Chapter 3: Belinda

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I looked in the full-length mirror in my small bathroom and imagined Damien's hands rounding my small waist and cresting over my hipbone moving down between my thighs. I caught my breath at this thought and quickly brought my focus up to my small, but firm breasts that I cupped with my hands.

I moved closer to the mirror and began to stare at my face. Although it was silly, I thought if I stared at my face long enough I could see the faces of my real parents in my own reflection. But I never could. I wanted to remember them, but I couldn't recall much before I had met Michael.

They probably had had blue eyes, and one of them had most likely had blonde hair. My eyes were a deep blue, and I was so fair that my eyebrows and eyelashes were almost transparent. I ran my hand through my short blonde hair. Short hair suited my face best even though sometimes I wished I had long hair...again.

I decided to dress in my favourite blue jeans that sat comfortably on my small hips and a long cotton white shirt that hugged my slim waist. I grabbed my flip-flops, ran a comb through my hair and smudged some lip-gloss on my lips.

"Belly," I heard Rhea call from downstairs. "Are you ready?

I ran quickly to the top of the stairs where I could see Rhea pivoting on the last step, her pink and orange backpack with dangling plush animals in tow. She was staying overnight with Esther while her parents attended my graduation ceremony. There were only three tickets and the third was reserved for Michael who was coming from out of town to celebrate this occasion with us.

I grabbed my purse, ran down the stairs calling out "good-bye", and then Rhea and I jumped into my Volkswagen.

We pulled out of the driveway while Rhea cast a glance at Evan's house. I could see her thoughts, which were focused on Evan's upper torso, the fabric of his sweater and then I saw his mouth and her fingers running along the chapped portions of his lower lip. And then a flurry of color and her voice, "Can you come get me early tomorrow after my sleepover at Esther's?"

"How early?" I asked.

"By ten o'clock, although I know you'll be out late tonight with Damien and your friends."

"I'll come by then. Must be important to you or you wouldn't ask," I said turning onto Grove Street.

"I can't wait until I can drive," she sighed.

"It will come soon enough."

"Belly, do you think...well do you think Evan likes me?"

Rhea seldom spoke to anyone about anything as intimate and confusing as her feelings, but Rhea and I had a cool relationship where neither one of us had an agenda with the other.

"I think he does," I said.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"He always looks over at our house when he is outside in his driveway or mowing the lawn, and when you appear on the scene, something happens to him. He is happier and lighter and of course, there is the way he stares at you," I said.

Rhea glanced down at the iPod she held in her hand. Her face was a bright pink and she appeared embarrassed, but content at least for now. She turned on her iPod and began to listen to a sweet song I could hear in my mind. There was a lute and a harp and a woman's voice singing about dreams and giving her heart to someone. I smiled to myself as I turned onto Esther's street.  

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