::Chapter one::

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I watched tyler from a distance at school. I kept my guard up and never talked to anyone. I wanted so badly to walk over there and demand to know how he could all of a sudden stop loving me. How can you be with some one for 6 years and still shed no feeling of love or care for that person. I just didn't understand his decison. Maybe it was just me, maybe it had all been in my head. maybe he had never loved me to begin with and i just thought he had. It's been a month since our last encounter and i felt dead, like a walking Zombie. I wanted to be with him more than anything but it was never going to happen. With every passin day i felt the blood, surrounding my heart dry up until it was nothing but a frozen heart. 

"Lacien" Haley whispered my name loudly trying to get my attention. We were in math class, the only class I had with Tyler and i couldn't focus on anything but him and watch as he flirted with just about every girl in class. It all felt wrong. I felt like i was having an out of body experience and watching it all from a distance.

"Lacien!" Haley yelled this time. I glanced back at her and she was about to say something when, Mrs. parker, our math teacher cleared her throught

"Mizz Walker, iz there zomthing zu would like za class zu know?" She asked. I smiled, for some reason i found everything Mrs parker said to be halarious. perhaps it was the way she said it.

"n-no" Haley stuttered. Obviously frightened by mrs. parker. 

"Actually there is something i would like to say mizz parker" i said with a laugh. I looked back at Haley as her eyes got real wide from fear, i was unsure why she was so timidated by one lousy teacher. 

"What is it Lacien" mrs. parker asked, not really interested in what i had to say though. 

"I was just wondering, wheres a girl gotta go around here to get a good sex partner?" I watched as Mrs parkers face turned redder than the inside of a tomato

"just to my room sexy" one of the guys in the back said. I glanced up at Tyler to see what he was thinking, but i came up blank. He must be shutting me out. He looked angry and i wasn't sure why that was.

"principles office now!" mrs parker yelled. 

"don't get your panies in a wad! no need to tell me twice." i got up grabbing my things and walking out of the classroom. I heard foot steps behind me so i quickly Reached for the knice that i kept hidden in my boot. and placed it to the intruders neck. 

"You want to kill me now?" Tyler asked. I took a step back, putting my knife back in my boot. 

"of course not" i said with a sigh. 

'what were you doing back there, Lacien? if your trying to get some kind of reaction out of me, it's not going to work."  he said with a smirk. 

My heart felt like it had been torn out of my chest. How could he feel this way. I just didn't understand it at all. 

Instead of saying anything to him i just walked away. I heard him chuckle and just clenched my fists. 

The sad part is when i seen him for the first time last month, i had been so happy for that brief moment, thinking at least now i wouldn't feel so alone. I was wrong. I felt even more alone than i had felt when i had thought he was dead, at least then i had thought he had such great love for me and had died trying to protect me. now i was unsure of everything. Was there such a thing as love anyways? 


Tylers pov

I watched her walk away from me. As much as it was killing me not being with her i couldn' t let her know how i truely felt about her. I was doing it to protect her, not to hurt her, but i knew that hurting her was inevitble.  

A blonde girl with green eyes came up to me as the bell wrung. "hey i'm haley!" she said with enthusiasm. 

"okay bye" i said rudely and walked away. I didn't need these childish humans distracting me from my mission. 

I had one mission and that was to protect Lacien. i knew i wasn't the only one who had survived that explosion other than Lacien.. And I knew Damon had is sights set on Lacien, he wanted her for himself, and not in the way you might think. He wanted to torture her, make her feel the pain he had felt during the explosion. He couldn't understand how she had gotten away unscathed. 

I searched the school up and down making sure Damon was no where to be found. I couldn't find him anywhere but i could smell his scent so i knew he would be here any day now. 

The day had went by extreamly slow and i couldn't help but feel regret as i let my mind drift off to thoughts about Lacien. On our Old planet.. the last time i had seen her was in our palace. She had been pacing back and fourth on the battlefield searching through all the dead bodies hoping none would be me. I watched her from a distance wanting so badly to run out and tell her i was okay. But something kept me from doing so. 

"i'm so sorry" Damon had whispered in her ear, pretending to comfort her. I wanted to jump out of the damned bushes and slew Damon for going anywhere near my mate, but i would have blown my cover. 

"Tyler?" I looked up to see Lacien staring at me. She glanced down at my lips and i could tell she wanted to kiss me so badly that she almost did so i took a step back and spoke up. 

"What do you want now?" i asked her. my heart hurt as i seen her flinch at my words.

"n-n-nevermind" she stuttered. I mentally wanted to Take a warm gun and just shove it in my mouth. I hated hurting her this way but i did it for her and maybe one day she would understand that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2012 ⏰

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