is.. a lot stronger, and psychotic.

"It's not rape if he liked it." My jaw drops as Phil punches him right in the face. Holy shit, I wasn't expecting him to throw the first punch. I wince as Phil is pushed up against the wall and hit a few times. 

Shit. shit. shit.Do I go and try to break it up? Do I call the police? How come no one ever told me what to do in these situations!?

I decide to rush over there when its clear Phil's getting his ass beat. "Quit it!" I shout, pulling Travis back. "Jesus!"

"Don't fucking try me, Howell." He sneers, glaring my way.

"You need to leave. Or I'm calling the police." I say plainly, and he huffs, wiping his forehead.

"Fuck you." He says, leaning in towards me. I jump back, shaking my head. "You'll regret this, Howell."

"I'm sorry Trav." I say, honestly feeling bad about all this.

"Whatever. You can come pick up your stuff whenever." He mumbles, opening the front door.

He leaves, closing the front door and I rush to where Phil is sitting. "You fucking idiot. What were you thinking?" I ask, cupping his cheek. Yeah, I'm mad, but I'm also worried for him.

"I don't know, what he was saying really pissed me off."

"I noticed." I chuckle, kissing his cheek. "Let's get you cleaned up." I mumble, standing up and helping him to his feet.

"Somehow I feel like this isn't gonna be the last time we talk to him."

"Hey, but I'm single now.."

"You are?" He asks questioningly. 'No shit, Sherlock.' 

"Mhm.." I mutter, just waiting for him to ask me out. 'Take the fucking hint you idiot!! '

"Well that's good."

 'You really disappoint me, Lester.'

"Yeah.. It is."


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