The Story Of Sango And His Wives

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SANGO; the god of thunder is believe to be great deity as he was a great man while he was alive. He was a strong ruler and a notable magician. Sango was the third king of the Oyo Kingdom.

Sango, in his lifetime, had three wives: Oba the first wife and in the traditional sense the legitimate, Oshun (a river goddess), the second and Oya, the third, a concubine (as no marriage right or dowry was paid on her) was a spirit who has the power to transform from human to animal. Oya also has the power to summon.

Together with Sango’s thunderbolt, they had terrific victories in battle. The resulting jealousy by Oba and Oshun makes Oya to be more close to Sango- becoming his princess consort (Ayo) and having access to Sango’s thunderbolt.

Oba was Sango’s first and legitimate wife, Oshun; his second wife, and Oya; his third wife, whom he made his queen.

Oshun played a trick on Oba, out of jealousy. She deceived Oba that if she can cut a piece of her ear and offer it to Sango as part of his.meal, he would love her the more. Oba, excited by this information, ran home to prepare Shango’s “amala”, his favorite meal.

She sliced off her ear and stirred it into Sango’s food. While Sango was eating, he saw the ear in the food and was infuriated thinking that Oba was trying to poison him. Sango drove her from his house and Oba ran out crying. She fell to the ground and turned into a river which is still being worshipped till date.

She became the goddess of matrimony (as “Orisha”) and
it is believed that she destroys marriages in which one abuses the other partner.

Sango found out about Oshun's deceit and rained thunder out of anger. Oshun ran away and also fell into a river, becoming the river goddess of fertility till date. In Osun state (where I come from), once a year, people and pray to her for fertility.

Oya, on her part, went back to the forest in Nupeland.and became
the undergoddess of Odo- Oya(now known as river Niger).


MORAL: Don't put your ear in someone's food, especially a god of thunder. 😉😂😆


Sango is like the Nigerian version of Thor. What do you think?

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Keep on being amazing my gods and goddesses.

- Timi

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