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Me: So berrybey asked "since Ben and Ken are dating when they started going out and how asked how"

Ken: Ben...

Ben: poptart...

Me: I'll explain Ben and Ken have been dating for about 9 months and we dared Ben to ask Ken out btw we all knew he liked Ken well mines Ken so when he asked Ken he said yes now Ken didnt know that it was a dare thus Ben and Ken started dating.

Ben and Ken: *having a make out session during the hole thing*

Me: ψ(`∇´)ψψ(`∇´)ψψ(`∇´)ψψ
( ^ω^)( ^ω^)( ^ω^)( ^ω^)
( ^ω^)( ^ω^)( ^ω^)( ^ω^)

Me: Bye

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