Chapter 2: I like Chicken Hut

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As I stepped out of the bus I looked around, school looked the same. I leaned against a tree and inhaled. It felt good to be back.

“Zeke!” I heard Randy's voice yell. I knew eavesdropping was wrong but I had to.

“Yeah?” Zeke replied.

“Good,” Randy smiled.

“Huh?” Zeke looked confused.

“Attendance you nitwit,” ZJ approached the PASS with his arm around Jamie.


I looked around the tree, there they were, the members in all of their glory. Each wearing red, Randy sported more of a manly pink, if such a thing existed. If it didn't, he was the new inventor.

“Front and center bro!” PJ fist bumped Randy.

“Nitwit? What is this eighteen one hundred?” Zeke laughed.

“That's not a year!” Randy said as kindly as possible, “Jamie!”

“Hey Randy,” Jamie snuggled in closer to ZJ.

“Really? Our summer in Samoa just wasn't enough for you two?” Randy laughed.

“Hey, you and Zeke met some nice, and I mean nice, girls there,” ZJ pointed out.

“That was summer love, doesn't count.” Randy looked over at Zeke.

“I think Zeke injured that one,” Jamie giggled.

“Yeah, Zeke, you cannot be on top! Look at you! You're a freak of nature!” Randy put his arm around his friend.

“No comment..” Zeke frowned.

“Hey, at least you got it in bro,” ZJ tried to cheer him up.

“I did,” Zeke smiled.

“Wanna eat at Chicken Hut for lunch? I'm afraid eating here will kill me,” Randy asked.

“No argument, at least Chicken Hut has real salads,” ZJ rolled his eyes.

“I like Chicken Hut,” Zeke drooled.

“We know Zeke,” ZJ patted Zeke on the back.

I sighed, I wish I had friends like that. Friends who would take me out for lunch, bring me to an island for the entire summer, joke about my sex life, help me get a sex life, or even drool over Chicken Hut! But no, my friends are...well, my friends are my pencil and calculator.

“Hey Crowbar,” Randy laughed as him and the rest of the PASS walked by me.

Since my last name was Crow, and I was super scrawny, Crowbar was what the PASS called me, I think it was because they could never remember my actual name.

“Hi Forlienebar,” I laughed, and then stopped realizing how lame it sounded.

The entire group stopped and looked at me, shook their heads, and continued walking.

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