(5) A Lot of Sun

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"Close your eyes, Mr. Orsky." I remained wide-eyed because as soon as I close my eyes, I see the question. The question that either sends me to jail or allows me into this hellish organization. After seeing how vexed the council was getting, I let my eyes close.

Question 7: Who is the man known as "The Eye's Dominance Proven"?

My Answer: My grandfather, Daniel Orsky

The page disappeared from my eyelids for the second time. I stared at Mr. Trembath and waited for him to speak.

"Mr. Orsky, I'm afraid that you are going to be spending a lot more time here after today. Congratulations, you pass with 85%." My father's prideful smirk returned to his face. All the members of the council came down and shook my hand. Mr. Trembath was at the end of the line, and after shaking my hand, he said,

"Mr. Orsky, welcome to The Eye. Since you have been such a great son of your father, and had some of the most impressive answers I've seen, we also welcome you to The Eye of the council. If you're wondering why your father did certain things in your childhood, here's your answer. Your father, if you remember, always was able to have your schooling involve no English course past Grade 6 and since there are no History courses due to laws passed by your's truly, you studied Physics 11 in Grade 7. By now, you are between your grade 11 and 12 years, and next year, you'll be taking 5th Year University Physics. The reason is that your position here at The Eye, involves you studying Compound 36, and finding a way to harness it so that we can travel between dimensions, and use it to strengthen our military. You are our Head of Compound 36 Research. Also, I expect you to make yourself known to the different factions of our company tomorrow. But for today, I have presented you and your father with a gift." We shook hands and parted ways.


My father's key slide into the lock and he unlocked our front door. We walked into the kitchen, and he placed a brown paper bag on the table. After I'd hung up my suit jacket, and taken off my dress shoes, he urged me to sit at the table with him.

"So, let's play a game that we sometimes play at The Eye. We ask each other questions, and every time you answer a question, you take a shot of vodka, which just so happens to be what The Eye gave us to celebrate your passing." He stood up and disappeared out of the room. After a couple minutes, he came back with two small glasses. He placed both in front of him, and pour the clear liquid from the bottle, into them. My father then handed me one and said,

"First question; are you excited to work at the Eye?" After asking the question, he quickly sat down and awaited my answer.

"I'm the Head of Compound 36 Research. I'm also in the Head Council of The Eye." He nodded, and his proud smirk appeared again. Seeing that I hadn't drunk from my miniature glass, he motioned for me to pour it into my mouth. So I did, and to be honest, it was nowhere near what we drank the night before.

"What does the scolt drug do?" I half-expected him to slap me across the face and get angry. Instead, he shrugged and gulped down his glass. After finishing, he refilled both of our glasses.

"So, son, now that you work at The Eye, there are tons of young woman that you can get for free and easy. Think you might get one?" So, The Eye has a thing against illegal drugs, but doesn't care about human trafficking. I work for them now, fuck...

"No, I'm not looking for a girl." I poured my drink into my mouth. It still tasted weird, but it was better this time around.

"How did you meet mom?" I asked my curiosity, not filtering what came out of my mouth. He wiped his face, and buried, letting a laugh roar lose.

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