Chapter 8: Quit forgetting who you really are

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 “ZJ, what are you doing out here?” Liliana asked.

“That creature brought it up,” ZJ fell against the wall.

“Oh boy,” Liliana put her arm on his shoulder.

“The thing was he mouthed it, Randy and Zeke didn't hear,” ZJ ran his fingers through his hair.

“ZJ, you can't do this to yourself again.”

“What else can I do?”

Suddenly Liliana placed her hand on ZJ's chin and pushed it up.

“Quit forgetting who you really are,” and just like that she kissed him.

Oh my damn! Without thinking I just kind of ran back into the room, hyperventilating.

“What's wrong?” Zeke ran over and grabbed me.

“ZJ..hallway..not gay...” as I said it I realized what I said made no sense.

“You thought ZJ was gay and he just epically proved you wrong in the hallway?” Zeke asked.

“Sorta?” I didn't really know how to explain it.

“What happened?” Randy grabbed my shoulders and shook me slightly.

“What happened with what?” ZJ appeared. These guys had a serious problem with just showing up.

“Myles here was saying something happened in the hallway with you, but he didn't say what,” Zeke walked over and stood next to ZJ.

“So, what happened?” Randy went and stood in front of the two, their normal stance.

“Yeah, what happened? I don't even remember seeing you out there,” ZJ chuckled, but then realized what I saw, and stopped, “oh now I remember!”

“Somebody tell me!” Randy ordered.

“Nadia was in the hallway, and she hugged me, very sexually,” ZJ smiled as he improvised, “she said that she always imagined us being together if I never turned out to be gay, but I told her I was happy with Jamie and totally straight.” He put extra emphasis on the straightness.

“Oh, and that freaked you out?” Zeke gave me a look that identified me as a total wuss.

“Nadia has that effect on guys, just one glance and you're in a trance,” ZJ shrugged.

“Why is Nadia here?” Randy turned his attention from me to ZJ, “can I see you in the hall bro?”

“Sure,” ZJ and Randy walked out.

I sat down. When I chose to do this, I didn't even consider that there were secrets, lies, and betrayal. Looking up at Zeke, he seemed so normal. Zeke wasn't involved in any of the things I've caught glimpses of. Zeke was just big and strong. The only hidden thing about him was his IQ. ZJ, he always says how much he loves Jamie, and yet he's kissing all of these other girls. Randy seems to be the leader, but how much control did he have? Especially over ZJ. Randy, for all I know, is in on all of ZJ's secrets, hence the hallway meeting. Oh what I would give to hear what they're saying, but Zeke is here. Aside from that, I haven't been very successful at spying or sneaking around.

“Yo brother what it do?” I, for some reason unknown to even God, exclaimed to Zeke.

“Hell to the no,” Zeke shook his head and turned from me.

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