Max x Preston

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Not long after David had adopted Max, he began attending school. Max had never took an interest in school before since he found it useless. I mean- he was going to die anyway so what was the point in getting an education that literally everyone else was getting? It didn't help that he found his class mates insufferable. This time, in a new school; it was different. Why? Probably because his classmates were now most the campers from Camp Campbell. You would think that would only make school more insufferable. But no, for one reason and one reason only- Max tolerated school because of Preston. He never admitted it but he knew. He loved his plays; the musicals the best. Max was sat watching one of those musicals right now, Heathers. Despite it being a Saturday, he didn't hate being at school if it was for Preston. He couldn't help but stare at Preston and his Veronica Sawyer costume. He's still not sure how Preston got permission to perform Heathers but he didn't care, Preston's version was amazing.

Max was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw the curtains close and everyone began clapping. Max begins clapping too and notices Preston's head peeking out from the side of the stage. Preston sees Max staring and waves. Max waves back, hesitantly. He knew he was so incredibly screwed for falling in love with the stage dork but he knew he couldn't help it.
Soon people around Max stand up and begin to exist, out of instinct, Max does the same. Subconsciously, he heads to backstage to greet Preston.
"Hey!" Preston's loud voice from behind, startles him causing him to jump. "How was the play?" Preston asks, bouncing up and down, barely able to contain his energy.
"It was alright. I liked your character- Uh Veronica?" Max replies, trying not to show too much interest.
"Yeah! Veronica! She's so badass!" Preston's eyes light up and Max's chest twinges.
"You were badass." Max rolls his eyes and tries to sound mean but he ends up just complimenting him.
"Thanks!" Preston smiles brightly.
"So uh- yeah-" Max fidgets, unable to think of anything to talk about.
"Do you want to hang out?" Preston suddenly suggests.
"Huh? Oh sure- when?" The small Indian boy asks.
"Now. I was thinking we could go to your house and watch the Heathers movie. I have it on a usb."
"Oh yeah sure! Did you want to get changed first?" Max says, failing to hide his excitement.
"I have clothes in my bag, ill get changed at your place." The taller, theatre obsessed boy replies, grabbing a shoulder bag from the ground.
"Okay." Max nods, places his hands in his sweatshirts pockets and walks Preston to Davids car where he had been waiting with Gwen.
"Hello Preston!" David greets.
"Hey David." Preston replies sweetly.
"Preston's coming over." Max says in a neutral tone, heat rushing to his cheeks. Its really happening.
"O-okay!." David replies excitedly and quickly turns to Gwen who's in the drivers seat. "Gwen! He's finally having a friend over! Gwen!" Max hears David whisper to Gwen.
"I know, David." He hears Gwen reply while he climbs into the back seat after Preston.
"I see David's still a loser." Preston chuckles and rolls his eyes while he and Max put their seat belts on.
"You don't have to live with him." The rest of the ride to David's house was quiet except for radio. When they get there David stays out of Max's way, knowing if he went into Dad mode, Max would yell at him and he probably would never have his friends over again. Max quickly shows Preston to the bathroom for him to change and waits for him in the living room. Preston returns after almost 10 minutes, Max wonders what took him so long but doesn't say anything. "Usb? I'll get David to put it on." Max says, reaching out his hand.
"No worries, i got it. I have to teach my granny how to turn on the tv every other day and I've gotten used to doing the sound in my plays. I know a bit about tech stuff." Preston explains, a little too proud of himself and Max nods.
In no time Preston has the movie up and running and Max enjoys it, sitting a little too close to Preston than he'd prefer. He was used to sitting a metre away from anyone he liked. Not this close. But after a while he got used to ignoring the butterflies in his stomach and his eye lids became heavier and heavier the more he tried to fight it. He could tell Preston was getting tired too, his head dropping slowly then him bolting upright every now and again. Since he was much shorter, Max's head leant onto Preston's shoulder, him falling asleep almost instantly on impact. Preston felt a rush of joy, only for a moment, before he too fell asleep, his head leaning on Max's.
David watched in awe from the kitchen, not knowing Max would let such a think happen. He rushed to get a blanket to place over the two boys, which after doing so he stood back and stared at them for a moment, thinking about close his adoptive son has let the theatre kid get to him, emotionally and physically. David gave a sad smile, hoping he too could have that impact on Max one day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2017 ⏰

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