The Beginning

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This darkness suits me but the lack of entertainment doesn't, I think to myself as I walk the dark precipice that is my mothers dwelling, the only sound is the distant screaming of mortal souls being tormented. A sound that has always calmed my nerves but once again, reminded me of the daily boredom.

   "But today is the day I change that", I say walking along the blood river that flows the length of mothers demon holdings. I long to taste it's richness but I have to get to those stairs before my mother returns.

   "And there they are" I say out loud to no one, a grin stretching on my face as I admire the staircase that seems to just have sprouted out of the ground and grew in a twisted knot and at the end sprouted a door, a door that leads to adventure and promise.

   Giddy I bound up the stairs two at a time, but when I get to the door I hesitate, The mortal plain is somewhere I've only been a couple times with my mother, but it's an adventure I chastise myself, as I reach for the knob a rumbling starts, another damn earthquake or mothers really pissed.

   I grunt as I almost tumble down the stairs but grab the railing and hold on tightly my nails digging along the metal making a ear screeching noise. Which I actually like.

   "Fuck" I yell as my hat goes tumbling down the stairs "what the hell" I say and let go and try to nimbly go down the stairs but end up mostly falling.

   When I get to the bottom I grab my hat before it rolls into the blood river. Though I realize the uselessness of that motion when I begin tumbling towards the river, thankfully though the shaking stops and all goes quiet.

  Standing up slowly I look around seeing if there was any damage, thankfully the stairs where still standing.

   "Well I guess all is good I say brushing dirt off my hair and horns before putting on my hat.

   "Look up" a woman's voice behind me says.

    Looking up I see the sky, it's like the top of the hells had cracked open.

    "Those idiotic beasts bothered the earth to much, she finally had enough and decided to hand her world over to us" says the woman, aka my mother.

     I turn to look at her and give her a skeptic look "you had nothing to do with this?" I ask smiling.

     She glares at me than gives me a sharp toothed devilish grin, "maybe but she is pissed, which is why until the year 1994 the scar shall remain invisible to mortals, they won't even notice the tectonic shift until than, so I guess she's not to mad but their headed that way, she's setting up their demise, well I am atleast but through her anger is how I pushed for the scar to be opened by the higher demons.

    "So my son which way do you want to start your adventure? Through the scar or through the door to Kane Hill?"

   I look at her innocently like I have no idea of what she speaks.

   "Alright play your games, but I know what your up to".

   "Where does the scar open up"?

   "The Arizona desert"

    "What the hell", no pun attended, or maybe there was.


   "Sorry, yes the scar I'll go that way" I say.

   "Take care my son" she says and kisses my forehead.

    And the next thing I know I'm up on the surface world looking around, the hot air rushing up around me, for a second, a longer second than I would've liked, I think about running back home calling my mother to get me out of this wasteland, but I shake it off, this world was going to be mine so why fear it.

   Just as I thought that a suitcase and a badge popped up out of nowhere, grabbing them before any mortal could say a floating suitcase, looking at the badge I grinned.

  "Head of Hospital, Julian Slink"

  "Oh mother you shouldn't have" I say and look around again and see a Chinese restaurant, a young woman sweeping the front steps, a cat sitting and watching, I smile at her and tip my hat.

   Walking till I'm out of sight of  her and anyone else I open a blood gate and step through it, glad there was no mortals around to see.

   I smile as I walk into Kane Hill, a psychiatric hospital built right on top of a gateway to my mothers hellish realm.

   The clerk at the front dest recognizes me immediately, he has worked for my mother for ages.

"hello Gary" I say grinning.

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