What to do?

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----------Rosas Perspective----------

  ---------- TUESDAY ----------  

Asia isn't in bio. I asked Adam if he had seen Asia and he smirked. "Why would I help a lesbian do anything"

I stepped back. "A-Adam, what do you mean? I'm not lesbian!" I laughed.

"I know what you are" He snarled, quieter.

"I'm Christian, I know that God created men and women to be married," I said, proudly. 

"Okay then, who're you going to prom with, hmm?" He puffed out his chest a little, to assert dominance.

"I-I haven't been asked yet," I say back. That's not a complete lie, I was asked by a boy called Trove, but I haven't said yes or no back. Asia and I were gonna watch rom-coms instead. 

"Trove asked you. He told the entire team, he's waiting for a response." Adam smiled cockily.

"He did? Oh! I best get back to him on that!" I smiled back. Adam walked away as I pulled out my phone

'Asia HELP! -R'

'What?!- A'


'What about rom-coms? -A'

'I'm convincing Adam that I ain't lesbian! -R'

She didn't respond. I looked around for Adam, maybe he was texting her. I ring his number

"Go away, Rosa" He mumbled into the phone

"Have you seen Asia?" I asked back, ignoring his request to go away.

"No, I--" He was cut off by someone screaming


"Adam was that Asia?!" I screamed

He ended the call. What?! He was here not even two minutes ago! I call Asia, and her voicemail was changed

"Sorry, Asia has been caught cheating and cannot come to the phone right now." there was a scream of help in the background "Don't leave a message, she won't be alive to hear it" then it cuts out. 

Now I'm really worried. What does Adam mean 'She won't be alive?' Adam couldn't even watch us disect a heart in science, now he's holding someone captive!? Not even someone, my GIRLFRIEND?!

Next period is study, so I text my tutor that I'll be late. She calls me.

"What the hel- heck, sorry, do you mean you'll be late! I know for a goddam-gosh damn--shit uhh I mean ship, fact that you have so much homework right now. Exams are coming up and you're like 3 whole lessons behind everyone else! If you don't get your ass-- ahem, butt to the library right now I will kill a man-- I mean you'll fail your test!" Kiesha whisper yells.

"Uhh, you could just give Petra extra tutoring?" I ask hopefully

"For what? She's ahead in all her classes, and she doesn't need extra tutoring! She's just revising at this point." She says aggressively

"Please let me skip this study period?" I ask, changing the subject from how much smarter Petra is

"You said you were gonna be late. Now you wanna miss study all together?! You won't pass your classes girl." She seems worried now "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine I just gotta" I look around for an excuse "D-do something for mother. Urgently." I try and hold back tears as I realise my girlfriend could be dead for all I know and I haven't done anything

"Okay. But if you don't think you'll make it to your next class, I'll say you got extended study. I hope whatever you're doing is legal-"

I end the call and begin running.

Adam has a place he goes to after he has a breakdown. He gets really mad, then he runs away and calms down, and has a panic attack sometimes. I hear my feet pound against the ground as I run across the field into the bushes.

"Adam?" I yell into the darkness. The bushes were very dense.

"mmph!" Someone mumbles, sounding like they've been tied up.

A loud swoosh and thwack rings through my ears. Adam walks out with a bat.

"She ain't dead. Yet. First I gotta deal with you. It won't take long, all I need to do is tell your parents your dirty secret and you are no longer our problem." He snarled at me

"W-whos problem?" I stutter. God, why do I stutter when I'm nervous.

"My fiance, silly." He grins, showing me Asia, bleeding. He grabs her petite hand and shows the ring. "Beautiful, ain't it?" He says proudly, as he put her hand back where it was.

"You c-can't get engaged without her permission!" I yell, trying to seem powerful.

Adam says nothing as he pulls out his phone and shows me a video,

It starts with Adam removing a cloth from Asia's mouth

"If you don't agree to marry me, I'll kill Rosa." He snarled loudly, from behind the camera.

"You wouldn't!" Asia confidently yells. Adam slaps her, the video makes an awful crunching noise. She screams

"I'll say it one last time" He yells, a bat coming into the shot. "Marry me or I'll kill her."

Asia sobs at the sight of the bat "F-fine don't hurt her-"

A nearby rustle is heard

"ADAM?" I hear my voice as she is gagged once more with a cloth. She yells for help. The bat hits her, and she is out cold. The video ends.

"You promised her you wouldn't hurt me!" I yell, putting my hands up to protect myself.

"No. I promised not to kill you. Hurting you is another story, however." He pulled my hands away. My phone starts ringing.

"Let me answer, please. It might be important," I look innocently at him.

"Fine." He grunts

"Where are you? I said you had extended study, but I said that 10 minutes ago! Extended study only goes for 5 minutes!" Kiesha yells. I glance at Adam. He mouths 'Tell her and' before running his finger along his neck, to imply death. "M-mum said she emailed the school" I stuttered. "Honey? Are you okay?" Kiesha asked. Adam grabbed my arm aggressively and mouthed 'end it, now' 

"Yeah--- bye!" I gasped and ended the call. 

Adam grunted. "Tell Asia she needs to love me and be straight like she was." 

"I have been!" I yelled, wiping a tear from my eye with my good hand. 

"Obviously not well enough." He snarled again and pushed me next to Asia, as she was coming to.

"W-what?" She mumbled as she saw she was tied up, she looked at me and smiled "Hey, honey" She giggled.

"Asia. I need you to listen and be serious. You cannot date me, or love me. You need to be with Adam. And before you protest, just remember how happy you were with Adam." I say, grabbing her arm lightly

"No. I never knew true happiness until we kissed by the docks after I saved your life." She smiled at me.

"Asia, he will kill us both." I whisper into her ear. She gasps

"Adam! I love you, and I never should've ever loved Rosa ever. I am sorry." Asia yelled, as Adam walked over.

"Now, kiss her and tell me how it feels." Adam stares at us, expecting a passionate fury. But we dont. She kisses me awkwardly on the lips.

"Good." He smiles, untying Asia and picking up the bat.

"Im sorry Asia, but this needed to be done." Adam smiled at me as he swung the bat in the air, aimed at the center of my head.

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