(16) Eulogies

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The dreary courtyard was lit by broken lanterns. Men carried Christina, Ed, and Jadon, their feet dragging across the cobblestone. It was like watching the parade of when The Eye dragged the coffins of all the fallen Movement members. One of those members being my grandfather.

Daniel Orsky and Joseph Orsky.

The only two people who had had ever actually done anything good. Speaking of Daniels, as they clasped the three bodies into their stocks, I saw Daniel Rembrandt. I figured out his last name and I saw him standing near my father. I walked over to Mr. Trembath and whispered in his ear,

"That man over- "He interrupted before I could finish.

"I can't hear you, sorry. Just say it out loud." So, I belted out the words, so all could hear, to send a clear message to the convicts.

"That man over there, "I said pointing to Daniel, "is a spy for them." Daniel gasped and glared at me, turning to Trembath and yelling,

"Joseph is also a spy for them, way more than I am," Mr. Trembath chuckled, walking up to him, smugly. When he arrived, he stated to Daniel's revolting face,

"Yes, he was. The difference is, is that Joseph has a blanket immunity deal and you are worthless shit." His eyes went wide, and I noticed my father's familiar hand holding a needle, with purple liquid, which had been placed every so carelessly into Daniel's neck. Another needle was in Carter Scolt's hands, a silver liquid in it. He opened Daniel's mouth and poured it in. I won't go too much into detail but when they opened his body up later, the coroner said his guts looked like a smoothie.

"You fucking traitor!" Jadon's voice screamed at me, Christina's ugly sobs sat in the background.

"Shut up." My father stomped over to him and hit him with his open hand. Jadon's head drooped and then raised, his eyes vicious. Then my father did something I will never forget. The one second between when my brother looked at him and what happened felt like an eternity. My father's hand whipped around his side, needle in hand and it stuck straight into the sclera of Jadon's eye.

Open eye.

Trembath put his arm in front of my father's chest and pulled him back.

"Save it for the eulogies." I heard him mutter. After they fell back into the crowd, Carter Scolt stood forward, a piece of paper, full of writing, in his hand.

"Christina, when you came into my life, you were such a little shit. Then when you were eight, you helped me with my experiments. It was like I finally had a daughter worth being proud of. Then this stupid fuck, Ed, stole you from me and I had to test my drugs on others. It was never like when I tested them on you. The look in your eyes, the terror on your face. It's everything a father could ask for. So, now that your getting executed, I can finally fulfill Mark Twain's words 'The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.' Your death means I have lived fully. So, thank you for being useful, for once." He stepped back into the crowd and Mr. Shard stepped forward.

"Ed, I remember the day we cut off your middle finger and you deserved it. Ever since that day, I haven't seen a single middle finger flipped at me. You were creative and intuitive and could have been a great addition to The Eye but you're still a disappointment. The biggest disappointment of them all. You could have been something and instead, you're a waste of space! I named you after a famous singer in the 21st century and you haven't accomplished jack shit! You couldn't even get the girl," He indicated to Christina, "When I see that sword slice off your head, all I will feel is pride, not for you, but for Joseph. He's a better son than you ever fucking were." He stepped forward up to Ed and kneed him in the face.

"Die soon." And then Mr. Shard walked back, tapping my father on the shoulder and my father stepped forward. He pulled out three pieces of paper and put them in front of Jadon, on the ground below his head.

"You can read that while your two friends are being killed. For now, I'll say what's not on there. Jadon, your mother always thought that you were amazing and kind-hearted. She was right and now her kind heart has disappeared six feet under ground." Wait a second; did he kill my mother? I mean, she probably deserved it, but...

I realized my father was still speaking and tuned back into the eulogy.

"...could it not have been you and not Joseph? I wish it could have been. You could have been something, but just like Christina and Ed, you chose to fight me. Your grandfather would be proud of you and that's what is the most disgusting thing of all. You are a disgrace to me, to The Eye, to the world." He stepped away and I saw an actual tear fall down his cheek. He wiped it away and I took a step forward.

"Jadon, you're a disgrace to me." The words flew out of my mouth.

"And you're a disgrace to your grandfather." Fuck. No, please, no.

"Please don't do this." My internal voice spoke to whatever IT is.

"Too late, Joseph. You have not followed the story. You messed up and you don't even realize that if you don't get back on track, you'll die. I will murder you and claw your eyes out if you don't fix this. And this vision should show you exactly what you need to see." My eyes closed, but I stood upright. As my mind started spiraling into the vision, through the swirling clouds around me, creating a tornado. I saw it.

I saw my grandfather's tomb.

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