Chapter 4

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It's Mark that wakes everyone up at 7 am, opening the bus door and announcing that they have arrived at the next venue and that sound checks will be after lunch, so in about 6 hours. It's only been a short, four-hour bus ride from Kansas City to St. Louis, which you only slept about two of, but you feel energized and happy.

Most of the people on the bus choose to go back to bed and sleep a few more hours, but Josh has other plans. He hums as he hugs your waist before sitting up. "Good morning." His colored hair is sticking up in all different directions, and he runs his hands back and forth through it, causing it to fluff out even more. You already miss his warmth. "Did you sleep well?"

"I caught a couple of hours. You are very warm and cozy," you say as you sit up and stretch, pulling your feet under your legs, crisscrossed. He smiles and leans to the side, putting his arm around your waist, laying his forehead on your shoulder and closing his eyes.

"Well, as much as I would love to stay here and cuddle some more, I have some things I'd like to show you if that's alright." He lifts his head and places a small kiss to your shoulder. It sends a rush of static through your body and you shiver.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Well, yesterday you didn't get to see set up, only the completed stage and sound checks. I thought that since you're here early this time, you'd like to go watch set up."

"Oh my god, yes! That would be so cool! I've always wanted to see a stage set up." You're excited and his eyes light up at seeing you so happy.

"Awesome, it's a date." His eyes go wide and he looks panicked once he realizes what he said. "Umm, I mean..."

"No, it's ok. It's a date," you say, winking at him. What starts as a shy smile fades into a full, million-watt smile.

"Awesome. But first," he walks over to the kitchen area where his french press sits, "coffee. I need it." He makes two cups and hands you one. "Here you go. Fresh dirt water."

"Dirt water?"

"Yeah, Tyler always calls it dirt water. Which, he's not really wrong. It kinda, is what it is," he says, shrugging.

"Gotcha. And yeah, the french press is probably the second coolest invention the french have come up with, next to the kiss," you say teasingly.

"Yeah, that's probably one of the coolest ones that I... I haven't tried yet, but, um, if it's anything as cool as this, I'm probably gonna like it." He looks at you with a pouty lip. "One of these days I will, I will try... that." He leans over his cup and inhales deeply, then takes a small sip, tilting his head, lifting his eyebrows in approval. "Probably not as good as a french kiss, but it's pretty good," he says, grinning.

"Oh, stop," you say, playfully shoving at his chest.

He laughs and grabs his gray beanie, throwing it over his colored hair before you exit the bus, heading toward the venue.


Making sure you have your badge pass out and around your neck, you and Josh make your way into the arena of the venue. Immediately you hear the sound of people banging on metal and indistinct shouting. There's lots of back-up beeping and several small forklifts zooming around. There's a semi truck backed up to where they have the skeleton of the stage floor already assembled, and have moved on to laying down the floor panels.

Taking you by the hand, he leads you up to some of the closer seats so you can watch. You take your seat just in time to watch them hook up chain hoists to a line array system and begin to lift and secure it to the overhead beams. "It's pretty cool, isn't it?" he says, reaching over to take your hand again, but keeping his eyes on the crew. He rubs his thumb back and forth across your knuckles. The low buzzing has become soothing.

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