Chapter 1

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Jess's POV

"We're here!!!" My mum shouted excitedly as we pulled into our new house. It wasn't small, but it wasn't big either, but perfect for 2 people. We got out the car and started to unpack all our bags, moving them into the house. "Go and pick your room, but second on the right is mine!" My Mum said as she brought the last box inside the house. "OK" I replied, walking up the stairs looking for a good room. I looked in 2, including my Mums, before deciding on the first one on the left. After I brought all my boxes up stairs and into my new room, I started unpacking my bags, starting with hanging up most stuff in my small walk in wardrobe.

By the time I had finished, it was 9pm. According to my Mum, I was starting school again tomorrow and unluckily for me, it was half way through the semester, making it harder for me to start in the same topic as the other students. So I got changed and went to bed, not wanting to be ratty tomorrow...and slowly, I felt my eyes slowly drifting away, and before I knew it, darkness took over.

"Wake up Jess, wake up!!! Wake up NOW!!!!!!" My mum shouted shaking me harshly "Okay, okay, I'm awake." I replied calmly, not wanting to start an argument with my mum this early in the morning. "Get ready for school, I want you downstairs in an hour!"

"Okay whatever." I replied,

I jumped in the shower and washed my hair using my orange shampoo and conditioner and my body using ocean fresh body wash. I also shaved my legs before getting out the shower and picking on an outfit to wear, I decided on a tank top with the american flag taking up all the space and black skinny jeans. I decided on curling my hair so I got out the curling irons and blow dried my hair while waiting for them to heat up. After curling my hair I grabbed my white converse and phone before running downstairs.

When I got downstairs my mum was ready and waiting. "Come on lets go." I said while grabbing my bag and walking out the door. I then got in the car with my mum before driving off.


After a long 10 minutes we finally reached school, my new hell hole. You could see the massive group of vampires on one side of the car park split into the nerds, popular and the ones that are in the middle and blend in. On the other side of the car park however you could see the tiny group of humans, hopefully my new friends, this time though, the nerds, pretty ones and the normal ones were all mixed together. I got out of the car after exchanges good byes and good lucks with my mum, I headed over too my kind, I could feel all eyes on me. I turned around and saw this really attractive guy making out with this bleach blonde girl, I could only feel jealousy however. So I turned around and carried on walking.

"Hey your Jessica right??" I heard a voice mention,

"Ummm, I prefer Jess but yea" I replied not really paying attention all I could think about was this mystery guy.

"Well I'm Katherine, you can call me Kat, this is Jake, Alice, Liv, Matt, Caitlin also known as Cait, Jack and that's Will over there coming towards us now." She said pointing to each of them.

"BTW, if I were you I would avoid those two over there making out, Chase and Nicole, I saw the way you looked at Chase, just don't get involved. You'll end up getting hurt, now come on we gotta get your timetable!!" Cait said.

"Okay let's go then" I replied walking off with all of them. Maybe it won't be so bad after all.

As soon as me and Cait stepped into the office, I felt like running away, it was so cold and had an eerie feeling around the room.

"Earth to Jess!" Cait said while clicking her fingers in front of me.

"Huh" I replied, totally out of focus.

"Go get your timetable."

"Oh yeah, okay." I replied walking up to the lady at the front desk, taking as much time as possible.

"Ummmm...hi, I'm new here..." I siad to the lady

"Name please?" she asked

"Jessica Hughes."

"Right, okay here's your timetable Jessica, have a good day." she said while dismissing me.

By the time I reached Cait I looked up and realized that she was sitting down on one of the plastic chairs used for the students to wait. Cait got up and started walking signalling me to walk with her.

"Hey, I've got Chemistry with Mr.Tray first what have you got?" Cait asked

"Biology with Mr.Jenkins..."

"Shit.....he hates humans and when I say hate I mean hate hate, he almost killed a boy named Trevor earlier this year, Trevor left though, don't really blame him."

"Why does he hate them so much?" I asked curiosity of my first teacher taking over me

"No one knows, not even Prince Chase, and he knows everything that anyone else knows. And while we are on the subject of Prince Chase, you've always got to put Prince in front of Chase, unless he tells you to call him Chase, but he probably won't even talk to you, he'll be to occupied with Nicole."

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind."

Then Cait walked off leaving me outside the door with Mr.Jenkins carved into the front...

My hands were shaking as I opened the door. Being late didn't really help with my situation right now. As I walked in I felt all eyes on me as I looked around the classroom franticly for one of the people I met this morning. But I couldn't see any familiar faces until I saw Chase sitting in the corner of the room with Nicole.

As I walked up to Mr.Jenkins I was debating on my mind whether I should run out of the classroom and back home or whether I should pretend that I wasn't scared of him. If I knew my Mum didn't mind I would run but she would mind so I decided to stick with my second choice. I didn't want to get on my Mums bad side the first day of moving in.

"Who do you think you are? Walking into MY classroom late!!!"

"Sorry Sir I was getting my timetable from the office."

" That is not am excuse, you will have an hour detention with me tonight with..." Mr Jenkins was cut off by an attractive voice.
"I don't really think that is necessary, do you Mr Jenkins. Its her first day, coming to a school full of vampires is very difficult I'm guessing." I turned round and saw Chase standing next to Mr Jenkins. I nodded my head to answer his suspicions.

"Of course but not a good way to start Miss Hughes. Now go take a seat, before I change my mind." Mr Jenkins said while dismissing me.

"Where should I sit Sir"

"You can sit near me and Nicole." Chase said while we walked to the back of the classroom. I looked around and realised everyone was watching us with a shocked and confused expression across their faces. When I looked down to the floor I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me closer to their side, and when I looked up, I realised it was Chase.

"Hey, Ollie, can Jess sit next to you." Chase asked a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. That's when I saw them change to red then golden and back to blue.

"Yea sure mate. May I just ask why?"

"I'll tell you later, don't try anything or let anyone else though otherwise I will personally rip your head off." Chase said growling the last part.

As I took a seat next to Ollie I felt all eyes on me. I looked over at Chase as he was giving everyone death glares. That's when everyone turned back around and Mr Jenkins started the lesson back up.

Now I was clearly confused...

hey guys what do you think of my first chapter. Please comment your favourite part of the chapter.
Thank you

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