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"John!" Alexander practically shouted. His boyfriend looked up from the book that he had been blankly staring at.

"Alexander?" John looked at him, he seemed like he was having trouble keeping those beautiful hazel eyes open.

"John, I've been talking to you for five minutes." Alexander sighed and walked over to where John was sitting at the desk. He crouched in front of him and took his boyfriend's hands.

"Oh sorry, I must've spaced out." John gave him an apologetic smile.

"Laurens, what is it that you are always telling me to do?"

"Argue less?"

"The other thing."


"Bingo." Alex stood up and pulled John up with him.

"What are you saying?" John regarded him suspiciously.

"I'm saying that you stayed up studying too late last night and I think it's time for a nap."

"My Biology paper isn't...going to finish itself." John attempted to protest, but yawning halfway through his sentence ruined the effect.

"You aren't getting anything done. You've been trying to read that page for a half an hour." Alexander pulled John's hand and received no resistance. Alexander may be able to function on 3 hours of sleep, but John usually required a full 8 if not more. John allowed himself to be pulled over to the bed. Alexander pushed him gently down and covered him up. "Sleep babe" Alex kissed John on the head. He turned away but found a hand on his wrist.

"Stay" John mumbled sleepily, tugging on his arm. Alexander had planned on finishing researching for a project that night, but looking down at his adorable boyfriend, he simply couldn't say no.

"Move over," Alex said, scootching into the bed next to John. John immediately threw his arm across Alexander's stomach and snuggled close to his side. "This reminds me of the night I finally told you that I liked you. I had been wanting to do it for a while, but always chickened out. But between the darkness and my lack of sleep, I was finally able to tell you. I am so glad I did." Alexander looked down and saw that John was already asleep. Smiling to himself, Alex tightened his arm around John and kissed the top of his head. "Sleep well, my love."

Sleep, AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now