What does Ben think

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Me: We have a new member joining us.

Ben: Who?

Me: Ashy-warrior know as Ash

Ash: Hey!!!

Ben: Poptart you may be my sister but im going to kill you.....

Me: Go ahead and ask away

Ash: Ok Ben what do you think of me?

Ben: *runs away*

Ken: :-)

Me: Don't touch Ken you don't want to get on his bad side!!!

Ash: ok.....?

~After catching Ken and tieing him to a chair~

Ben: Fine I think you're ugly,retarded,mentally ill,and a stealer

Ash: You can stay like that and one other thing 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

Ken: *Snuggling Ben* I still wuv you

Ben: *unties himself and cuddles Ken too* I wuv you too

Me and Ash: *died of fangirlisum* Bye!!!

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