Chapter 3

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Jess's POV

The hour of school I missed was actually alright. Me and Chase spent the time talking and getting to know each other in an empty classroom. What I didn't know was that his and Nicole's relationship was organised by his parents, they have always thought that she was his mate. And obviously they were over the moon and Chase didn't have the heart to tell them otherwise.

When the bell rang I jumped up and looked at Chase. "I'm gonna go, I don't want to be late for this lesson..." I said to Chase
"Oh yeah that's fine, where are you next." He asked
Looking at my timetable and back up to face Chase I replied "History- in room H7."
"Well I'm there as well, so just stay with me, come on."

The hallways were like bomb had just exploded, everyone was rushing around, trying very hard not to be late. Laughing to myself, Chase turned his head and looked at me with a confused expression plastered on his face.
"What?" I asked Chase
"Nothing" he simply replied.

After a minute or so, we arrived at H7.
"Ladies first..." Chase said to me gesturing to the door using his hands.
Laughing at him I was about to step through when I suddenly went flying into a nearby locker. To be honest it wasn't nearby, it was about 15 foot away from where I had just been standing. "You bitch!!!" I heard someone scream. My head had been smashed and started bleeding when I was picked up by someone and held up by my neck against the locker that I had just dented, my feet dangling off the floor. That's when I started gasping for air trying to scratch the persons hands from my neck. It was not helping at all, and I could feel my self start to lose consciousness. I could feel my cold blood run down the back of my neck.

All of a sudden the person who was in the middle of suffocating me went flying like I just had a minute ago. Now that I could start to see better I saw that it was Nicole that had just a few seconds ago, slowly killing me. Closing my eyes I collapsed to the floor.

"Oh my god... Jess can you hear me..." Someone asked, then I realised it was Chase.
"Just let me kill her, Chase. She's a weak pathetic human." I heard Nicole say. I heard Chase growl in response to that comment and feeling Chases hand wrap around mine, I gave his a gentle squeeze "Jess, can you open your eyes for me." I could no longer feel his hand and so I attempted to open my eyes, I eventually was able to pry them open. The first thing was seeing Chase with his hand round Nicole's neck and similar position like I was just in. "Chase" I whispered, as much as I wanted her gone right now, I needed some sort of help. Not thinking he would be able to hear it I was about to open my mouth again when Chase turned around and rushed over to me. "Right, come on," Chase said picking me up bridal style and zooming off supernatural speed. That's when I blanked out...

The Vampire Princes MateKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat