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High school felt like an eternity ago. It was as if high school was a small part of my life that wasn't important anymore which it was. I said to my friends  (the few I had) that we would keep in touch it's only been two months and they hardly ever call or message and if they do it's to tell me exciting news like "I have a boyfriend","I'm taking a gap year" or even the occasional "I got her pregnant" like I always say if you're going to be silly wrap your willy. Though thinking about it it probably wasn't that much help to Aaron and his new baby mumma but that wasn't my problem. At least not anymore.

I took a deep breath as I heard girls screaming and hugging each other way to enthusiastically I rolled my eyes even though I secretly wanted to act like that you know, have high school friends that end up taking the big step with you to college but I moved... Two hours away from my hometowns university. I needed to get away like they say the heart grows fonder whenever your apart.

Though I wasn't talking about a boyfriend but a family that included my mother, my father and my two annoying younger brothers, don't get me wrong I love them to bits but I needed to get away and two hours away seemed pretty good to me.


"This is my new life I guess" I whispered as I stepped into the actually clean halls of my new home.

A Sorority.

The room I was allocated in room '17' seemed to have already had an occupant who I was assuming was my roommate for the next year of my life until I could hopefully get a student apartment as I got my acceptance much later since I was 'out of area' and by the time I applied for a student apartment I was told I would have a roommate anyways so that's why I'm here.

"Hey" the girl yelled over her loud music, her back faced me I assumed she heard me walk in.

"Hi" I yelled back as  she turned around I took in her appearance;she was quite a tall girl taller than me but that wasn't hard people classified me as being the height of a thirteen year old, her hair was coloured a beautiful ombre brown which complimented her gorgeous olive skin and beautiful hazel eyes, you could say I was jealous.

She was the complete opposite of me as I was the height of a 'thirteen year old' with long wavy brown hair and skin as pale as a ghost my eyes were brown but not the beautiful hazel brown, no they were so dark that people would say they couldn't see my pupils.

"My names Tamara by the way" she said as she changed her vinyl on her record player to Mac Demarco.

"Kayleigh" I replied back as I looked around the room but then focused back on what she was doing.

"I love your music" I yelled  as 'Let my baby stay' began to play.

"Thankyou" she yelled back swaying to the music as she slowly turned the music down probably realising it was loud. " I have a feeling we're going to get along great Kayleigh" she said laughing.

It normally takes me at least a month to warm up to people but Tamara seemed nice and well I needed to make friends quickly here.

"I think so too" I said smiling.


The welcoming ceremony into the Sorority was the most mind numbing excruciating thing I've ever had to sit through and I sat through Graduation where they called 785 names.

Tamara and I were now back in our dorm room we were inseparable through that whole hour and a half mind torture session. We continued talking but mostly mocking the welcoming ceremony and the people which probably wasn't the greatest idea since we had to live in the same building as these people for at least a year or so but we continued to do it anyways.

"Hi guys my names Macy and I love everyone especially Justin Bieber" Tamara mimicked In a high pitched voice, we both broke out into laughter that could probably be heard from down the hallway.

Our laughter was soon interrupted by the sound of a cars engine increasing as it screeched down the road we both ran to the window to see a black topless mustang driving down the road.

As four boys in the car screamed at the top of their lungs numerous profanities Me and Tamara laughed at how foolish they looked as one of them at the back of the car who was dangerously sitting on the boot of the car using the actual seat as the floor, turned around to look at our window a smirk placed on his face as his piercing blue eyes met mine and his dirty blonde hair as cliche as it sounds 'blew in the wind' as it was fairly long. I felt my cheeks turn a primrose red as the boy smiled and turned back around as all of the boys in the car yelled in what felt like unison.

"Party tomorrow night at the boys frat 10pm".

Tamara ran to quickly write down the information she just heard on a sticky note as I continued to look out the window to see the car about to turn the corner as the boy with the beautiful blue eyes looked back at our window and waved.

I didn't wave back. He wasn't waving at me anyways he was probably waving at another girl in the Sorority.

I sighed closing the window as I looked at Tamara who was holding the sticky note that said 'Frat House Party (hot boys), Tomorrow night 10pm ;)', I rolled my eyes "Are we actually going to that?".

"Why wouldn't we anyways that dude in the back totally had his eyes on you". She stated winking.

I scoffed "No he didn't he was just being friendly".

"Yeah friendly" she laughed "anyways" she said placing her hand on my shoulder " it's only Friday night the party is tomorrow and  we don't start classes until Monday what else will we do?" She asked.

"I guess your right" I said giving her a half smile.

"Yay" she screamed as she engulfed me in a hug as we both jumped up and down well it was more like her jumping up and down and me being forced to do the same but I guess I just made my first friend and was invited to my first college party.

College Life seems to be better than i thought.

I hope you guys like the first chapter of College Rules I'm very very excited for this story. Don't forget to comment and vote on this part x

College Rules| Luke HemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora