Broke and Rejected by my Mate

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His smile faded when he saw the scars on my arms and legs. I had no clue what he was thinking about at this point. "Battle wounds" I answered his questioning look. He nodded his head in understanding, as did every doctor that examined me. I was the last of my kind. That made me some sort of alien I guess, but I wasn't. I was just like any other girl in the united states... just a little different. You couldn't really tell I was different just by looking at me. 

I was adopted into a family who had no clue of what I truely was. I sometimes wondered, if they knew what I truely was.. would they still want me. I really doubt they would cause I'm like an alien to these people. I miss my home planet. I wish I could go back and cuddle with Tyler. He was my mate in my other planet. 

You see.. In my planet every zeon born was mated off to another civilian in the planet. So as soon as a Zeon is born they are signed off to a mate before they are even able to comprehend what that means. A mate isn't always male.. In the Zeon planet there is no such thing as male or female.. they just don't exist. Of course out of the mates there is only one person who can have children. On earth I would be called the female because I can have children. Anyways.. back to mates.. Tyler was assigned to be my mate.. Mates are known for truelove, soulmate, fate, ect.. The cool thing about mates is they Know your every thoughts, they can locate you fast, and they can sense you, your pretty much one with you.

However my species got destroyed when earth exploded it with their toxic bombs thinking they were testing the sun. I lost Tyler and all my family and friends in their toxic experiment. Now I was lost in a world that had destroyed my world, my life, my love..

"Laycien" I looked up at my foster sister Hayley, She was motioning for me to move it faster so that we wouldn't be late for school. I grabbed my text books and headed out the front door.  It was in the middle of the school year so this wasn't anything new to me. The day went by way too slow and I wasn't focused at all. I would lose my concentration and just let my gaze fall tracing the outline of the trees outside. 

"Class we have a new student" the teacher announce. Something alerted my sences and I looked up and there in front of the class stood a tall male boy with dark brown hair and hazel green eyes. 

"Tyler" I mumbled under my breath. Just the sound of his name on my lips sent chills down my spine. He looked up at me and had this really mean expression that scared me. It felt as though he hated me. How could he hate me? Something wasn't right. He was my mate. he was supposed to love me.. he did love me.. maybe he didn't remember me.. 

I sat there contemplating the whole scenerio, I hadn't realized I had carved Tyler's name into the desk in which I was sitting at. I hoped the teachers didn't see it, I would surely get in trouble then. 

Lunch was even slower. Hayley kept pointing out hot guys at another table which was the jock table. I couldn't stop thinking about Tyler though. He sat at a table all by himself. I finally got enough courage and walked over at sat at his table. 

"What do you think your doing?" He snarled at me. His tone of voice made my heart stop and tears fall from my eyes. I threw my plate in the garbage and ran out of the lunch room with tears streaming down my face. Once I was sure no one was looking, I teleported high in a forest in a tree. It was my only secret place which was like a comfort zone to me. 

I heard heavy breathing which scared me half to death and caused me to fall out of the tree. Strong arms caught my fall and gently put me down. It was Tyler. I wasn't sure how he had gotten here to find me at all. "I'm your mate" He said.

So he had remembered... then why had he treated me like that earlier? 

"Laycien! Stop being such a baby. . Were on planet earth now not planet Zeon. we don't have to go by there rules anymore.. don't you see? we can be with whoever we want to be with.." He sounded happy about this. I wasn't happy at all. I finally thought I had gotten Tyler back but I was wrong. I wasn't sure who this person standing in front of me was, but I wanted the old Tyler back. 

"Fine go away!" I screamed. When I turned around he was gone. I teleported back home and cried myself to sleep. I didn't know that Tyler had felt trapped with me in planet Zeon. He always acted like he was happy but I guess I was wrong. I was always the happiest when I was with Tyler but I guess he wasn't. . 

Broke and Rejected by my MateWhere stories live. Discover now